- Summary
- Videotape testimony of Bronia K., who was born in Grodno, Poland (presently Hrodna, Belarus) in 1923. She describes her childhood; a pogrom which took place in Grodno in 1936; her involvement in a Zionist socialist youth organization, which led to her becoming active in the Resistance; the ghettoization of Grodno; her life in the Grodno ghetto; her resistance activities in the Białystok ghetto and on the Aryan side with false papers; and her return to Grodno after liberation to find that her entire family had been killed. Mrs. K.'s resistance activities included smuggling arms; acting as a courier between ghettos; and finding a hiding place for the archives of the Białystok ghetto which had been collected by Mordecai Tenenbaum and which included oral histories of survivors of liquidated ghettos.
- Author/Creator
- K., Bronia, 1923-
- Published
- Jerusalem, Israel : Holocaust Survivors Film Project, 1979
- Interview Date
- April 11, 1979.
- Locale
- Poland
Hrodna (Belarus)
Białystok (Poland)
- Cite As
- Bronia K. Holocaust Testimony (HVT-76). Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies, Yale University Library.
- Other Authors/Editors
- Vlock, Laurel, interviewer.
- Notes
Unpublished finding aid available in repository; 1/2 in. VHS is linked to finding aid by time coding.
Related publications: Arkhiyon ha-merkazi la-shoʼah ṿela-gevurah. Osef teʻudot ʻal shoʼat Yehude Germanyah, 1975 / Bronia Klibanski. - - Jerusalem : Ariʼadneh, c2002.
Related material: Bronia K. Holocaust testimony (HVT-3242), Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies, Yale University Library.