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Russian State Military Archives (Osobyi) records

Collection | Accession Number: 1993.A.0085.1.1

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    Collection Summary
    Contains records captured by the Red Army around the end of World War II currently housed at the Russian State Military Archive, formerly the Osobyi archives. In 1992, the Osobyi was renamed the Center for the Preservation of Historical Documentary Collections (CPHDC) and in 1999 The Russian Archives Committee merged the CPHDC into the Russian State Military Archives (RGVA) located next door. The RGVA contains prewar Soviet military documents. While the Osobyi is now a part of RGVA, the old Osobyi fond numbers for the various collections remain unchanged. Soviet archival authorities retained the original arrangement of the records, i.e. each collection (called a fond in Russian) contains files from a particular German government, Nazi party, or other governments’ agencies and non-governmental organizations. For many years, Russia did not allow reproduction of complete collections. Thus the Museum’s earlier acquisitions are incomplete (for example, records from the period prior to 1933 have in many cases not been reproduced), or are scattered throughout several accessions. More recently, the Museum has reproduced some complete collections. In several collections the material appears on non-sequentially numbered microfilm reels due to haphazard reproduction conditions early in the Museum’s project in Moscow, making access cumbersome. Therefore, the microfilmed records at the USHMM follow this arrangement and each of the collections in RG-11 represents a file from a specific organization, the name of which is listed in the collection’s title. Organized into the following subgroups: RG-11.001M*01-RG-11.001M*98. Arrangement of the files is thematic.
    The records were created by several German occupation agencies including the Reichssicherheitshauptamt, the Zentralbauleitung der Waffen-SS und Polizei in Auschwitz, the Gestapo, and the SS. In the years immediately following the end of World War II, the Soviet police and security services established a series of secret archival holding facilities to maintain the millions of pages of documents and files the so-called “Trophy Brigades” confiscated for various reasons in the territories occupied by the Red Army. The records were cataloged and examined by officials involved with collecting evidence to convict individuals and organizations of crimes against humanity and of war crimes. Afterward, the records were sought by officials concerned with gathering evidence to present at a peace conference during which reparation demands would be made against the Germans and their collaborators, and by officials concerned with the possibility of blackmailing prominent individuals with a “Third Reich past.” Eventually, the records were placed in various secret archival facilities. Over the years Soviet security officials transferred some of the files to governments in the Warsaw Pact nations, but the great bulk remained in the Soviet Union. In 1990-1991 a reporter for Isvestia discovered the existence of the hitherto secret Special (Osobyi) Archives in Moscow and wrote a series of articles about the history and contents of this facility. Since then, European governments and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have requested that Russian officials transfer to them either records created by state agencies in those countries or those created by NGOs. This has been a lengthy and difficult process, which is by no means completed. The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum began negotiating with archival and other officials in Moscow as soon as news of the Osobyi’s existence became public, with a view toward microfilming relevant parts of the collections. For many years, Russian policy would not allow the reproduction of complete collections, thus the Museum’s earlier accessions from this source are incomplete (that is, records from the period prior to 1933 have in many cases not been reproduced) or scattered throughout several accessions. More recently, the Museum has been able to reproduce some complete collections. In the current status of filmed records of 2017 are following collections: RG-11.001M*01-RG-11.001M*98. This project is completed.
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    Browse 89 Items In This Collection

    Reichssicherheitshauptamt (Fond 500)

    Document | Accession Number: 1993.A.0085.1.2 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.01

    inclusive:  1914-1945
    bulk:  1936-1944

    Geheimes Staatspolizeiamt (Gestapa) Berlin (Fond 501)

    Document | Accession Number: 1993.A.0085.1.3 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.02

    inclusive:  1933-1945

    Zentralbauleitung der Waffen-SS und Polizei Auschwitz (Fond 502)

    Document | Accession Number: 1993.A.0085.1.4 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.03

    inclusive:  1939-1944

    Geheime Staatspolizeistelle Stettin (Pommern) (Fond 503)

