- Description
- The memoir describes Simon Sterling and his wife's experiences in Nazi-occupied Poland; the Brody ghetto; his separation from his wife, Sophie, and his deportation to a concentration camp; his escape; Simon and Sophie's reunion; hiding in a forest; Simon's bout with typhus; their liberation by the Soviet military; Simon's work in a brewery; their escape to the American Zone of Occupation in Germany; the displaced persons camp at Föhrenwald, Germany; and their immigration to the United States.
- Subtitle
- Simon Sterling
- Date
Physical Details
- Genre/Form
- Personal narratives.
- Extent
2 folders
Rights & Restrictions
- Conditions on Access
- There are no known restrictions on access to this material.
- Conditions on Use
- The donor, source institution, or a third party has asserted copyright over some or all of these material(s). The Museum does not own the copyright for the material and does not have authority to authorize use. For permission, please contact the rights holder(s).
Keywords & Subjects
Administrative Notes
- Holder of Originals
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
- Legal Status
- Permanent Collection
- Provenance
- Phyllis Sterling Jacobs donated a copy of her father's memoir to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in 1994.
- Record last modified:
- 2023-02-24 14:01:29
- This page:
- http://collections.ushmm.org/search/catalog/irn504254
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- In Copyright
- Terms of Use
- This record is not digitized and cannot be downloaded online.
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