- Description
- The collection contains circulars, instructions, directives, minutes of conferences held by Joseph Goebbels, reports, questionnaires, announcements, personnel files of staff, texts and overviews of radio broadcasts, articles, pamphlets, list of German newspapers published in the German occupied territories, clippings on the persecution of Jews in Germany, and documents on hiring personnel for the Nazi Institute for the study of Jewish Question. Included are reports and correspondence relating to the departments of propaganda and radio broadcasts; lists of authors, topics of reports, and a list of foreign anti-Semites to be used as lecturers on the "Jewish question"; a list of foreigners willing to work for German overseas broadcasts; the dispatch of a special reporter to Katyń in April 1943; various clippings from Yiddish and Hebrew newspapers; propaganda brochures on the Freemasons and the "Jewish question," edited by the RSHA; political situation reports on Romania; and news clippings about Germans in Romania.
Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records. - Alternate Title
- Reichs Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda, Berlin
- Date
- Credit Line
- Forms part of the Claims Conference International Holocaust Documentation Archive at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. This archive consists of documentation whose reproduction and/or acquisition was made possible with funding from the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany.
- Collection Creator
- Reichsministerium fu?r Volksaufkla?rung und Propaganda.
- Biography
Reichministerum fur Volksaufklarung und Propaganda (Berlin)- Reich Ministry for Public Enlightenment and propaganda (Berlin) was created after the Nazis came to power in 1933. As the central office of Nazi propaganda, it comprehensively supervised and regulated the culture and mass media of Nazi Germany. A major focus of the propaganda was Hitler himself, who was glorified as a heroic and infallible leader and became the focus of a cult of personality. Much of this was spontaneous, but some was stage-managed as part of Goebbels' propaganda work. An example of the latter would be the 1934 Nuremberg Rally. Hitler was the focus and his moves were carefully choreographed. The rally was the subject of the film Triumph of the Will, one of several Nazi propaganda films directed by Leni Riefenstahl. It won the Gold Medal at the 1935 Venice Film Festival. Goebbels and his ministry were involved in both the rally and the film production. Every department of the ministry engaged in anti-Semitic propaganda. The ministry ceased to exist in 1945 with the defeat of Nazi Germany.
- Reference
- Fishman, D.E., Kupovetsky, M., Kuzelenkov, V. (ed.), Nazi-Looted Jewish Archives in Moscow. A guide to Jewish Historical and Cultural Collections in the Russian State Military Archive. Scranton, 2010
Longerich, Peter. Goebbels: A Biography. New York: Random House, 2015.
Kershaw, Ian. Hitler: A Biography. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2018.
Evans, Richard J. The Third Reich in Power. New York: Penguin, 2015.
Browder, G. C. Captured German and other Nation's Documents in the Osobyi (Special) Archive, Moscow. Published by: Cambridge University Press on behalf of Conference Group for Central European History of the American Historical Association. Internet access: http://www.jstor.org/stable/4546224
Physical Details
- Genre/Form
- Clippings (Books, newspapers, etc.) Correspondence. Pamphlets. Questionnaires. Registers. Reports.
- Extent
2 microfilm reels (partial) ; 16 mm.
1,320 digital images : JPEG.
- System of Arrangement
- Fond 1363 (1933-1945). Opis 1-7; Delo 1-646. Selected records arranged in three series: 1. Correspondence with departments of propaganda and radio broadcasts, 1939-1944; 2. Information bulletins on the "Jewish question"; 3. Reports, newspaper clippings, and various records regarding political situation, Freemasons and Jews, 1933-1945.
Note: Location of digital images; Partial microfilm reels #92-93;
Reel 92: Image #2070-Reel end;
Reel 93: Reel start-Image #1046.
Rights & Restrictions
- Conditions on Access
- There are no known restrictions on access to this material.
- Conditions on Use
- Reproduction and publication only with written permission of the Russian State Military Archives
- Copyright Holder
- Rossiĭskiĭ gosudarstvennyĭ voennyĭ arkhiv
Keywords & Subjects
- Topical Term
- World War, 1939-1945--Progaganda, German. Propaganda, German--History--20th century. Antisemitism--Germany--20th century. Polish people--Persecutions--Europe--History--20th century. Jews--Persecution--Europe--History--20th century. Katyn Massacre, Katyn', Russia, 1940. Holocaust Jewish (1939-1945)
- Geographic Name
- Europe--History--20th century. Germany--Politics and government--1933-1945. Katyń (Russia) Poland--History--Occupation, 1939-1945 . Romania--Foreign relations--Germany.
- Personal Name
- Goebbels, Joseph, 1897-1945.
Administrative Notes
- Holder of Originals
Rossiĭskiĭ gosudarstvennyĭ voennyĭ arkhiv
- Legal Status
- Permanent Collection
- Provenance
- Source of acquisition is the Russian State Military Archive (Rossiĭskiĭ gosudarstvennyĭ voennyĭ arkhiv), Osobyi Archive, Osobyi Archive, Fond 1363. The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Archives received the filmed collection via the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum International Archival Programs Division in 1993.
- Record last modified:
- 2023-08-25 08:29:01
- This page:
- http://collections.ushmm.org/search/catalog/irn599804
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Also in Russian State Military Archives (Osobyi) records
Contains records captured by the Red Army around the end of World War II currently housed at the Russian State Military Archive, formerly the Osobyi archives. In 1992, the Osobyi was renamed the Center for the Preservation of Historical Documentary Collections (CPHDC) and in 1999 The Russian Archives Committee merged the CPHDC into the Russian State Military Archives (RGVA) located next door. The RGVA contains prewar Soviet military documents. While the Osobyi is now a part of RGVA, the old Osobyi fond numbers for the various collections remain unchanged. Soviet archival authorities retained the original arrangement of the records, i.e. each collection (called a fond in Russian) contains files from a particular German government, Nazi party, or other governments’ agencies and non-governmental organizations. For many years, Russia did not allow reproduction of complete collections. Thus the Museum’s earlier acquisitions are incomplete (for example, records from the period prior to 1933 have in many cases not been reproduced), or are scattered throughout several accessions. More recently, the Museum has reproduced some complete collections. In several collections the material appears on non-sequentially numbered microfilm reels due to haphazard reproduction conditions early in the Museum’s project in Moscow, making access cumbersome. Therefore, the microfilmed records at the USHMM follow this arrangement and each of the collections in RG-11 represents a file from a specific organization, the name of which is listed in the collection’s title. Organized into the following subgroups: RG-11.001M*01-RG-11.001M*98. Arrangement of the files is thematic.
Reichssicherheitshauptamt (Fond 500)
Files from the following Reichssicherheitshauptamt (RSHA) departments: Amt I (Administration, Organization, and Legal Affairs)-includes directives for management of the Sipo (security police), prewar organization of Einsatzkommandos, mobilization against Poland, office telephone lists, and activity reports of Einsatzgruppen in the Occupied Eastern Territories. Amt II (Personnel)-includes personnel lists and internal telephone directories. Amt III (SD-Inland)-includes statistical data on Germans’ religious affiliations and conversions. Amt IV (Gestapo)-includes descriptive material and reports about Jews in general; reports on specific documents taken by the Gestapo from Jewish organizations; similar material from outside Germany; directives and other documents of the Reichsvertretung der Juden in Deutschland; Amt IV activity reports; “Ereignismeldungen aus der UdSSR”; “Meldungen aus den besezten Ostgebiete”; Einsatzgruppe reports including those of Stahlecker and Jaeger; RSHA directives on the use of Sipo and SD in various countries including Poland, Norway, the occupied USSR, and (specifically) Belorussia; special reports on Jews and anti-Jewish measures in Belorussia; reports on Freemasons and other fraternal organizations; newspaper clippings. Amt VI (Intelligence and Counterintelligence)-includes situation reports on political, economic, and cultural conditions in various countries; Amt VII (Archives and Libraries)-includes essays on Jewry and Judaism, Protestantism, Catholicism, and Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Geheimes Staatspolizeiamt (Gestapa) Berlin (Fond 501)
Contains the surveillance files on communists, social-democratic, anti-fascist, and Jewish organizations; reports on “unreliable” persons and on masonic lodges; police surveillance on activities of organization outside Germany; clippings of German and foreign newspapers and journal concerning the situation in Germany. Includes also records related to the Zionist movements in Germany: correspondence of the Reich and Prussian Minister of the Interior and of the Prussian Gestapo Office with the Zionist Federation of Germany (Zionistische Vereinigung für Deutschland); reports by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA); results of elections of the Zionist federation in Germany, and lists of top officers of the Zionist Union of Germany as well as of the Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael (Jewish National Fund). The collection contains a bibliography of Jewish literature drawn up for the Gestapo; internal correspondence and intelligence files, minutes and speeches, statistical tables, lists of members of the Reich Representation of Jews in Germany, lists of members of various Jewish societies; and correspondence with Gestapo office in Elbing (Elbląg,Poland) on the discovery of the corpse of Sh. Vishnik. a.k.a. “Black Paul”, and description of the murdered man. There are also lists of German Jews immigrated to Italy, documents on the situation of Jews in USSR, includes lists of Soviet citizens expelled or subject to expulsion from Germany. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Zentralbauleitung der Waffen-SS und Polizei Auschwitz (Fond 502)
Orders, reports, correspondence, memoranda, plans, explanatory notes, estimates, blueprints, computations, drafts, diagrams, photographs of installations, bookkeeping records, staff inventories, list of employees, personal files of security guards, index cards of prisoners and workers, death notices, and list of prisoners. The records relate to the complete history of the construction and maintenance of the Auschwitz camps complex. Includes correspondence with the camp commandant’s office, the Silesia Construction Inspectorate and the main office regarding daily operations of camp and crematoria, and on “special” measures entitled “Holland”, “Heinrich”, “Hungary” and “Jewish action”, as well includes a large number of the death notices, index cards, and work records of Jews. Note: The Museum filmed the complete collection including oversized construction drawings and plans. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Geheime Staatspolizeistelle Stettin (Pommern) (Fond 503)
Records relating to the surveillance and interrogation of Jehovah's Witnesses, individual Jews (case files) and Jewish organizations, Freemasons, and Seventh-day Adventists; relations between Jehovah's Witnesses and government agencies; emigration processes for Jews; internment of non-German Jews during the war; loss of citizenship for German Jews; "Rassenschande" cases; antisemitic actions; name lists of Germans working for Jewish firms and vice versa; centralization of Jewish organizations in the Centralverein der Juden in Deutschland (1935-1936); investigations of alleged homosexual behavior (case files); Gestapo reports on Jewish organizations and Jewish property, dispatches by the Szczecin Police agents on anti-Jewish pogroms and boycott of Jewish shops, and reports by the Gestapo of Stralsund, Koszalin, Świniośujcie on German individual’s contacts with Jewish firms on Jews working in German firms. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Befehlshaber der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD in Riga (Fond 504)
The collection contains reports, German translations of documents, minutes, circulars, orders, reviews, secret publications, financial documents, correspondence, special bulletins, transcripts of testimonies, and various materials such as copies of documents and maps. Includes information on police activities against partisans and other resistance efforts in the Occupied Eastern Territories; the activities of Einsatzgruppe A; directives and instructions of Himmler and other senior police officials about the treatment of foreign workers; measures for their punishment; the treatment of Communist Party officials; documents created by resistance groups and CP organs that were captured by the Wehrmacht and SS; Schutzmannschaften activities; Jewish partisan activities; the slave labor of Jews, Soviet POWs, and others; the collaboration of Polish and other nationalist groups with Germans against the USSR; the transport and forced labor of Jews; the establishment and maintenance of camps and prisoners; the killing of Jews and others in forests; the Spanish Blue Division; Latvian and Dutch volunteers in German military units; and the general administration of occupied territories.