    Document | Accession Number: 1993.A.0085.1.5 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.04

    inclusive:  1933-1944

    Befehlshaber der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD in Riga (Fond 504)

    Document | Accession Number: 1993.A.0085.1.6 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.05

    inclusive:  1941-1944

    Polizeipräsidium Berlin (Fond 505)

    Document | Accession Number: 1993.A.0085.1.7 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.06

    bulk:  1919-1944

    Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP) (Fond 519)

    Document | Accession Number: 1993.A.0085.1.8 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.07

    inclusive:  1922-1945
    bulk:  1933-1941

    Reichsgericht and Reichsanwaltschaft Leipzig (Fond 567)

    Document | Accession Number: 1993.A.0085.1.9 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.08

    inclusive:  1881-1945
    bulk:  1939-1943

    Beauftragter für den Vierjahresplan (Herman Göring) (Fond 700)

    Document | Accession Number: 1993.A.0085.1.10 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.09

    inclusive:  1914-1945
    bulk:  1924-1945

    Auswärtiges Amt, Berlin (Fond 1357)

    Document | Accession Number: 1993.A.0085.1.16 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.16

    inclusive:  1926-1936

    Reichsministerium für den besetzten Ostgebiete, Berlin (Fond 1358)

    Document | Accession Number: 1993.A.0085.1.17 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.17

    inclusive:  1941-1945
    bulk:  1941-1942

    Justizeinrichtungen Deutschlands (Sammlung) (Fond 1361)

    Document | Accession Number: 1993.A.0085.1.18 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.18

    inclusive:  1910-1946
    bulk:  1934-1944

    Reichsministerium für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda, Berlin (Fond 1363)

    Document | Accession Number: 1993.A.0085.1.19 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.19

    inclusive:  1933-1945

    Konzentrations- und Kriegsgefangenenlager in Deutschland und in den besetzen Gebieten (Fond 1367)

    Document | Accession Number: 1993.A.0085.1.20 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.20

    inclusive:  1933-1945
    bulk:  1937-1945

    Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg (ERR) (Fond 1401)

    Document | Accession Number: 1993.A.0085.1.21 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.21

    inclusive:  1933-1942

    Büro des Reichsprotektors in Böhmen und Mähren, Prag (Fond 1488)

    Document | Accession Number: 1993.A.0085.1.23 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.23

    inclusive:  1931-1941

    Materialien in Spezialverwahrung (Fond 1525)

    Document | Accession Number: 1993.A.0085.1.24 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.24

    inclusive:  1940-1953

    Jüdische Telegraphen-Agentur (JTA), Paris (Fond 674)

    Document | Accession Number: 1993.A.0085.1.25 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.25

    inclusive:  1918-1940
    bulk:  1933-1940

    "Israelitische Allianz", Wien (Wohltätigkeitsverein) (Fond 675)

    Document | Accession Number: 1993.A.0085.1.26 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.26

    inclusive:  1872-1939
    bulk:  1929-1939

    Israelitische Kultusgemeinde, Vienna (Fond 707)

    Document | Accession Number: 1993.A.0085.1.27 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.27

    inclusive:  1782-1940
    bulk:  1933-1940

    Israelitische Kultusgemeinde Graz (Fond 709)

    Document | Accession Number: 1993.A.0085.1.28 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.28

    inclusive:  1871-1938
    bulk:  1931-1937

    Union österreichischer Juden, Wien (Fond 714)

    Document | Accession Number: 1993.A.0085.1.29 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.29

    inclusive:  1903-1942
    bulk:  1935-1942

    Jüdischer Jugendverein "Berith Trumpeldor", Wien (Fond 715)

    Document | Accession Number: 1993.A.0085.1.30 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.30

    inclusive:  1929-1938
    bulk:  1932-1938

    Centralverein deutscher Staatsbürger jüdischen Glaubens, Berlin (Fond 721)

    Document | Accession Number: 1993.A.0085.1.31 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.31

    inclusive:  1869-1939
    bulk:  1923-1938

    Vorstand der Synagogen-Gemeinde Stettin (Fond 726)

