- Summary
- Videotape testimony of Susanne J., who was born in Rajka, Hungary in 1927, one of three children. She recalls an affluent childhood; cordial relations with non-Jews; attending Catholic school, then gymnasium, in Győr; being summoned home in spring 1944; forced removal with her family to Moson, then Győr; their deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau; separation from her parents (she never saw them again); her sister's assignment elsewhere; transfer to Lippstadt six weeks later; slave labor in a factory; evacuation; being surrounded by United States troops in Kaunitz; living in German homes there; learning her brother and sister were in her hometown (they emigrated to the United States in 1956); marriage in 1949; emigration to the United States; the birth of four sons; and her husband's death at age thirty-nine. Mrs. J. discusses becoming hopeful in camp upon hearing of German military defeats; the increased significance of observing Jewish holidays in camp; and difficulty discussing her experiences.
- Author/Creator
- J., Susanne, 1927-
- Published
- San Antonio, Tex. : Children of the Holocaust-Second Generation of San Antonio, 1987
- Interview Date
- June 7, 1987.
- Locale
- Hungary
Rajka (Hungary)
Győr (Hungary)
Moson (Hungary)
Kaunitz (Germany)
- Cite As
- Susanne J. Holocaust Testimony (HVT-923). Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies, Yale University Library.
- Other Authors/Editors
- Rozmaryn, Faye, interviewer.
Alonzo, Terri, interviewer.