- Summary
- Videotape testimony of Josif P., who was born in Derventa, Yugoslavia in 1924. He recalls cordial relations between the Serbs and Jews; his father's observant Judaism and acts of charity; inclusion of Derventa in Croatia (a German ally) in 1941; anti-Jewish restrictions and terrorism by the Ustaša; deportation with his family to Zagreb; returning to Derventa; his mother's bribe resulting in his release from a month's imprisonment; escaping to Banja Luka; traveling to Italian-occupied Split using false papers and bribery; resistance activities; joining partisans in the Mosor Mountains after Italy capitulated in September 1943; and escaping with the partisans from Zrnovnica. Mr. P. describes numerous partisan battles; liberating Belgrade in October 1944; serving with his battalion at Srem from November 1944 through March 1945; and his military career through his retirement in 1975. He reflects upon his loss of religious beliefs after learning his parents and sisters were killed in camps, and notes twenty-one of 125 family members survived. He names many with whom he served in the partisans, who perished and who assisted him during the war.
- Author/Creator
- P., Josif, 1924-
- Published
- Belgrade, Serbia : Jewish Community in Belgrade, 1991
- Interview Date
- April 16, 1991.
- Locale
- Yugoslavia
Derventa (Bosnia and Herzegovina : Opština)
Zagreb (Croatia)
Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Split (Croatia)
Belgrade (Serbia)
Srem (Serbia and Croatia)
Mosor Mountains (Croatia)
Zrnovnica (Croatia)
- Cite As
- Josif P. Holocaust Testimony (HVT-2189). Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies, Yale University Library.
- Other Authors/Editors
- Almuli, Jaša, interviewer.
- Notes
This testimony is in Serbo-Croatian.