    Document | Accession Number: 1993.A.0085.1.32 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.32

    inclusive:  1828-1938
    bulk:  1928-1938

    Verband der Judenstaatszionisten Österreichs, Wien (Fond 727)

    Document | Accession Number: 1993.A.0085.1.33 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.33

    inclusive:  1935-1937

    Großlogen Deutschlands des jüdischen Ordens B'nai B'rith, Berlin (Fond 769)

    Document | Accession Number: 1993.A.0085.1.34 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.34

    inclusive:  1928-1937

    Verband der jüdischen Legitimisten Österreichs, Wien (Fond 1189)

    Document | Accession Number: 1993.A.0085.1.35 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.35

    inclusive:  1935-1938

    Organisation "Zionistischer Frauen Österreichs", Wien (Fond 1192)

    Document | Accession Number: 1993.A.0085.1.37 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.37

    inclusive:  1936-1937

    Landesorganisation des Judenstaatspartei (Fraktion der Zionistischen Weltorganisation), Wien (Fond 1193) [zusammengelegt mit Fond 1231]

    Document | Accession Number: 1993.A.0085.1.38 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.38

    inclusive:  1935-1936

    B'nai B'rith-Bund der jüdischen humanitären Vereinigung Österreichs des UOBB und seine Ortsgruppen, Wien (Fond 1221)

    Document | Accession Number: 1993.A.0085.1.39 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.39

    interview:  1933-1935

    Jüdische Gemeinde Berlin (Fond 1326)

    Document | Accession Number: 1993.A.0085.1.40 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.40

    inclusive:  1931-1934

    AG "Saloniki-Palästina", Saloniki (Fond 1437)

    Document | Accession Number: 1993.A.0085.1.42 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.42

    inclusive:  1924-1941

    Comité national de secours aux réfugiés politiques, Paris (Fond 533)

    Document | Accession Number: 1993.A.0085.1.44 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.44

    inclusive:  1933-1939

    Exekutive des Gesamtverbandes jüdischer Studenten Österreichs "Judeja", Vien (Fond 712)

    Document | Accession Number: 1993.A.0085.1.45 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.45

    inclusive:  1933-1938

    Berliner Zionistische Vereinigung (Fond 713)

    Document | Accession Number: 1993.A.0085.1.46 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.46

    inclusive:  1930-1939

    Synagogengemeinde Bromberg (Fond 716)

    Document | Accession Number: 1993.A.0085.1.47 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.47

    inclusive:  1936-1938

    Bund deutsch-jüdischer Jugend-Ring (Fond 1207)

    Document | Accession Number: 1993.A.0085.1.48 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.48

    bulk:  1933-1936
    inclusive:  1913-1936

    Jüdische Gemeinde Athen (Fond 1427)

    Document | Accession Number: 1993.A.0085.1.50 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.50

    bulk:  1926-1941

    Jüdische Gemeinde Saloniki (Fond 1428)

    Document | Accession Number: 1993.A.0085.1.51 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.51

    bulk:  1926-1941

    Redaktion der Wochenschrift "Die Wahrheit", Wien, Organ der "Union österreichischer Juden" (Fond 677)

    Document | Accession Number: 1993.A.0085.1.54 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.54

    inclusive:  1929-1937

    Jüdischer Sportklub "Hakoah," Graz (Fond 676)

    Document | Accession Number: 1993.A.0085.1.55 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.55

    inclusive:  1929-1938

    Bnei Brith-Tochterlogen in Deutschland (Fond 1219)

    Document | Accession Number: 1993.A.0085.1.56 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.56

    inclusive:  1932-1937

    Association des Juifs polonais en France, Paris (Fond 45)

    Document | Accession Number: 1993.A.0085.1.57 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.57

    inclusive:  1933-1940

    Le Comité français du Rassemblement mondial contre le racisme et antisémitisme, Paris (Fond 97)