Polizeipräsidium Berlin (Fond 505)
Records of the police surveillance of the organizations such as the Union of Białystok Jews, Zionistischen Vereinigung für Deutschland, Union of Jewish Youth, HIAS, Jewish Colonization Association, "Emigdirect," HICEM, the Centralverein deutsche Staatsbürger jüdisher Glaubens; some of those organizations' documents; speeches of antisemitic organizations; telephone directories of police establishments and departments; case files of appeals by Jewish citizens who had lost German citizenship and then lost the appeal also; and reports about internal SA quarrels. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP) (Fond 519)
Consists of various reports, correspondence, investigative files, memos and other antisemitic documents: Reports on the economic and political situation with comments on Jewish influence in numerous countries; reports alleging inhumane treatment of Nazis in camps in pre-Anschluss Austria; reports of the Bureau of Frontier Intelligence, SD Abschnitt Southwest (the Saar); reports on German intelligence agents in Romania (including Weber, who was deported from Romania); correspondence of the Nationalsozialistiche Kriegsopferversorgung, April 1938; correspondence with NSDAP members relating to the struggle against Freemasons and Jews; and orders relating to the military training of NSDAP political leaders; correspondence with the Ministry Propaganda and the local group of the Nazi Party in Holland about the confiscation of Jewish libraries in Holland and Poland (Lublin), and incorporation of Jewish libraries from occupied countries into holdings of similar materials confiscated in Germany. Includes the organization chart trying to establish monetary and intellectual linkage of Freemasons, Jesuits, Jewish banks, etc.; memos from the Central Organization of German Jews in Karlsruhe to all members preparatory to Reichstag elections (July 1932); other documents on Zionists, Jewish organizations, Jewish Freemason lodge; on the German-Christian Order about Nazi opposition to all Freemason lodges and religious orders; and a list of Freemason lodges and private clubs. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Reichsgericht and Reichsanwaltschaft Leipzig (Fond 567)
Investigative files concerning questions of "Aryan" heritage and confiscation of property and money. Includes questions of citizens' and nationals' "Aryan heritage" as well as divorces in mixed marriages. Most of records contain court documents from Vienna courts, primarily cases, investigating racial purity, many of them involving married couples and divorces. Among cases is one in which Jewish man is sentenced because of extra-marital relations with a non-Jew (Folder 245). Some of cases involve violations by Jews of reporting requirements of assets, or currency violations. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Beauftragter für den Vierjahresplan (Herman Göring) (Fond 700)
Consists of directives for organizing the Four-Year Plan, with estimates of labor needed from civilian prisoners, foreign workers, and POWs; a 1936 memorandum from Hitler about German foreign policy, including preparation for war with the Soviet Union, "Lebensraum," and ascriptions of collective Jewish responsibility for economic crimes; information about Göring's conferences with military commanders and the Agriculture Ministry regarding increasing food production for Germany from the Occupied Territories; records about Göring's orders on forced mobilization of the male and female population, the confiscation of food and animals, and the organization of new industry in Occupied Territories; reports on the growth of the partisan movement in the Ukraine; statistics on German losses from partisans in the Ukraine and Belarus; information about Göring's conferences regarding overall military actions in the Occupied Territories; and several 1943 reports on the Four-Year Plan, fighting partisans, and on partisan activities (apparently translations from German into Russian). Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Auswärtiges Amt, Berlin (Fond 1357)
Reviews and reports on the political situation and Jewish affairs in Europe (1936), notes of talks with political figures and foreign correspondents, and various press clippings concerning French affairs. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Reichsministerium für den besetzten Ostgebiete, Berlin (Fond 1358)
The collection contains orders, dispatches, directives, briefings, job descriptions, accounts, overviews, memoranda, bulletins, certificates of commendation, questionnaires, documentation of employees business trips, Ministry correspondence, monthly reports, and statistics. Records document German policy on the German occupied territories, mass arrests and robberies of Jews, establishment of ghettos, annihilation of Jews. Includes also a monthly report, Nov. 10, 1941 issued by the Wehrmacht Ostland commander of Belarus on plans for the annihilation of Jews, and statistics on Jews residing in Poland, Romania and Hungary. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records. The Museum Archives selected materials contains only statistical data on Jews in Poland, Romania, and Hungary, addresses and organizational structure of the Sipo and SD departments in the occupied territories, including those of Einsatzkommandos and Sonderkommandos.
Justizeinrichtungen Deutschlands (Sammlung) (Fond 1361)
Court files of investigation of people charged with state treason, sabotage, listening to foreign broadcasts, and other treasonable acts involving the Netherlands, Belgium, and France. Included are correspondence and orders regarding the investigation of Poles, Czechs, Jews, and Russians; excerpts from "highly treasonable" radio broadcasts printed in "Deutsche Volkszeitung" (October 1938) and broadcast over "German Freedom Station." Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Konzentrations- und Kriegsgefangenenlager in Deutschland und in den besetzen Gebieten (Fond 1367)
The collection contains various documents of concentration camps and Prisoner of War (POW) camps: regulations, instructions, daily reports, lists, summaries, journals, personnel files, card files, questionnaires, registers, and correspondence. Includes fragmentary compilations of records of Sachsenhausen (approximately 6,000 prisoner file cards for KL Sachsenhausen/Oranienburg), Buchenwald, Wewelsburg, Gross Rosen, Dachau, Lublin (Majdanek), Natzweiler, Neuengamme (Hamburg), Treblinka, and Esterwegen concentration camps; of POW camps III-A in Luckenwalde, I-A in Stalag, IX-C in Bad Sulza, No.352 in Minsk, No.122 in Compiègne, France, POW camp in Murnau of the Polish officers, the Hammelburg officers camp, Stalag XII (for interned civilians) in Wulzburg (Bavaria), the Berlin-Falkensee camp for Italian and other foreign workers. Among the documents are lists of Jews transferred from the Auschwitz concentration camp to the Sachsenhausen concentration camp, and other records of the Sachsenhausen concentration camp: lists of prisoners including Jewish names, reports on changes in the prisoner population, and list of personal items left in the camp’s storage facility. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg (ERR) (Fond 1401)
The collection contains a photocopy of Goring’s directive establishing the headquarters in German-occupied territories for the confiscation of valuables form the Jewish and masonic organizations, Rosenberg’s orders stablishing the task Force, memoranda and correspondence of the ERR special headquarters in the Ukraine and Croatia. Most of material pertains to Yugoslavia and ERR efforts to collect and remove to Germany cultural material, and to conduct propaganda against Jews and Freemasons. Included are lists of confiscated Jewish property; protocols of interrogations of Jews and Freemasons regarding their property; a list of Jewish writers and a list of German-Jewish writers; a list of Jews still resident in Dubrovnik; a list of books confiscated by ERR in Riga, Latvia; and summary reports of ERR actions in Greece in 1941, with an estimate of the number of Jews in various Greek cities and towns; and lists of Jewish organizations. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Büro des Reichsprotektors in Böhmen und Mähren, Prag (Fond 1488)
Contains a March 1941 monthly situation report of the head of the SD in Prague that mentions the emigration and "resettlement" of Jews. Also included are letters to other German authorities that include a listing of all leadership offices, statistics on German nationals, and the reestablishment of Deutschtum ("Germanness") in the Protectorate. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Materialien in Spezialverwahrung (Fond 1525)
Diverse records including the archive of the former SS officer Prützmann; records about an SS doctor's work on forced sterilization; name lists of foreign nationals, annotated by the Hungarian police; details about atrocities at KL Sachsenhausen; records about Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski, a commander of SS anti-partisan units, including his military tribunal hearing; Gestapo information about the "Mopper" underground organization in Hessen-Frankfurt in 1936; lists of Gestapo documents found in the building of the Reichssicherheitshauptamt in Berlin; materials on German crimes in Belorussia, including documents of the Extraordinary Commission; correspondence of the Ministerstvo gosudarstvennoĭ bezopasnosti (MGB) from 1952 to 1953 concerning the receipt of captured German documents, and listing of captured Gestapo documents dealing with intelligence. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Jüdische Telegraphen-Agentur (JTA), Paris (Fond 674)
The bulk of the collection constitutes copies of international bulletins published in Berlin, London, Prague, Paris, Palestine and Switzerland. It includes articles, accounts, reports, correspondence, and newspaper clippings on the situation of the Jewish population of various countries, on the activities of Zionist and other Jewish organizations, and on holding of Zionist congress. Contains a review of activities of the Zionist organization Haavara that transferred Jewish money from Germany to Palestine; reports of the Committee of Jewish Delegations, Bucharest, about the legal situation of Jews in Rumania; Yiddish, Hebrew, French, and German press clippings about Zionism and antisemitism; memoranda from the Palestine Association of Polish Jews to the League of Nations; correspondence of the Jewish Central Informational Bureau, Amsterdam, about the situation of Jews in various countries; an appeal from the Jewish communities of Romania regarding antisemitism; reviews of persecution in various countries; a report for a trip through Germany, Czechoslovakia, and Austria, from July to August 1938; and samples of JTA daily information bulletins in English, French, and German.
