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Alexander R. Holocaust testimony (HVT-2117) interviewed by Gillian Green Douek,

Oral History | Digitized | Fortunoff Collection ID: HVT-2117

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    Videotape testimony of Alexander R., who was born in Łódź, Poland in 1926. He recalls attending an orthodox school; pervasive antisemitism; his family's relative affluence; German invasion; briefly moving to Opatów; a mass shooting which included his father; ghettoization; small favors from Ḥayim Rumkowski due to his father's killing; slave labor in a clothing factory; his mother and brother being taken in the round-up of the children; joining them with his sister; their escape; hiding during subsequent round-ups; his mother and brother being listed for deportation; using their influence with Rumkowski to get their mother out; his brother's release later; continuing to hide during round-ups; being caught; train transport to Auschwitz; separation from his brother; clandestinely joining his brother's group; their transfer to a nearby farm; a death march, then train transfer to Buchenwald, Weimar, then Theresienstadt; liberation by Soviet troops; finding food in Litoměřice; being sent to Windermere via Prague; transfer to an orthodox hostel in London after three months; his brother's emigration to Israel; learning cutting, designing, and tailoring; visiting relatives in Canada; marriage in 1953; and raising three children. Mr. R. discusses his vain attempts to find his mother and sister; and Rumkowski's actions. He shows photographs.
    R., Alexander, 1926-
    London, England : British Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies, 1992
    Interview Date
    November 19, 1992.
    Łódź (Poland)
    Opatów (Województwo Świętokrzyskie, Poland)
    Litoměřice (Czech Republic)
    Prague (Czech Republic)
    Windermere (England)
    London (England)
    Cite As
    Alexander R. Holocaust Testimony (HVT-2117). Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies, Yale University Library.
    Other Authors/Editors
    Douek, Gillian Green, interviewer.

    Physical Details

    2 copies: 3/4 in. dub; and 1/2 in. VHS with time coding.
    Physical Description
    1 videorecording (2 hr., 51 min.) : col

    Keywords & Subjects

    Subjects (Local Yale)
    Child survivors.
    Antisemitism Prewar.
    Mass killings.
    Mutual aid.
    Postwar experiences.

    Administrative Notes

    Link to Yale University Library Catalog:
    Record last modified:
    2018-06-04 13:28:00
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