    Document | Accession Number: 1999.335.1 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.58

    inclusive:  1936-1939

    Bureau exécutif international de la Ligue Internationale contre le racisme et anti-sémitisme, Paris (Fond 98)

    Document | Accession Number: 1999.335.2 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.59

    inclusive:  1931-1940

    Comité Exécutif International du Rassemblement mondial contra le racisme et anti-sémitisme, Paris (Fond 99)

    Document | Accession Number: 2000.626.1 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.60

    inclusive:  1935-1940

    Editorial Office of the Magazine "Hatikwah" of the Zionist Federation of Belgium, Brussels (Fond 145)

    Document | Accession Number: 2000.626.2 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.61

    inclusive:  1920-1940

    Alliance israélite universelle, comite d'Anvers (Fond 156)

    Document | Accession Number: 2000.626.3 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.62

    inclusive:  1913-1940

    Zionist and other Jewish organizations in France (Fond 186)

    Document | Accession Number: 2000.626.4 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.63

    bulk:  1930-1940
    inclusive:  1891-1940

    Section française de la ligue internationale contre le racisme et antisémitisme, Paris (Fond 43)

    Document | Accession Number: 2000.626.5 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.64

    inclusive:  1881-1940
    bulk:  1933-1940

    Bundeskanzleramt, Wien (Fond 515)

    Document | Accession Number: 2002.553.1 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.65

    inclusive:  1933-1939

    Weltorganisation gegen Rassenhaß und Menschennot (Harandbewegung), Wien (Fond 520)

    Document | Accession Number: 2002.553.2 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.66

    inclusive:  1897-1938
    bulk:  1930-1938

    Oberpräsident der Provinz Oberschlesien, Kattowitz (Fond 1232)

    Document | Accession Number: 2002.553.4 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.68

    inclusive:  1940-1945

    Reichskanzlei (Fond 1235)

    Document | Accession Number: 2002.553.5 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.69

    inclusive:  1914-1945

    Reichsarchiv, Potsdam (Fond 1255)

    Document | Accession Number: 2002.553.6 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.70

    inclusive:  1935-1945

    Reichsministerium des Innern (Fond 720)

    Document | Accession Number: 2003.487.1 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.10

    inclusive:  1821-1945
    bulk:  1936-1941

    Militär-und Militärbaueinrichtungen Deutschlands (Fond 1303)

    Document | Accession Number: 2004.756.1 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.72

    inclusive:  1897-1945
    bulk:  1940-1944

    Jüdische Gemeinden und Organisationen (Fond 1325)

    Document | Accession Number: 2004.756.2 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.73

    inclusive:  1764-1944
    bulk:  1933-1941

    Kanzlei des Führers der NSDAP, Adolf Hitler, Berlin (Fond 1355)

    Document | Accession Number: 2004.756.3 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.74

    bulk:  circa 1931-1945
    inclusive:  1900-1945

    Geheime Feldpolizei, Bad Nauheim (Fond 1369)

    Document | Accession Number: 2004.756.4 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.75

    inclusive:  1939-1943

    Waffen-SS, Fürsorge- und Versorgungsstellen, Militärangehörige, Fremdenlegion der SS (Fond 1372)

    Document | Accession Number: 2004.756.5 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.76

    inclusive:  1919-1945
    bulk:  1936-1945

    Generalbauinspektor für die Reichshauptstadt Berlin (Fond 1409)

    Document | Accession Number: 2004.756.6 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.77

    bulk:  1934-1942
    inclusive:  1920-1944

    IG Farbenindustrie AG, Frankfurt/Main (Fond 1457)

    Document | Accession Number: 2004.756.7 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.78

    inclusive:  1856-1949
    bulk:  1938-1945

    Reichwirtschaftministerium, Berlin (Fond 1458)

    Document | Accession Number: 2004.756.8 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.79

    inclusive:  1919-1945
    bulk:  1933-1945

    Deutsche Revisions- und Treuhand-AG, Berlin (Fond 1466)

    Document | Accession Number: 2004.756.9 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.80

    bulk:  1942-1945
    inclusive:  1922-1945

    Sammlung von Illustrationsmaterial (Fond 1511)