"Israelitische Allianz", Wien (Wohltätigkeitsverein) (Fond 675)
The collection contains letters and correspondence with other Jewish organizations; minutes of the Council of the Alliance in Vienna and the Joint Foreign Committee of the Israelite Alliance in London; reports from neighboring countries including those of the Portuguese Marranos Committee, French organizations, the Netherlands, and Belgium; correspondence from 1935 to 1936 about the release of a film entitled "Process of Millennium" about the persecution of Jews; correspondence about arranging public canteens from 1936 to 1938; financial statements and minutes of the organization’s board; lists of members and persons receiving grants as well as files of donations to the organization and purchase of land; memoranda by Jewish communities to the League of Nations, appeals requesting aid for Jewish refugees; clippings from newspapers and journals, the copies of issues of various Jewish journals, newspaper, bulletins, books and pamphlets. There are also manuscripts of works on historical, philosophical, and theosophical subjects originating from materials of other institutions. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Israelitische Kultusgemeinde, Vienna (Fond 707)
Contains various records related to the administration and activities of the Jewish Community in Vienna: minutes of meetings, statements, cashbooks, tax tables, election reports, lists of Vienna Synagogues, correspondence and letters, and reports. Included are materials on Jewish emigration from archives of HICEM (see also Fond 740), lists of Jewish emigrants form Austria, Poland, Latvia, and the Soviet Union, personal documents of emigrants, bulletins on emigration conditions for Jews from Austria, Switzerland, Luxemburg and Poland, maps and statistical survey of the Jewish population and Jewish emigration form Austria. There are also various documents of Library of the Jewish religious community of Vienna: manuscripts, bibliographic indexes, directories, dictionaries, essays, lectures, dissertations and articles. The collection includes a large number of Hebrew manuscripts, the Torah written in Sephardic script from fifteen century, a medical manuscript, in Sephardic script (XV century), pages form the kabalistic manuscript, written in Oriental script (XVII century), and other manuscripts of Karaite origin. There are also numerous nineteen-entry handmade copies of older manuscripts, a variety of Ashkenazic Hebrew manuscripts from eighteen and nineteen centuries, Hasidic and halakhic works by rabbis of the Schneerson dynasty (Menachem Mendel Schneerson, Shmuel Schneerson, Sholem Dov Ber Schneerson, Yosef Yitzkhok Schneerson). The collection also contains printed publications: a pamphlet with report by Alfred Stern on the founding of the Jewish religious community of Vienna and analyzing of the religious community’s system of governance as well as the rights and duties of its members; glossaries for the school edition of M. Abraham’s fable “Le-yelodeinu” (For our children). The collection also contains a set of the Hebrew-language newspapers “Hatsefirah” and “Hamagid”, and clippings from those and other newspapers. Selected records relate to Jewish emigration from Austria, including meeting minutes, statistical reports, and charts on demographics of Jews; reports from Jewish organizations in Switzerland explaining the country's inability to assist would-be emigrants; a report on the refuge situation in Poland as of August 1, 1939; explanations and charts showing requirements for emigration, as decreed by the Gestapo's Amt IVB4, Central Organization for Jewish Emigration; 1940 articles on the course of emigration from Vienna; and a memo from the Jewish Community in Vienna to Budapest concerning money provided by Vienna to support Jewish emigration. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Israelitische Kultusgemeinde Graz (Fond 709)
The records of the entire Fond 709, 1871-1938 (45 Dela) features documents of the Jewish Religious Community of Graz and Jewish organizations. Including are minutes, correspondence, circulars, records on real estate and financial assets, community financial statements, a card files and lists of the community members, voter lists, questionnaires of individuals joining the committee for social security, articles on the history of community, catalog of books in the library of Rabbi S. Műsam and international bulletins. Includes also documents on aid to Jewish emigrants, reports from the Jewish communities in Augsburg and from various Jewish educational centers. The selected records include: Minutes, reports on teachers' incompetence in a Jewish school in Prague, and information on a variety of issues affecting the Jewish community in Graz. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Union österreichischer Juden, Wien (Fond 714)
The entire Fond 714, 1903-1938 (134 Dela) contains the Austrian Jewish Union charts for 1903-1937, minutes, correspondence with local Jewish organizations campaigning against antisemitism and fundraising for charitable purposes; circulars on rules for electing boards of Jewish religious communities; accounts of the activities of Jewish religious community of Vienna, 1925-1928; brochures, and issues of the Jewish newspapers “Jűdische Welt”, “Jűdische Rundschau”, “Die Wahreit”, and “Jűdische-liberale Zeitung”, as well as issues of the German newspapers “National Zeitung” and “Reichspost”, and informational bulletins and journals. Selected records consists of minutes of the central executive committee of the Union Österreicher Juden as well as name lists of members. Also included is information about the evacuation of Hamburg Jews in July 1942; correspondence, including numerous complaints to the Fatherland Front about antisemitic incidents; letters to the mayor of Vienna and to Chancellor Schuschnigg complaining about flyers and ads promoting boycotts of Jewish businesses; a report on the Nuremberg Laws; copies of publications of the Austrian National Jewish Youth; and newspaper clippings. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Jüdischer Jugendverein "Berith Trumpeldor", Wien (Fond 715)
The entire Fond 715, 1929-1938 (45 Dela) contains organization’s charts, correspondence with local leadership, circulars, orders and reports. Includes lists of members and their military trainings. Majority of collection comprises of correspondence with Betar divisions in Germany and with Zionist organizations: Jewish Youth Front of Austria, Jewish State Party, Keren Tel Chai, Brit Hakana’im, Mizrachi of Austria; the Jewish academic organization Bar-Giora and Caritas, the Revisionist Zionist Party, Betar Hatzair, Maccabee, Betar of Yugoslavia, Betar of Czechoslovakia, The Union of Jewish War veterans, the Jewish National Youth Organization, the Revisionist Zionist Land Union, Hechalutz, HaLeumi, Hechalutz, hatzioni Hakalali, Chalutz Mizrachi, Brit Hahayal, Hakhsharra Kibbutzit, the Jewish State Party of Brazil, the youth section of Otzar Hanoar, the Zionist Organization, and Haganah. Selected records consists of organizational bylaws; meeting minutes; financial reports; Trumpeldor monthly reports; name lists of members; correspondence with organizations including the Graz police, B'nai B'rith in Graz and Vienna, Austrian Jewish Boy Scouts, and World Zionist Revisionists; and basic Hebrew vocabulary used by Trumpeldor. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Centralverein deutscher Staatsbürger jüdischen Glaubens, Berlin (Fond 721)
The collection consists of the organization charts, minutes, reports, circulars, correspondence, announcements, administrative and financial documents, bulletins, newspaper clippings, and the catalog of books held by the organization’s library. Most of materials originate from 1920s and 1930s and relate to organization’s activities as: organizing professional courses for young people, organizing conferences to protect Jewish communities from antisemitism, building educational curricula and publishing journals of the Jewish youth leagues “Ring” and “Herzlia,” admitting new members and distributing Jewish newspapers. The collection includes rich correspondence with various German Jewish organizations: the Union of Jewish War Veterans, the Union of Jewish Youth Associations in Germany, the union of German Jewish Youth “Ring,” Keren Hayesod, The German Jewish Aid Society (Hilfsverien), the German Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of B’nai B’rith, and other organizations; case files (1930-1938) on specific cases and suits on behalf of members; case files on antisemitism and on political, economic, and legal problems (1923 to 1938). The correspondence and reports relate mainly to the administrative matters, meetings, recruitment, publicity, Jewish schools and Jewish societies, antisemitism and the limitation of Jewish rights in Germany; reporting to the Gestapo, and achievements on behalf of members. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Vorstand der Synagogen-Gemeinde Stettin (Fond 726)
Archival records of the synagogue in Stettin (Szczecin, Poland) and the history of Jews in the region from 1906 to 1937: it consists of a bulletin and various documents of the "Reichsvertretung der Juden in Deutschland" regarding the need to better organize statistics on Jewish organizations; correspondence, statistics and clippings on the emigration of Jews from Szczecin (Stettin). Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Verband der Judenstaatszionisten Österreichs, Wien (Fond 727)
Files of the Union of Austrian Jewish State Zionists, Vienna. Included are appeals to help fellow Jews in Germany and a name list of Viennese and Graz Jews who gave monetary contributions; reports on the activities of the World Zionist Organization (WZO) and the Women’s International Zionist Organization (Wizo); minutes of meetings of the Zionist Organization of Holland (1919); informational circulars of the Hashomer Hatzair (1937), the Jewish Agricultural Societies (1933); financial statements; annual reports (1934-1937), materials on Zionist conferences; materials on aid to Jewish settlements in Palestine, and a case file regarding union members: Schwartz and Goldman, accused of personally insulting M. Later. The collection also contains printed materials: two issues of Brit Hakana’im’s journal “Haruah Hahadasha” (April 1936 and January 1938), periodicals, including a newspaper “Die Neue Zeit (1918), “Die Stimme” (1928), “Die Wahrheit (1938), “la Rassegna Mensile di Israel (1935), “Karnemu” (1937), and various Zionists pamphlets. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Großlogen Deutschlands des jüdischen Ordens B'nai B'rith, Berlin (Fond 769)
