- Format
- Book
- Published
- Waterloo, Ont. : Wilfrid Laurier University Press, [2008]
- Locale
- Foreign countries
- Contents
Preface: The Speckled People / Hugo Hamilton
Diaspora Experiences German Immigrants and Their Descendants / Mathias Schulze and James M. Skidmore
Language and Identity in the German Diaspora / Janet M. Fuller
Language and the Negotiation of Identities among German-speaking Diasporic Communities in Central Europe / Patrick Stevenson and Jenny Carl
German-speaking Swiss in Australia Typical Swiss, Model Immigrants or a 'Sonderfall' Abroad? / Doris Schüpbach
Migration, Language Use and Identity German in Melbourne, Australia, since the World War II / Sandra Kipp
Language and Identity The German-speaking People of Paarl / Rolf Annas
Canadian German Identity in Language / Grit Liebscher and Jennifer Dailey-O'Cain
'Memories from Afar.' Aspects of Memories Spanning Several Generations in Families of Austrian Jewish Refugees / Andrea Strutz
Pulitzer, Preetorius, and the German-American Identity Project of the Westliche Post in Saint Louis / Jason Todd Baker
"We dont want Kiser to rool in Ontario." Franco-Prussian War, German Unification and World War I as Reflected in the Canadian Berliner Journal (1859-1918) / Anne Löchte
The Politics of Diaspora Russian German Émigré Activists in Interwar Germany / James Casteel
Creating Transcultural Space Ethnicity, Gender and the Arts in Chicago, 1890s to 1950s / Christiane Harzig
The GDR and the 'Citizens of German Origin' in Canada The Role of the Gesellschaft Neue Heimat (1980-1990) / Manuel Meune
Moving beyond Hyphenated German Culture Establishing a Research Agenda for Expatriate and Heritage German Literary Studies / James M. Skidmore
Some Facts and Figures on German-Speaking Exiles in Ireland 1933-45 / Gisela Holfter
Conversion as a "Two-Edged Sword" Evangelicalism among Pittsburgh's German Immigrants / Nora Faires
The Diasporic Moment Elise von Koerber, Dr. Otto Hahn, and the Attempt to Create a German Diaspora in Canada / Angelika Sauer
German Migrants in Post-War Britain Immigration Policy, Recruitment and Reception / Johannes-Dieter Steinert and Inge Weber-New
Immigration of German-Speaking People to the Territory of Modern-Day Turkey (1850- 1918) / Christin Pschichholz
Associating or Quarrelling? Migration, Acculturation and Transmission among Social-Democratic Sudeten-Germans in Canada / Patrick Farges
Sudeten-German Refugees in Canada and the Forced Migration of Germans in Post-War Central and Eastern Europe / Pascal Maeder
Language Attrition among Germans Living in the Netherlands / Anne Ribbert
Der Onkel aus Amerika - The German Emigrant as Figure of Speech and Fictional Character / Carsten Würmann
Ich will nach Amerika, mir eine neue Heimat suchen The Emigration of Expellees in post-1945 West German Film / Hanno Sowade
German Diaspora Experiences in British Columbia after 1945 / Christian Lieb
The German Language in the South Seas Language Contact and the Influence of Language Politics and Language Attitudes / Stefan Engelberg
Migration, Gender and Storytelling How Gender Shapes the Experiences and the Narrative Patterns in Biographical Interviews / Brigitte Bönisch-Brednich
The Domestication of Radical Ideas and Colonial Spaces The Case of Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche / Karin Bauer
Reasons and Conditions of Population Transfer Expulsion of Germans from East and Central Europe and their Integration in Germany and Foreign Countries after World War II. / Hans Lemberg
Emigration and Wiedergutmachung The Social History of Jewish Entrepreneurs from Frankfurt 1933-63 / Benno Nietzel
Dissolving the German Diaspora in Poland-A Different Approach / Dieter Buse
Suffering in a Province of Asia The Russian-German Diaspora in Kazakhstan / J. Otto Pohl
The Nationalization Campaign and the Rewriting of History-The Case of Blumenau, South Brazil / Méri Frotscher Kramer
Pennsylvania German in Kansas Language Change or Loss? / Jörg Meindl
Wernher von Braun and Arthur Rudolph Negotiating the Past in Huntsville, Alabama / Monique Laney
Brave or Naïve? Memory Work and Vergangenheitsbewältigung in Gertrud Mackprang Baer's In the Shadow of Silence / Doris Wolf
A German Post-1945 Diaspora? German Migrants' Encounters with the Nazi Past / Alexander Freund
Di Brandt's Writing Breaks Canadian Mennonite Silence and Reshapes Cultural Identity / Natasha G. Wiebe
Use It or Lose It? Language Use, Language Attitudes, and Language Proficiency among German Speakers in Vancouver / Monika S. Schmid.
- Other Authors/Editors
- Schulze, Mathias, 1963-
Waterloo Centre for German Studies.
- Notes
Proceedings of a conference at the University of Waterloo, Aug. 24-27, 2006.
Co-published by: Waterloo Centre for German Studies.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Preface: The Speckled People / Hugo Hamilton -- Diaspora Experiences German Immigrants and Their Descendants / Mathias Schulze and James M. Skidmore -- PART I : IDENTITY -- Language and Identity in the German Diaspora / Janet M. Fuller -- Language and the Negotiation of Identities among German-speaking Diasporic Communities in Central Europe / Patrick Stevenson and Jenny Carl -- German-speaking Swiss in Australia Typical Swiss, Model Immigrants or a 'Sonderfall' Abroad? / Doris Schüpbach -- Migration, Language Use and Identity German in Melbourne, Australia, since the World War II / Sandra Kipp -- Language and Identity The German-speaking People of Paarl / Rolf Annas -- Canadian German Identity in Language / Grit Liebscher and Jennifer Dailey-O'Cain -- 'Memories from Afar.' Aspects of Memories Spanning Several Generations in Families of Austrian Jewish Refugees / Andrea Strutz -- Pulitzer, