- Summary
- "Drawing on the unique historical sites, archives, expertise, and unquestioned authority of the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam, the New York Times bestselling authors Sid Jacobson and Ernie Colon have created the first authorized graphic biography of Anne Frank. Their account is complete, covering the lives of Anne's parents, Edith and Otto; Anne's first years in Frankfurt; the rise of Nazism; the Franks' immigration to Amsterdam; war and occupation; Anne's years in the Secret Annex; betrayal and arrest; her deportation and tragic death in Bergen-Belson; the survival of Anne's father; and his recovery and publication of her astounding diary. Carefully researched for historical authenticity, the book includes numerous panels featuring images that have been painstakingly adapted from rare photographs of Anne and her family. A remarkable collaboration of talent, Anne Frank: The Anne Frank House Authorized Graphic Biography not only reflects the dedication of its authors but marks another milestone in the evolution of graphic nonfiction"--Cover, p. 2.
- Format
- Book
- Author/Creator
- Jacobson, Sidney.
- Published
- New York : Hill and Wang, 2010
- Locale
- Netherlands
Amsterdam (Netherlands)
- Edition
- First edition
- Other Authors/Editors
- Colón, Ernie.
Anne Frank House.
- Notes
"A novel graphic from Hill and Wang."
Includes bibliographical references.