Constitution of B'nai B'rith and other materials of the Great Lodge of Germany (B'nai B'rith), including minutes, financial reports, lists of members who were lawyers, proceedings, and information for local lodges; minutes of the executive committee of the Great Lodge; minutes of a 1932 secret meeting about annual reports, charity, and other questions; communications to the Ministry of the Interior and the Gestapo; correspondence with other lodges in Europe; correspondence with individuals regarding immigration conditions in other countries, in particular Argentina; correspondence with branch lodges and other organizations regarding charitable activities; reports for Jewish hospitals in Marienbad and Bad Kissingen and with other Jewish benevolent organizations; materials of the Zentralwohlfahrtsstelle der deutschen Juden, including lists of locations abroad where Jewish law students could study and other matters; proceedings and minutes of various B'nai B'rith and Masonic organizations; issues of Monatsschrift; correspondence with the Ministry of the Interior regarding abolition of the Great Lodge; information about dissolution of B'nai B'rith lodges generally. The collection also contains bulletins of the Grand Lodge; pamphlets and journals; articles from Jewish newspapers on the Yishuv in Palestine; reviews and bibliographic indexes of Jewish and German literature; issues of the Jewish youth magazine “Der Jugendbund” and the Masonic magazine “Die Bauhűtte; issues of the bulletin “Der Orden Bne Briss”, the women’s magazine “Die Frau von Heute, and other publications; a collection of depictions of the seals of Jewish lodges of America and Germany; newspaper clippings on the works of Goethe, Lessing, Zola, Wagner, and others; clippings on manifestations of antisemitism, on the activities of the committee to aid Jewish victims in Russia; and a portrait of the Order of B’nai B'rith founder, Henry Jones. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Verband der jüdischen Legitimisten Österreichs, Wien (Fond 1189)
The records of Fond 1189 contains materials related to the activities of the Union of Austrian Jewish legitimists, its board, and departments: the youth group, the legitimist Union of Jewish Women, the legitimist Jewish Veterans organization, and the editorial Office of the newspaper "Legitimist” the organ of the Union of Austrian Jewish Legitimists. Deposited in the collection are charter documents; minutes of general assembles of the union and of meetings of its board; correspondence with affiliated Jewish organizations and with organizations of war veterans and other organizations; financial documents, as well lists photo albums, and the like. Selected records include: Copies of the association's newsletter "Der Legitimist," correspondence with the police, meeting minutes, and information about the March 1938 dissolution of this association, which supported the restoration of the Hapsburg monarchy. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Organisation "Zionistischer Frauen Österreichs", Wien (Fond 1192)
Handwritten meeting minutes and printed reports on the organization's activities. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Landesorganisation des Judenstaatspartei (Fraktion der Zionistischen Weltorganisation), Wien (Fond 1193) [zusammengelegt mit Fond 1231]
Minutes of the party council and political committee meetings, February 1935 to February 1936; party declarations and newspaper clippings. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
B'nai B'rith-Bund der jüdischen humanitären Vereinigung Österreichs des UOBB und seine Ortsgruppen, Wien (Fond 1221)
Letters, correspondence, notes, and memos of Zionist organizations regarding assistance for German emigrants seeking to resettle in Palestine. Included is an appeal from a Russian aid organization on behalf of Russian Jews. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Jüdische Gemeinde Berlin (Fond 1326)
Reports, organizational correspondence, and correspondence to and from the community library on various topics including the proliferation of antisemitic leaflets and posters in Germany. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
AG "Saloniki-Palästina", Saloniki (Fond 1437)
Correspondence with banks and manufacture companies, including with the Jewish Colonial Bank in London, American Jewish Joint Distributions Committee, Salonika Palestine Bank, and others. Includes statistics of financial activities, loans, bank expenses, lists of prices of manufacture goods, contracts and power of attorney between bank and different clients. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Comité national de secours aux réfugiés politiques, Paris (Fond 533)
Minutes of the meetings of the Federation of German emigrés in France; proposed revisions to an international convention on German refugees; a paper on aid to refugees in Czechoslovakia; statistical reports and other materials from the Comité national de secour aux réfugiés politques (National Aid Committee for Political Refugees); committee documents, including correspondence with aid committees in various French cities; and letters and information bulletins from other organizations involved in aid including the Parti socialiste (Socialist Party), Parti républicain-radical et radical-socialiste (Republican, Radical and Radical-Socialist Party), and the International Center of Quakers. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Exekutive des Gesamtverbandes jüdischer Studenten Österreichs "Judeja", Vien (Fond 712)
Organization's information bulletins, as well as a May 1933 report of the statistical section of a Zionist organization in Berlin (Zentralausschuss der deutschen Juden für Hilfe und Aufbau), which argues against the claim that Jews were over-represented in institutions of higher learning. Also included are statistics on Jews by province, a monograph "Michel Ezofowicz" by S. Hirschfeld, and a list of books held by the Judeja Law Library in Vienna. There is also correspondence with Jewish student unions in Poland, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia on the calling of the First World Jewish Congress in Geneva, 1936 and Judeja representation as well preparation for the Second Congress, correspondence with Professor Sigmund Freud and D. Baumgarten on organizing lectures. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Berliner Zionistische Vereinigung (Fond 713)
The collection includes the organization's statute; meeting minutes; correspondence with other Zionist organizations such as the Jewish National Fund (Ḳeren ḳayemet le-Yiśraʼel); correspondence with members regarding their financial contributions to assist individuals' efforts to obtain travel documents to Palestine; directives on Hebrew instruction; financial accounts; various reports by other organizations including an activity report of the section for emigration of the Agudat Israel, a Jewish orthodox organization in Vienna, and a 1936 report by the chairman of the Jewish Agency for Palestine; instructions on the selection of delegates to the 19th and 20th (1937) Zionist Congresses; name lists of members; brochures in Hebrew about a Zionist congress; materials of the Zionistische Vereinigung für Deutschland (ZVfD), including the 25th ZVfD Congress showing friction among religious Zionists, non-religious Zionists, and non-Zionists; an audit of the ZVfD youth group; and an index to ZVfD archival materials. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Synagogengemeinde Bromberg (Fond 716)
The entire collection of Fond 716 contains documents relating to activities of Jewish community in Bydgoszcz: minutes of meetings, lists of members, application for membership or resignations, correspondence with the police department, the Central Archives of German Jewry in Berlin, and with Jewish organizations and communities, financial statements and cashbooks, the inventory of the books in the Bydgoszcz community library and eightieth-century holiday prayer book, “mahzor”. Included are also documents of various provenance: minutes of the Union of German-Jewish Communities, bylaws of the Union of German Jews in Berlin, circular letter to synagogue regarding creation Jewish schools, a bulletin on relation with the Polish National Council, correspondence of the Alliace Israelite Universalle with the Central Committee of Russian Jews in Germany, and other documents. Selected records consists of financial accounting records of the organization's income and expenditures. Included are a cashbook, 1936-1937, membership fees and receipts, 1937-1938. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Bund deutsch-jüdischer Jugend-Ring (Fond 1207)
Group's statute; leaflets to local groups; name lists of members; reports and articles on Jewish history and the history of the Jewish Union in Germany; professional questions of young Jewish women; copies of the organization's bulletins; internal correspondence including notices of lectures and financial questions; correspondence with a German-Jewish youth organization in Mannheim, showing the organization's policies, activities, and eventual decline; and correspondence with the Jewish organization "Frontovniks." Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Jüdische Gemeinde Athen (Fond 1427)
The collection includes community registration documents, bylaws, minutes, court decisions, marriage contracts and divorces, financial documents, instructions on teaching at schools, Contains also registers of members, photographs of the community members, numerous documents on the religious life and special services, and documentation on the transport of Jewish refugees from Western and eastern Europe to Palestine via Greece. Majority of collection constitute official communal correspondence: correspondence of the chief rabbinate and Athens community leaders with Greek central and municipal authorities; with Jewish international organizations (Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael, Keren Hayesod); with banks, businesses; with leaders of other Jewish communities in Greece and abroad; with private individuals on personal matters on searches for relatives.
