- Summary
- Videotape testimony of Robert W., who was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1924. He recalls his parents' divorce; his mother's poverty; antisemitic incidents in school; obtaining a scholarship for high school; increased official and public antisemitism beginning in 1939; German occupation in March 1944; Allied bombing; conscription for labor in Vác; observing boxcars transporting Jews; munitions work in Magyaróvár; volunteering for farm work; bribing a sergeant for a transfer to Budapest; obtaining Portuguese passports for himself, his mother, and grandmother; living in housing protected by the Portuguese government; arrest; transfer to Fertőrakos; a futile escape attempt; forced labor digging trenches; escaping with another prisoner (Ivan R.); their arrest; beating from a German officer in Balf; incarceration in Hidegség; transfer to a Gestapo prison in Sopron; receiving extra food from friendly guards; their escape with help from Ivan R.'s friend; purchasing false papers; traveling to Komárom and Tokod; their conscription into the Hungarian army; desertion in Süttő; a futile attempt to cross the Danube to Soviet lines at Ebszőnybánya; arrest and imprisonment in Dorog; joining the Hungarian Nazis; desertion; liberation by Soviet troops; returning to Budapest; reunion with his mother and family; and emigration to Austria in 1956.
- Author/Creator
- W., Robert, 1924-
- Published
- New York, N.Y. : A Living Memorial to the Holocaust-Museum of Jewish Heritage, 1993
- Interview Date
- April 28, 1993.
- Locale
- Hungary
Budapest (Hungary)
Vác (Hungary)
Magyaróvár (Hungary)
Fertőrákos (Hungary)
Balf (Hungary)
Hidegség (Hungary)
Ebszőnybánya (Hungary)
Sopron (Hungary)
Komárom (Hungary)
Tokod (Hungary)
Süttő (Hungary)
Dorog (Komárom Megye, Hungary)
- Cite As
- Robert W. Holocaust Testimony (HVT-2580). Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies, Yale University Library.
- Other Authors/Editors
- Blinderman, Joni-Sue, interviewer.