- Summary
- Videotape testimony of Zyna K., the youngest of seven children. She recalls the emigrations of three siblings; her mother's death in 1939, before the war; Soviet occupation; German invasion in 1941; a futile attempt to flee to the Soviet Union; ghettoization; mass killings and burials; and liquidation of the ghetto. Mrs. K. recounts transport to Rīga; working in an ammunition factory; transfer after six months by ship with her sister to Stutthof; learning of her father's death; forced labor in Toruń; a death march in 1944; and liberation. She tells of being cared for by a Jewish family in Lublin; meeting her future husband; contact with siblings in South Africa, Israel, and Rīga; and emigration to Israel in 1957 and Canada in 1961.
- Author/Creator
- K., Zyna, 1922-
- Published
- Peabody, Mass. : North Shore Jewish Federation Holocaust Center, 1987
- Interview Date
- July 28, 1987.
- Locale
- Lublin (Poland)
- Cite As
- Zyna K. Holocaust Testimony (HVT-1017). Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies, Yale University Library.
- Other Authors/Editors
- Levin, Helene, interviewer.
Adelman, Richard C.,
- Notes
Associated material: Joseph K. Holocaust testimony [husband] (HVT-1019), Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies, Yale University Library.