Jüdische Gemeinde Saloniki (Fond 1428)
The collection contains registration documents of the Jewish community of Salonica (Thessaloniki), including meeting minutes of the Jewish Community Council; candidate lists for emigration; materials of the community's refugee committee; lists of refugees; applications for permission to relocate to Palestine, and documents on the life of Jewish settlers in Palestine; minutes and decisions of the Beth Din (mostly on damage cases); marriage contracts; financial accounts of charities; information about schools; diverse documents including rent receipts, a memorandum to the government regarding both the citizenship of a rabbi and the marriage law, a translation of a Freemason text, meeting minutes of the Jewish National Fund, and name lists of the community's religious staff; internal correspondence; correspondence with government authorities, other Jewish communities; and the city of Salonika regarding taxes; records of bank balances; and the rulings of the chief rabbi on various matters. There is voluminous correspondence of the chief rabbi and community council with the international Jewish religious and Zionist organizations: The World Federation of Sephardic Communities, Jewish National Fund, Keren Hayesod, Mizrachi, Shivat Tzion, and others. Some part of materials belong to other collections: records of Jewish community of Athens (Fond 1427), and records of the Jewish community of Vienna (Fond 707 and 7140, including a manuscript of a part of “The Book of Zohar”). The collection includes also printed materials. Entire original Fond was duplicated, with a handful of exceptions where files were not available to be reproduced.
Redaktion der Wochenschrift "Die Wahrheit", Wien, Organ der "Union österreichischer Juden" (Fond 677)
The collection contains correspondence with members of the Union of Austrian Jews and various subscribers, with religious communities, Jewish organizations, the Hungarian parliament, and the publishers. Consists also of card files of organizations and individuals who placed advertisements in the newspaper, issues of the newspapers: “Der Morgen”, “Der Wiener Tag”, “Gemeindeblatt”, clippings from German newspaper on clashes between Arabs and Jews in Palestine, manuscripts of articles by various authors on the situation of Jews in the countries of Europe and America, and the office cashbook. The collection includes issues of the newspaper “Die Wahreit” for 1937. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Jüdischer Sportklub "Hakoah," Graz (Fond 676)
Source archive holds Club newsletters, financial statements, letters and correspondence between club members, other organizations and insurance companies; includes an appeal to the club members to assume a broader role in defending Jews from persecution. Also includes the issues of the club bulletin, 1936-1938, and an issue of the Vienna sport Magazine "Stadion", 1933. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Bnei Brith-Tochterlogen in Deutschland (Fond 1219)
Correspondence and minutes of meetings (1936-1937) of the "Leibnitz" lodge of B'nai B'rith in Hannover. The documents relate mainly to organizational matters, listing of lectures, etc. Included is a notice of May 26, 1936, that all meetings must be registered with the Gestapo and with a Gestapo representative in attendance, as well as correspondence with a nurses' association that was an affiliate of B'nai B'rith in Allenstein, East Prussia (currently Olsztyn, Poland). The Gestapo also reserved the right to cancel any meeting which does not take place at the exact time as registered. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Association des Juifs polonais en France, Paris (Fond 45)
Correspondence with the Polish Emigrant Administration, name lists and bios of members, activity reports, account books, miscellaneous documents, speeches by leaders of the Polish Emigrant Government in France, including Gen. Sikorski and Ignacy Paderewski; a copy of the Jewish newspaper "Semen", and other printed materials. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Le Comité français du Rassemblement mondial contre le racisme et antisémitisme, Paris (Fond 97)
Contains a draft resolution and reports on the founding and structure of the World Union against Racism and Antisemitism, regulations to form committees of the union, circular letters, minutes of the meetings, 1937-1939, reports on the work of the Union’s French committee, list of members of the international executive committee office, lists of parties, unions, organizations affiliated with the World Union, informational bulletins, copies of a newspaper “La Droit de Vivre”, financial documentations, and numerous items of French committee correspondence with societies and organizations. The correspondence relate to union’s activities, holding congresses and conferences, ant-Nazi propaganda, collaboration, membership dues payments, and other issues. Note: The entire collection was copied.
Bureau exécutif international de la Ligue Internationale contre le racisme et anti-sémitisme, Paris (Fond 98)
This collection contains the organization's rules and statutes in addition to circulars, protocols, reports, lists of organization members, preparations for conferences and congresses, measures relating to a boycott of German goods and the struggle against holding the Olympic games in Germany, information about activities in various countries, reports on the situation of Jews in various countries, financial documents, newsletters, news clippings, and published material. The collection also features the International Federation's voluminous correspondence with national committees and with other societies and organizations: the Union of Jewish Communities of France, the World Union against Racism, the Canadian Jewish Congress, and the Anti-Nazi league, the World Union for Peace, the World Jewish Congress, and the Jewish community of Istanbul. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Comité Exécutif International du Rassemblement mondial contra le racisme et anti-sémitisme, Paris (Fond 99)
Contains records on the structure of the International Union (IU) including lists of members of organizations of the IU's French committee, executive committee members, and delegates of the 1st Congress (International Congress against Racism); records on demonstrations against racist propaganda; meeting minutes of the executive committee of the IU; reports, papers, and speeches presented at the IU's first three international conferences, held in 1937, 1938, and 1939; correspondence with affiliated organizations, foreign consulates, and embassies. The collection also includes informational bulletins of the World Union, leaflets, e.g. protesting Germany’s occupation of Czechoslovakia; and an appeal to fight racism and antisemitism, an address to the League of Nations demanding that the rights of Jews living in Romania must be defended; copies of newspapers and journals; surveys of the press regarding persecutions of Jews in various countries, and other materials. Note: The entire collection was copied.
Editorial Office of the Magazine "Hatikwah" of the Zionist Federation of Belgium, Brussels (Fond 145)
Correspondence with Jewish newspapers and Zionist and other international organizations. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Alliance israélite universelle, comite d'Anvers (Fond 156)
Records in this collection include minutes of committee meetings, 1921, 1927-1939, financial statements, 1931-1939, lists of committee members, correspondence with the Alliance committee in Paris and other Jewish agencies regarding organizational and financial issues, a register of membership dues payments, 1924-1940. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Zionist and other Jewish organizations in France (Fond 186)
Correspondence and reports of various organizations including the Western European International Zionist Youth Bureau, the Committee for the Defense of Rights of Jews in Central and Eastern Europe, the French Zionist Youth Federation, the Jewish Colonization Association, and other organizations. The records relate to administrative and financial matters, policy matters, antisemitism, and the situation of Jews in various countries. Includes also minutes of sessions of the international bureau of the Zionist Youth of Western Europe, the Committee for the Defense of the Rights of Jews in Central and Eastern Europe, the Association of Polish Jewish Veterans of the War in France, and the Central Association of Sephardic Jews; lists of Jewish organization and lists of members; questionnaires of Jewish emigrants from Hungary; financial documents of JCA, the Federation of Jewish Communities of France; informal bulletins, pamphlets and leaflets, and copies of newspapers. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Section française de la ligue internationale contre le racisme et antisémitisme, Paris (Fond 43)
Contains documents of the French Section's executive committee including meeting minutes; directives; congress and conference materials; correspondence with regional branches of the Section, state institutions, members, and other organizations; personal and group files; name lists of Section members; applications for membership; information about the work of the subcommittees, the boycott of German goods, a union of Jewish organizations, a youth committee, a young women's society, the editorial office of the Section newspaper Droit de vivre, the repression of Jews in France and elsewhere; reports, newspaper clippings, leaflets, posters, brochures, and other printed matter; magazine copies; and copies of other publications. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Bundeskanzleramt, Wien (Fond 515)
Reports by Austrian envoys abroad in Prague, Berlin, Cairo, and Stuttgart on various subjects; reports by the Viennese police; letters and reports to Kurt Schuschnigg (chancellor of Austria, 1934-1938); a draft law on Austrian/German border issues; correspondence regarding Austrian refugees; surveys of the German press; illegal German bulletin "Deutscher Nachrichtendienst", 1936-39; and correspondence regarding biographical data for Hitler and his relatives. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Weltorganisation gegen Rassenhaß und Menschennot (Harandbewegung), Wien (Fond 520)
Contains bylaws, memoranda, minutes, instructions, and appeals of the Weltorganisation gegen Rassenhass und Menschennot (World Organization against Racial Hatred and Poverty); biographical information on the organization's leader, Irene Harand; applications to join the organization; correspondence with subscribers to the newspaper "Gerechtigkeit" (organized by country), lists of subscribers; correspondence on providing aid to the Jewish population of Vienna; letters of invitations to Harand; proposals for publication, orders for journals and books; articles on the situation of Jews; a card file of members of the World organization against Racial Hatred and Poverty; membership cards, leaflets and photographs of organization members. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Dokumentarmaterial der Polizeiorgane über polnische und sowjetische Bürger, die vor dem Zeiten Weltkrieg in Deutschland lebten oder im Krieg in deutsche Kriegsgefangenschaft gerieten (sowjetische Zusammenstellung)(Fond 1164)
Investigation cases against Soviet, Polish and Ukrainian citizens, registration and employment records of Ukrainian refugees from Poland, questionnaires for residents of Nilvingen (Germany), passports, certificates, questionnaires of Soviet and Polish citizens sent for forced labor camps in Germany, clippings, leaflets with reports of escaped Soviet prisoners of war and civilian workers from concentration camps, prisons, and labor work places; statistics of the death of Soviet prisoners of war in the concentration camp in Gross-Rosen and Stalag 318/VIII F (344) (Łambinowice, Poland), various statistics and registration cards on Soviet, Yugoslav, Ukrainian and Polish citizens. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Oberpräsident der Provinz Oberschlesien, Kattowitz (Fond 1232)
