- Summary
- Videotape testimony of David B., who was born in Floss, Germany in 1910. He relates being orphaned at a young age; his first five years in a happy household of relatives; attending a school for the deaf in Munich (he was not born deaf) from ages five to thirteen; schools in Jena for two years; his older siblings' emigration to Israel and the United States in 1935; training as a porcelain decorator; work as a designer in Floss; loss of his job due to Nazi restrictions; returning to Munich in 1938; Crystal Night; and internment in Dachau. Mr. B. describes camp life; release four weeks later; work in Munich; a cable from his brother in the United States instructing him to go to Shanghai; leaving six weeks later; arrival on May 9, 1940; conditions of ghettoization, hunger, epidemics, and bombings; working as a lithographic artist; marriage to a Chinese woman; and emigration to the United States in 1949. Mr. B. discusses his extensive art work based on the Holocaust (many have been donated to YIVO and Leo Baeck); his sense that his art tells his story much better than words; and reluctance to tell his children of his experiences.
- Author/Creator
- B., David, 1910-
- Published
- New York, N.Y. : Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies at Yale, 1986
- Interview Date
- April 14, 1986.
- Locale
- China
Hongkou Qu (Shanghai, China)
Floss (Germany)
Jena (Germany)
Munich (Germany)
Shanghai (China)
- Cite As
- David B. Holocaust Testimony (HVT-699). Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies, Yale University Library.
- Other Authors/Editors
- Ransom, Margaret, interpreter.
Dwork, Bonnie, interviewer.
- Notes
This interview is partially conducted in American sign language and interpreted into spoken English.