- Summary
- Videotape testimony of Alexander R., who was born in Łódź, Poland in 1926. He recalls attending an orthodox school; pervasive antisemitism; his family's relative affluence; German invasion; briefly moving to Opatów; a mass shooting which included his father; ghettoization; small favors from Ḥayim Rumkowski due to his father's killing; slave labor in a clothing factory; his mother and brother being taken in the round-up of the children; joining them with his sister; their escape; hiding during subsequent round-ups; his mother and brother being listed for deportation; using their influence with Rumkowski to get their mother out; his brother's release later; continuing to hide during round-ups; being caught; train transport to Auschwitz; separation from his brother; clandestinely joining his brother's group; their transfer to a nearby farm; a death march, then train transfer to Buchenwald, Weimar, then Theresienstadt; liberation by Soviet troops; finding food in Litoměřice; being sent to Windermere via Prague; transfer to an orthodox hostel in London after three months; his brother's emigration to Israel; learning cutting, designing, and tailoring; visiting relatives in Canada; marriage in 1953; and raising three children. Mr. R. discusses his vain attempts to find his mother and sister; and Rumkowski's actions. He shows photographs.
- Author/Creator
- R., Alexander, 1926-
- Published
- London, England : British Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies, 1992
- Interview Date
- November 19, 1992.
- Locale
- Poland
Łódź (Poland)
Opatów (Województwo Świętokrzyskie, Poland)
Litoměřice (Czech Republic)
Prague (Czech Republic)
Windermere (England)
London (England)
- Cite As
- Alexander R. Holocaust Testimony (HVT-2117). Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies, Yale University Library.
- Other Authors/Editors
- Douek, Gillian Green, interviewer.