This collection contains mainly files on the granting of German citizenship to ethnic Germans, especially in military service, by the committees for the implementation of the German People's List in Katowice (Kattowitz) and Opole (Oppeln) and church matters in general, ecclesiastical assets (cemeteries, buildings, taxes and collections), as well as the confiscation of monasteries, Catholic clergy (including accusations, exemption from military service), parish registers, Kindergartens, pastoral care in resettles. Also includes files on the labor input of prisoners of war, foreign workers and resettles, UK positions, fire police, household and salaries ( including the police 1939-1942), thereby funds for Nazi -Propaganda, for the promotion of tourism and art historical research, with lists of officials and their references, also on mercy petitions to death sentences of Poles and Jews (1942-1944). Consists of some files on the organization of the authorities (1942), marriages with foreigners (1941-1943), demarcation to the Generalgouvernement, war damage in Wroclaw and Opole, air raid, Poland prison camps, the consequences of July 20, 1944 plot (attempt to assassinate Adolf Hitler), construction, traffic, confiscation Polish and Jewish property (lists of a year 1944) and statistics. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Reichskanzlei (Fond 1235)
Reports of the German occupation authorities, clippings from newspapers, etc. about the political situation in Latvia and Estonia; notes, orders and correspondence of political and military figures, personal files of the employees (Curriculum Vitae, salary), a letter from Dr. Femi [?], a staff member of the German Embassy in Bangkok to the Chancellor Georg von Hertling about the case of Willi Fritz, accused of treason; international agreements and correspondence; plans to rebuild the building of the Reich Chancellery; daily plans; list of officials sending Birthday wishes to Hitler, and financing records relating to the purchase of the art works; leaflets, brochures, essays, letter-in and outgoing books, telephone books, etc. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Reichsarchiv, Potsdam (Fond 1255)
Correspondence with other archives about exchange of literature, transfer of documents captured in France, and other matters; with the Reichsinnenministerium about transfer of records seized in Poland; and correspondence of the Reichskommissariat Niederlande with Nazi organizations about the occupation of Flanders; circulars by NSDAP regarding trainings, a speech by R. Hess (June 14, 1935); orders by H. Frank, 9 Dec. 1939; lists of military campaigns; antifascist leaflets of WWII, 1939. Also includes Catholic propaganda and brochures on Pius XII, British propaganda and pamphlets, a diary of unknown military unit, reports and newspaper clippings. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Reichsministerium des Innern (Fond 720)
Consists of arrest reports as well as reports on other Gestapo activities such as raids and persons killed while trying to escape. The reasons for the arrests are included in the reports and include printing illegal material, spreading atrocity reports, suspicion of espionage, illegal possession of weapons, membership/leadership in illegal organizations, and being a Communist, foreigner, or Jew. Also included are reorganization plans for the Sipo Hauptamt in January 1938 and the whole Reichsministrium in July 1941. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Militär-und Militärbaueinrichtungen Deutschlands (Fond 1303)
Various German intelligence records, instructions for dealing with foreign workers, evaluation of Polish files, and listings of Polish Defense materials (1910-19440 [Opis 1]; Various records of German War and Defense Ministries, the High Command of the Navy, military offices on occupied territories (1897-1945) (Opis 2); Records on the general military staff of the Army, on various Army Commands and Battalions, and on questions of occupied Polish territories (1911-1945) [Opis 3]; Records on general staff of the Armed Forces, Commander-in-Chief, Engineering Forces, propaganda Department of the German Armed Forces, and other miscellaneous materials (1918-1945) [Opis 4]; Records on German Mission in Romania, prisoner of war affairs, and the Army Group in Ukraine (1940-1944) [Opis 5]; Records of Oberkommandos (High Command), Air Defense School in Berlin, and miscellaneous materials (1918-1944) [Opis 6]. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Jüdische Gemeinden und Organisationen (Fond 1325)
Consists of various documents from and concerning Austria (67 files); Belgium (1 file); Britain (1 file); Czechoslovakia (1 file); France (3 files); Germany (87 files); Latvia (1 file); Poland (3 files); Yugoslavia (1 file); various countries of Europe, Asia and Africa (40 files); Zionist organization (8 files); Jewish emigration (4 files); Jewish political organizations (8 file); societies against antisemitism (4 files); studies of Jewish religion, philosophy and culture (23 files); and miscellaneous materials. Includes extensive correspondence with various organizations, minutes of meetings, membership cards, circulars, and lists of students of the Berlin Rabbinical Seminary for Orthodox Judaism, manuscript materials of the Jewish Theological Seminary of Breslau (Wroclaw) notebooks with several Jewish works and religious manuscripts. Also contains manuscripts of nineteenth century Jewish scholarship: manuscript of Chanoch Albeck's works on halakhic Midrashim, Talmudic treaties, and Jewish teachings; a manuscript of prayers according the Ashkenazi rite, and other religious works as; sermons, various Talmudic tractates, Midrashim, the Zohar, and other classics of Jewish religious literature. Contains also documents of the social history of German and Austrian Jewry, 1764-1831), as well as records on activities of Jewish societies and organizations before WWII. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Kanzlei des Führers der NSDAP, Adolf Hitler, Berlin (Fond 1355)
The entire collection at the source archive contains correspondence, letters, circulars, instructions, reports, photographs, catalogs of books and art, essays, plays, manuscripts of novels and stories, newspaper clippings of the Chancellery of Adolf Hitler. Includes Hitler's correspondence with private individuals on personal matters, requests for help, letters from members of Jehovah's Witnesses to Hitler with protests against his policy towards Jews (1934), letters to Hitler from abroad with protests against the death penalty to the German Communist Edgar André (1936), Happy Birthday, New Year congratulations, and poems sent to Hitler (1937-1938), lists of employees of German police , who were awarded the medal „In Erinnerung an den 1. Oktober 1938“; a list of persons who received food consignments (December 1944), photo albums and photographs of warfare during WWI and WWII, art and architecture in Germany, a War Diary by Christian Girgue de Richard Jeanion-Saint-Germain (a gift to Hitler); essays by R. Routil "Race and Blood Type", "About the Composition of the Blood of the German people," lists of German professors living in Spain, Portugal, and Latin America, lists of German soldiers who have been awarded Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross, and ant-Soviet propaganda materials, clippings, reports on reception with Hitler, and anti-Soviet posters [Opis 4 (1921-1945), 52 AE] Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Geheime Feldpolizei, Bad Nauheim (Fond 1369)
Consists of the war diary with files on organization and personnel matters, cooperation with other police departments in security tasks in the Taunus (Usingen, Reifenberg during deployment for the campaign in France and later use in France, Greece and Soviet Union), partisans and resistance in occupied territories. Includes orders, reports, correspondence, name lists of personnel, and financial statistics. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Waffen-SS, Fürsorge- und Versorgungsstellen, Militärangehörige, Fremdenlegion der SS (Fond 1372)
Documentary materials of the SS troops and units and materials on pension payments to the German military personnel, SS soldiers, and volunteers for foreign legions. Includes correspondence, statistics, publications, circular letters, Himmler orders, procedure for the registration of marriages and divorces of SS men, the rules for wearing badges of the NSDAP, correspondence with financial department regarding payments of salaries to the volunteers of the SS troops, informational bulletins, lists of the SS employees, lists of Latvians serving in SS battalions, photographs, correspondence with the branches of the Deutsche Bank in Friedrichshafen, and others, the Dresdner Bank in Stuttgart, etc. about receiving money for the issue of pensions to retired Germans who lived in Switzerland. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Generalbauinspektor für die Reichshauptstadt Berlin (Fond 1409)
Original collection at source archive consists of various records relating to construction projects in the entire territory of German Reich: Opis 1: Instructions for the treatment of prisoners of war; protocols of the Reich Ministry of Labor (RAM) for the provision of prisoners of war; a list of the request of prisoners of war, correspondence and protocols on planning construction of subway, airports, ports; minutes of the first session of the "Wissenschaftseinsatzschaft Armausausbau"; proposals by the four-year plan authority (Göring) for rationalization and austerity measures in armaments; correspondence and planning for various architectural exhibitions; various plans and correspondence, i.e. Siemens planning in Mariendorf; Afghanistan; shooting range Kremmen; a construction project of the Luftwaffe in Berlin; reports on urban planning abroad; press kit about publications in the field of architecture (created by Speer's Press Officer and head of the press office Krocker); reports on economic situation; correspondence, regulations and lists for the supply and security of the defense industry; planning of the flak towers and other construction projects; construction program for the shell construction of the bed bunker; various decrees and protocols, i.e. for building material allocation; warranties, refusals and exemptions for various construction projects; lists of armaments factories; various circulars, orders and inquiries; organization of Hitler's 50th birthday; armament projects of the Air Force industry; maps, plans, sketches of construction zones, parcels and buildings. Opis 2: Various Speer correspondence with authorities and private persons (copies and punches); messages Göring to Speer that until 1941 no further workers are assigned to the Berlin area (6/6/1939); various construction projects in the entire territory of the German Reich with photos and maps; applications and reference letters; obituaries, dedications and congratulations by or to Speer; inquiries from private builders from Berlin and surroundings; correspondence with the press office; exemption requests from military service; construction projects and housing permits; a list of construction projects; maps and plans of the city of Berlin: topographical maps and official maps of Berlin and the surrounding areas; congratulatory telegrams to Speer, letters of thanks and condolences Speer, etc.; an original letter from Himmler and Heydrich (1937-41). Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
IG Farbenindustrie AG, Frankfurt/Main (Fond 1457)
