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Legajos de Comunidades e Instituciones Judías del Perú

Document | Digitized | Accession Number: 2017.344.1 | RG Number: RG-68.206M

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    Records from the Jewish community in Lima and several Jewish institutions in Peru, including the "Asociación de Sociedades Israelitas del Perú," "Colectividad Israelita del Perú," the German-Jewish community in Peru "La Asociación Judía de 1870," "Unión Israelita del Perú," "Colegio León Pinelo," "Hanoar Hatzioní," "Asociación Fraternal Israelita de Lima," and others. Includes correspondents, name lists, circulars, financial records, list of members of the Sephardic Charity Society, list of students of the Colegio León Pinelo, Lima, photographs of students, bulletins, publications and periodicals, articles by Michael Siegel, and personal file of Moisés Niemand Reiss (Director de la J.T.A. en Lima).
    Alternate Title
    Records of Jewish communities and institutions of Peru
    inclusive:  1851-2000
    Collection Creator
    Comunidad Judi?a del Peru?
    The history of the Jews in Peru goes back to the beginning of the 20th century, with very diverse origins as a result of its diaspora; among them are the Germans, Poles, Russians, Turks, etc. The majority of Ashkenazic origin, with roots in Central and Eastern Europe, although also exist other ethnic groups, especially of Sephardic origin. Over the years, the Jewish population in Peru has been declining to the detriment of other places in the world, mainly Israel. The Hebrew population in the Andean country is composed of approximately 12,000 members, of whom, more than 96% is concentrated in the Peruvian capital, where the community has three synagogues, two are Ashkenazi (one German and the other Romanian) and the other is Sephardic. Of the three, two belong to the Orthodox, while the rest (the German one) belongs to the mainstream. By the 1910s, Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews arrived, joining the communities formed by the few German Jews already established in the country, mainly in Lima. In the following decade, immigration continues, mainly by young people from the Aztecs, who, for the most part, dedicate their business to credit in the interior cities of Arequipa, Trujillo, Cusco, Abancay, Huanuco, Piura and Chiclayo. In those years, the Sephardim formed the "Israelite Sephardic Benefit Society" (1928) and the Ashkenazi the "Israeli Union of Peru" (1923). In 1925 the "Zionist Organization of Peru" was founded which seeks to regroup the two communities, as well as previously established German Jews. In the 1930s the Jewish community flourished. In 1935 the "Jewish Society of Mutual Relief of the Jews" was founded, grouping Jews, mainly of German origin and of liberal ideas and rituals. The youth movements Maccabi, Ashajar, Ashomer and Betar are created. The synagogues of Ashkenazi (1934) and Sephardi (1933) are opened in their own premises. In 1938, however, the Peruvian Foreign Ministry totally prohibited Jewish immigration to Peru. In the 1940s, all Jewish communities in the country were merged into one. The "Directory of the Israeli Collective of Peru" (1942) was created as a representative body of all Peruvian Jewry and the common services were created and unified: enlargement of the cemetery, home of the elders, Jewish college Leon Pinelo (1946) Zionist youths, Noʻar ha-Tsiyoni, and Betar, Zionist women's groups (Wizo, OSE, Pioneer Women), Peruvian Pro Palestine Committee that obtains the Peruvian vote for the Partition, campaign for war victims, the Israeli Credit Association of Peru , the Israeli Medical Association of Peru and begins to circulate daily the bulletin of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency . In this decade the bond with Jewish education and the Zionist cause is greatly strengthened. In the 1950s Jews from all over the country immigrated mainly to Lima, in search of a Jewish social and educational framework for their children, creating various Jewish institutions.
    In the following decades, the increase of antisemitism and the successive economic crises increase the emigration, mainly to the United States, Israel and Argentina, reducing the Jewish population at the moment-according to unofficial figures - to approximately twelve thousand Jews settled in Peru. [Source: Wikipedia]

    Physical Details

    37 microfilm reels ; 35 mm.
    727 digital images : JPEG ; 885 MB .
    System of Arrangement
    Arranged in ten series: 1. Organizaciones Territoriales: Correspondence, registers and other records of the Jewish local organizations in Peru [Reel 1 to 2 (File PE 1 to 7a)]; 2. Comunidades Judías en Lima: Jewish communities in Lima [Reel 2 to 16 and Reel 109 (File PE 8 to 105)]; 3. Educatión Judía-Colegio León Pinelo, Lima: Records relating to education: Colegio Leon Pinelo, Lima [Reel 100 to 119 (File PE 106 to 174)]; 4. Instituciones Culturales Educativas: Cultural and educational institutions [Reel 119 to 121 File PE 175a to 184)]; 5. Movimientos Juveniles:Youth movement [Reel 121 to 122 (file PE 185 to 192)]; 6. Organizaciones de Ayuda Social: Social Aid Organizations [Reel 122 to 123 (file PE 193 to 205)]; 7. Organizaciones Sionistas: Zionist organizations [File PE 206-221a]; 8. Acividades de Diversas Entidades: Activities of various associations and groups [File 222-229]; 9. Periódicos y Pubicaciones: File PE 230-243]; 10. Material Privado: Private materials; Personal file of Moisés Niemand Reiss [File PE 244].
    Sub-series 2: Photographs of students of the Colegio León Pinelo, Lima; Digital images: Files PE 172; PE 173; PE 174; PE 215.
    Sub-series 6. Photographs of the Organización Sionista del Perú; Digital images: File PE 125.
    NOTE: Missing files PE 201 to 244 (Series 6-9)

    Sub-series 2: Photographs of students of the Colegio León Pinelo, Lima; Digital images: Files PE 172; PE 173; PE 174; PE 215.
    Sub-series 6. Photographs of the Organización Sionista del Perú; Digital images: File PE 125.
    NOTE: Missing files PE 201 to 244 (Series 6-9)

    Rights & Restrictions

    Conditions on Access
    This material can only be accessed in a Museum reading room or other on-campus viewing stations. Users are required to complete a User Declaration in order to gain access to the collection.
    Conditions on Use
    Fair use only. Publication and reproduction of records for commercial purposes for third parties require the written permission of the Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People (CAHJP).

    Keywords & Subjects

    Administrative Notes

    Source of acquisition is the Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People, CAHJP (Arkhiyon ha-merkazi le-toldot ha-ʻam ha-Yehudi). The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Archives received this collection via the United States Holocaust Museum International Archives Project in October 2017.
    Record last modified:
    2023-08-24 14:06:18
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