- Summary
- Videotape testimony of Yosef B., who was born in Kraków, Poland in 1920, one of three brothers. He recounts his family's assimilated lifestyle; his father hiring a rabbi to tutor him for his bar mitzvah; studying graphic design at art school; German invasion in 1939; his mother paying a non-Jew to hide him and his brothers; ghettoization; working as a graphic artist for the Judenrat and German police, making signs in Gothic calligraphy; helping produce false papers; his thirteen-year-old brother's death; deportation to Płaszów; doing lettering for Kommandant Amon Goeth; receiving extra food from Polish workers; witnessing his father's murder by a German guard; marrying a fellow prisoner in February 1944; being placed on Schindler's list for helping save the parent of the list maker; transfer with the men from the list to Gross-Rosen, then Brünnlitz; liberation by Soviet troops; returning to Kraków; learning his mother had died after liberation; traveling to Moravska Ostrava, than Opava to find his wife; their return to Kraków; his daughter's birth; emigration to Israel in 1950; and another daughter's birth. Mr. B. discusses testifying at a war crimes trial in Vienna; sharing his experiences with his children; and historical inaccuracies in the film “Schindler's List.” He shows his diploma; a book of songs and drawings he made during the war; and other documents.
- Author/Creator
- B., Yosef, 1920-
- Published
- Tel Aviv, Israel : Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies, 1996
- Interview Date
- December 26, 1996.
- Locale
- Poland
Kraków (Poland)
Brno (Czech Republic)
Ostrava (Czech Republic)
Opava (Czech Republic)
- Cite As
- Yosef B. Holocaust Testimony (HVT-3879). Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies, Yale University Library.
- Notes
This testimony is in Hebrew.