The complete collection at the source archive holds records of various departments and offices of IG. Includes economic surveys of foreign countries China, Japan, Australia, India, Indochina, England, Bulgaria, Austria, Turkey, USA, and other countries; miscellaneous reports of company committees and boards; invitations, press reports, clippings, minutes; and records relating to forced labor; to foreign trade with European and non-European countries, a balance sheet analyses of the Dresdner bank, economic overviews; notes, clippings and photographs regarding IG plant in USA; lists of factories, and staff (1937-1944); orders regarding war production (1941-1945); Wehrmacht records regarding use of foreign workers; correspondence, reports and bulletins related to re scientific matters; a preliminary memo by military court Nurnberg regarding Karl Krauch (1947); POW workers at IG plants; a map of IG organization; and settlements records regarding the IG-factories in Auschwitz (1945-1948). Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Reichwirtschaftministerium, Berlin (Fond 1458)
Contains various records of the Reich Ministry for Economics: Circulars, orders, decrees and correspondence relating to restrict the rights of Jews in Germany and German occupied territories (including the Soviet Union, the Baltic republics, and Belorussia) with regard to personal and property insurance, issuing credit and bank loans, payment for work and sick pay. Includes stenographic reports of speeches, and minutes of secret meetings of senior Reich officials Hermann Goring, Walther Funk, and Labor Minister Franz Seldte on excluding Jews from the German economy and commerce, on conflicting Jewish owned plots of land and property in German territories, also includes an analytic surveys and papers on German legislation with regard to Jews. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Deutsche Revisions- und Treuhand-AG, Berlin (Fond 1466)
The complete collection at the source archive contains audit reports of the financial condition of companies, banks in Germany and in the occupied territories, treaty between the USSR and the company "Siemens Apparate- und Maschinenbau GmbH" on the supply of weapons and correspondence on the state guarantees. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Sammlung von Illustrationsmaterial (Fond 1511)
Entire collection at source archive consists of watercolors, reproductions of paintings, materials on questions of art (18th century-1937); photographs and postcards of architectural monuments, photographs of social figures (18th century-1925); photograph of Hitler and German generals, photographs of Ukrainians and Belarusians in German service, and photographs of a base of the Organization Todt (1923-1944); album with group photographs of the Summer School in Bad Berka; reproduction of paintings, newspaper clippings art issues, illustrations of various paintings by Raphael, Rembrandt, Rubens; materials related to politician, social persons, kings, princess, scientists of different states, and wars (WWI, WWII, Japanese-Chinese War, Spanish War); German photochromic related to international relations, occupation of European countries, Eastern Front, USSR, miscellaneous events in various states, German military personalities, history of the NSDAP, statistics and sport events (1914-1943). Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records (Opis 1)
Materialien, die aus dem Puschkin-Museum übergeben wurden (Fond 1524)
Entire collection at the source archive consists of the list of materials from a Wittenberg archive and catalogs of the Dresden museums as well as documents on the confiscation of art works during WWII; files on the "Führermuseum Linz"; correspondence with the Reich Governor in Vienna (1941-1943); correspondence of Hans Posse with Reich Chancellery (1941-1942) and the Foreign Office (1941-1943). Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael (Fond 44)
This collection contains office records of the Jewish National Foundation (Karen Kaemeth Leizrael, K.K.L.), whose headquarters were in Paris and which was known as the "Fund National Juif." Topics include meetings and conferences, activities of local branches, Zionist propaganda, the celebration of Jewish holidays, and raising money for Palestine. Documents include declarations; circular letters and instructions; activity reports; meeting minutes of the Executive Committee; lists of commissariats of the organization in France and North Africa; name lists of "authorized representatives" and "members"; correspondence with other international Zionist organizations; and trip reports. Also included are samples of the organization journals the "La terre retruve ", "Karnenu", "Mitteylungen", brochures, musical Jewish plays, stories and songs collection of songs and poems in Hebrew, and a collection "Little Illustration" ( la petit ilustración), published by K.K.L. for the purpose of carrying out Zionist propaganda. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Armata a 3-a Română (Fond 493)
This collection contains information on Soviet territory occupied by Romanian forces, as well as reports on the actions of Soviet parachutists and enemy guerrillas against Romanian and German forces in the area.
Historische Kommission des Reichsführers SS (Fond 701)
This collection contains miscellaneous documentation on Austrian Foreign Minister William Wolf, correspondence with SD there, press clippings concerning political activities in Austria, reports of SD sectors "Ost" and "Züd West," situation reports from SS officials about the mood of the Austrian population, correspondence of Reichsführer-SS Himmler with the Chief of Security Police Heydrich and others concerning the Historical Commission, and copies of books and other publications. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
"Bikur Cholim" Jüdischer Krankenbesuchs-und Unterstützungsverein, Graz (Fond 710)
This collection contains office records of the Bikur Cholim: regulations, correspondence, appeals to the Jews of Graz for membership, name lists of members and donors, records of aid to children, and financial accounts. Also included are copies of newspapers “Die Stimme Der Jude” for 1937, and personal papers of the society director E. Grunschlag: personal correspondence with his wife and son. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Verband der jüdischen kaufleute und handwerker, Wien (Fond 1191)
This collection contains various office records of the Association of Jewish Merchants and Craftsmen in Vienna, Austria: correspondence; minutes of board meetings and general meetings of the membership; records pertaining to the association's publication "Die Wirtschaft"; and financial records. Includes also questionnaires about association member’s professions; issues of the Vienna commercial and industrial newspaper and of the Czechoslovakian economic bulletin “Vestnik”; and informational bulletin of the Austrian Chamber of Exports. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Deutscher Akademisches Austauschdienst, Paris (Fond 132)
This collection contains office records of the Paris branch of the Deutscher Akademisches Austauschdienst in Berlin. Included are general correspondence, bills for routine expenses and book and subscription purchases, lists of some German and French exchange students, statistics concerning foreign students in French universities, press clippings concerning events by organizations involved in Franco-German cultural relations, an invitation list created by the German embassy for a 1938 "German Book Week", and other materials. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Zentrale Vereinigung österreichischer Emigranten, Paris (Fond 542)
This collection contains various documents about the terms of reference of the Central Office, which functioned as a clearinghouse of information for emigrants. Topics include the activities of Austrian expatriates, events in Austria, and the experience of Austrian prisoners in camps such as Buchenwald and Dachau. Types of documents include press clippings, letters, reports, manuscripts, periodical articles and bulletins of the Central Office. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Nachlaß Rosenberg, Arthur (1889-1943); historiker, politiker, schriftsteller (Fond 641)
Arthur Rosenberg's correspondence with German publishing houses regarding payment for his articles, January 1 to July 1, 1932. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Österreich-ungarische und österreichische Ministerien (Fond 1310)
Records of the Ministry of Finance of Austro-Hungary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Austria, Ministry of Justice of Austria, Ministry of Restoration of Germany, Ministry of Defense of Germany, Reich Ministry for Enlightenment and Propaganda of Germany, Ministry of Agriculture, and a file of the General Headquarters of Armed Forces of Germany, Berlin. Includes various statistics, publications, Yugoslavian-Austrian research bulletins, invitations for balls and concerts, membership cards and name lists, letters, obituaries, notes, the Zionist Congress announcements and correspondence (Vienna, Sept. 7, 1935), blank bank forms, and other printed materials. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Emigrantenorganisationen (Fond 1313)
Records of approximately ten small organizations of émigrés in Paris, including the Bund Freie Presse und Literatur (Bund Association for the Free Press and Literature, the Action Committee of German Oppositionists (Aktionsausschuss Deutscher Oppositioneller), and the Ligue Autrichienne (Austrian League). Includes correspondence, letter, application forms, individuals' biographical information forms, emigrants' requests for aid, postcards, notes, fragments of the Heinrich Mann book "An das deutsche Volk!: die Geburtstagsrede", and other printed materials. The largest file consists of 258 pages; the smallest consist of 3 pages. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Weltverband der jüdischen Studentenschaft, Wien (Fond 1230)
This collection contains office records of this international student organization. Included are protocols of general meetings and executive board meetings, correspondence, policy statements, proposals, and position papers to be presented at international conferences, press clippings, copies of an English-language publication “The Monthly News Sheet”; and a number of English-language records from the International Student Service. The collection contains correspondence with the Jewish Unions from other countries on holding conferences, uniting Jewish student’s organization into one single union, providing aid to Jewish students on fundraising, setting hostels, developing tourism, on Jewish student emigration from Germany and Poland, Jewish quota at Hungarian universities, and Jewish student trips from Bratislava to Palestine. It also includes correspondence with Albert Einstein, Julian Mack, Stephen Wise on providing aid to the World Union of Jewish Students; correspondence with Jewish and other public organizations: the World Jewish Congress, American Jewish Congress, the League of Nations International Institute of Intellectual Cooperation, the World Student Christian Federation, and the International University Federation for the League of Nations, the International Student Relief Organization, and others. Printed materials include bulletins of the International Student Relief Organization (1920, 1930, 1933), the Union of Jewish Students in Germany (1927), the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JAT); and the pamphlet “The International Student Relief Organization: A Brief Survey of its History, Goals, and Plans for the Future.” Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records. Those records are replacing a previous acquisition of one folder only: RG-11.001M.41.