    Document | Accession Number: 2004.756.10 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.81

    inclusive:  1893-1945
    bulk:  1923-1944

    Materialien, die aus dem Puschkin-Museum übergeben wurden (Fond 1524)

    Document | Accession Number: 2004.756.11 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.82

    inclusive:  1941-1944

    Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael (Fond 44)

    Document | Accession Number: 2006.515.1 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.83

    inclusive:  1909-1944
    bulk:  1929-1940

    Armata a 3-a Română (Fond 493)

    Document | Accession Number: 2006.515.2 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.84

    inclusive:  1943-1944

    Historische Kommission des Reichsführers SS (Fond 701)

    Document | Accession Number: 2006.515.3 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.85

    inclusive:  1934-1939

    "Bikur Cholim" Jüdischer Krankenbesuchs-und Unterstützungsverein, Graz (Fond 710)

    Document | Accession Number: 2006.515.4 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.86

    inclusive:  1919-1938
    bulk:  1926-1938

    Verband der jüdischen kaufleute und handwerker, Wien (Fond 1191)

    Document | Accession Number: 2006.515.5 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.87

    inclusive:  1928-1935

    Deutscher Akademisches Austauschdienst, Paris (Fond 132)

    Document | Accession Number: 2006.515.6 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.88

    inclusive:  1931-1940

    Zentrale Vereinigung österreichischer Emigranten, Paris (Fond 542)

    Document | Accession Number: 2006.515.7 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.89

    inclusive:  1936-1940

    Nachlaß Rosenberg, Arthur (1889-1943); historiker, politiker, schriftsteller (Fond 641)

    Document | Accession Number: 2006.515.8 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.90

    creation:  1932

    Österreich-ungarische und österreichische Ministerien (Fond 1310)

    Document | Accession Number: 2006.515.9 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.91

    inclusive:  1892-1945
    bulk:  1934-1942

    Emigrantenorganisationen (Fond 1313)

    Document | Accession Number: 2006.515.10 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.92

    inclusive:  1920-1940

    Weltverband der jüdischen Studentenschaft, Wien (Fond 1230)

    Document | Accession Number: 2006.515.11 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.93

    inclusive:  1924-1936

    HIAS-JCA Emigration Association (HICEM), Paris (Fond 740)

    Document | Accession Number: 2006.515.12 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.94

    inclusive:  1906-1941
    bulk:  1926-1941

    Jüdische Synagogen-Ausbildung, Gemeinde Belgrad (Fond 1429)

    Document | Accession Number: 2009.412.1 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.96

    inclusive:  1815-1941
    bulk:  1934-1941

    American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee. European Executive Bureau in Paris, France (Fond 722)

    Document | Accession Number: 2010.518.1 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.97

    inclusive:  1922-1940

    HICEM-Odbor za pomoc židovskim izbeglicam, Zagreb (Fond 1430)

    Document | Accession Number: 2017.393.1 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.52

    inclusive:  1933-1941

    Exekutivkomitee des Jüdischen Weltkongresses, Paris (Fond 1190)

    Document | Accession Number: 2017.426.1 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.36

    inclusive:  1933-1941

    Jüdische Gemeinde Ragusa (Fond 1439)

    Document | Accession Number: 2017.427.1 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.98

    inclusive:  1709-1940

    lsraeliticka bogoštovna op ina Zagreb (Fond 1441)

    Document | Accession Number: 2017.428.1 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.43

    inclusive:  1923-1941

    Bnei Brith-Großloge und Tochterlogen Griechenlands und Jugoslawiens (Fond 1225)

    Document | Accession Number: 2017.429.1 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.49

    inclusive:  1875-1941
    bulk:  1931-1941

    Zionist Palestine Office, Thessaloniki, Greece (Fond 1435)

    Document | Accession Number: 2017.430.1 | RG Number: RG-11.001M.53

    inclusive:  1918-1940
    Record last modified:
    2024-12-09 11:18:59
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