- Summary
- Videotape testimony of Martha K., who was born in Oradea, Romania, in 1922 and moved to Budapest, Hungary, at the age of three. She recalls her childhood in Budapest and growing up in two cultures in her family--Jewish and assimilated. She describes the worsening situation of the Jews beginning in 1938, when she had to leave the University of Budapest and learn a trade, and culminating in mass murders and deportations in 1944. Mrs. K. relates the fate of family members, many of whom were murdered in Auschwitz while others survived by living in "safe houses" or using false papers. She details the death march from Budapest to the Austrian border in 1944; her incarceration in Ravensbrück, where medical experiments were performed on herself and others; and her slave labor in an airplane factory in Wesenberg. She speaks of the two week long cattle car journey to Mauthausen, where, close to death, she was liberated by the Americans in May, 1945. Mrs. K. recounts her postwar hospitalization in Mauthausen; her reunion there with her father, whom she credits with giving her a "second life"; and her reunion in Budapest with her mother and brother.
- Author/Creator
- K., Martha, 1922-
- Published
- New Haven, Conn. : Holocaust Survivors Film Project, 1980
- Interview Date
- March 4, 1980.
- Locale
- Hungary
Oradea (Romania)
Budapest (Hungary)
Wesenberg (Germany)
- Cite As
- Martha K. Holocaust Testimony (HVT-40). Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies, Yale University Library.
- Other Authors/Editors
- Laub, Dori, interviewer.
Kline, Dana L., interviewer.
- Notes
Unpublished finding aid available in repository; 1/2 in. VHS is linked to finding aid by time coding.