HIAS-JCA Emigration Association (HICEM), Paris (Fond 740)
Administrative files of the council of HICEM, including minutes, reports of the HICEM’s bureau of statistics, and finance department, circulars, and field trip reports. Other materials include reports on the status of Jews in various countries, lists of emigrants, reports on conferences, including minutes taken at the 1938 Evian conference, bulletins and periodicals issued by HICEM, press and media clippings, correspondence with branches and organizations in various countries, including correspondence with local HICEM branches, local charities and Jewish communities, correspondences with international organizations like the League of Nations, OZE, and the Jewish Child Welfare Organization. These records consist of materials left in Paris when the HICEM offices were moved to Bordeaux in 1940, before being transferred to Marseille and ultimately Lisbon for the duration of the war. Files that HICEM official took with them when the Paris office closed in June 1940 can be found at the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research (RG 245.5; http://findingaids.cjh.org/?pID=1309366). Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
Jüdische Synagogen-Ausbildung, Gemeinde Belgrad (Fond 1429)
Contains bylaws, minutes, lists of members of the Jewish community of Belgrade, correspondence with Jewish charitable societies and with various individuals on the construction of buildings, on establishing Jewish schools, shelters, and choir, on raising funds for the community fund, and on providing material aid to community members in need; birth registers and marriage contracts (1866-1940); a resolution on the payment of pensions to community employees; contracts with various firms and private individuals regarding the purchase of equipment and the leasing of buildings; lists of persons making donations; financial documents; and correspondence with Yugoslav authorities regarding permits for a construction of synagogue, prayer houses, and other community buildings as well as regarding the payment of taxes and Jewish emigration from Yugoslavia. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee. European Executive Bureau in Paris, France (Fond 722)
Consist of records of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee. European Executive Bureau in Paris: an organization statute, registration forms, files of the New York office; correspondence with branches in Riga, Budapest, Warsaw, and other European cities; and the Red Cross. Includes correspondence on visas and aid for emigrants, on the arrest of JDC official Isaac Gitterman, funding the evacuation of the Executive Committee from Paris to Bordeaux, and plans for refugee settlement in Haiti and South America. Other documents include cables on the hardships of Jews in Warsaw, a report on the circumstances of Jews in Belgium, a list of Polish, Romanian, and Dutch immigrants, and information on possibilities for emigration to India; and maps and statistics illustrating emigration information bulletins, articles, newspaper clippings, and economic journals from various countries. The staff of the Joint Distribution Committee fled Paris in advance of the German invasion in summer 1940, first to Bordeaux then on to Lisbon, where they re-established the JDC's European headquarters for the remainder of the war. These records were captured by German forces in 1940 and taken back to Germany, where Soviet forces would later find them in 1945. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.
HICEM-Odbor za pomoc židovskim izbeglicam, Zagreb (Fond 1430)
Records related to the activities of the Zagreb Office of the HICEM Committee in Yugoslavia. The Zagreb office of HICEM gained importance after the Anschluss in 1938, when Austrian and German Jews tried to flee Europe, joined in smaller numbers by Czech, Polish, and Hungarian Jews. HICEM Zagreb registered and sheltered the refugees during their temporary stay in Yugoslavia, and took care of their everyday needs. HICEM also advised them about visas, transportation routes, tickets, and prepared them for emigration, in the process providing many with financial aid. The collection contains extensive correspondence with the HICEM offices and Jewish organizations worldwide, letters from refugees, questionnaires and personal files of refugees who registered with HICEM Committee Zagreb, in alphabetical order. Dates and places next to the names indicate when and where the registration of refugees took place. The name files usually include personal data in petitions and questionnaires that the refugees had to fill out. They also include the refugee’s applications for help with lodging, assistance with food and medical care, training, finding their relatives, visa applications, financial assistance for their journeys, etc. HICEM tried to conduct a background check on the refugees in order to establish the merit of helping and exclude criminals. Therefore the folders often contain financial information of the refugees, character references or letters of recommendations, assessment of their health and capability of work. HICEM also searched for the refugees’ family members overseas to obtain affidavits of support and help with financing and placement. The entire collection was copied in 2017.
Exekutivkomitee des Jüdischen Weltkongresses, Paris (Fond 1190)
Records related to the organization of the First World Jewish Congress (WJC). Includes minutes of the sessions of the WJC central bureau and executive and administrative committees, accounts and correspondence related to the political and organizational activities of the Committee, letters, petitions, memoranda, and press releases related to the persecution of Jews in various countries, correspondence with Jewish organizations, international organization (League of Nations), government and public officials, lists of local WJC committee members and leaders of Jewish organizations in various countries, as well as lists of Jews from France and the Netherlands who added in the establishment of the WJC information center. Also contains numerous informational bulletins published by WJC, newspaper clippings, journals and pamphlets. All available records were copied as of 2017.
Jüdische Gemeinde Ragusa (Fond 1439)
Records of the Jewish Community of Ragusa (Dubrovnik). Consists of marriage, death, and birth registers, financial documentation, registers of dues and fees, and an account book of the Jewish community of Dubrovnik.
lsraeliticka bogoštovna op ina Zagreb (Fond 1441)
Correspondence related to the various activities of the Jewish community (public events, charity, educational and religious matters, membership duties etc.), correspondence with Jewish and Zionist organizations in Yugoslavia and worldwide, Yugoslav government authorities (Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs) and Zagreb City administration (petitions, requests, complaints, applications for the citizenship. residence permits etc.) The entire collection was copied in 2017, replacing a possibly incomplete version received in 1993.
Bnei Brith-Großloge und Tochterlogen Griechenlands und Jugoslawiens (Fond 1225)
Records relating to the activities of the Grand Lodge of B'nai B'rith in Yugoslavia and its affiliated lodges "Serbia", "Sarajevo" and “Zagreb." Consists of circular letters, register of proceedings ("Serbia" lodge), list of board members, biographical information on the leaders, letters of recommendation and application of candidates, bylaws, minutes and agendas of the meetings (“Zagreb" and "Sarajevo"), list of members and leaders of the "Menorah" lodges in Osijek and "Manat Yad" in Subotica; correspondence with the Yugoslav authorities, various reports on activities (struggle against antisemitism, fundraising for the relief efforts for Jewish refugees from Germany, Austria, Romania and other countries during and after 1938-1939). Also contains records related to the activities of the B'nai B'rith lodges in Greece. It consists of general reports, applications for membership (Lodge "Salonika"), and financial records of the lodges "Acropolis", “Byzantium", correspondence files with other lodges, reports on fundraising activities. Other group of records in this collection constitute archival records of the non B'nai B'rith provenance, originating from the archival collections of the Jewish community of Belgrade (see also: RG-11.001M.96, Jewish Community in Belgrade (Fond 1429). Includes speeches, correspondence, materials related to the construction of the synagogue in Belgrade, lists of cultural, charitable, educational and religious Jewish organizations active in Yugoslavia, the list of Belgrade Jewish community electors (1931), minutes of the meetings of the Executive Committee of the Union of Jewish Religious Communities in Yugoslavia, articles, texts of lectures, printouts of newspaper publications on Jewish emigration etc. The entire collection was copied in 2017.
Zionist Palestine Office, Thessaloniki, Greece (Fond 1435)
Various reports, news bulletins, correspondence and appeals of the Palestine Bureau. Includes general reports on the activities of the Thessaloniki Palestine Bureau for 1924-1926; reports to the leadership of the Zionist Federation of Greece on Jewish settlements in Palestine, on the fundraising activities on behalf of Jewish victims of pogroms in Palestine, financial records (register of donated funds, salaries etc.) and extensive correspondence between Palestine Bureau and various Jewish organizations, Jewish communities and private individuals. Also includes questionnaires of Greek Jews applying for permission to immigrate to Palestine, personal files of candidates for emigration, lists of persons for emigration to Palestine arranged by profession, age, marital status, photos etc. Note: Some of the materials may originate from the fond 1428 (The Jewish Community of Thessaloniki, USHMM Archives RG-11.001M.51) including correspondence files, financial records, applications for divorce, minutes of the sessions of the Thessaloniki Religious Court (Beth Din), marriage contracts, and courts summons. The entire collection was copied in 2017, though one file is still located with parts of RG-11.001M; see the finding aid for details.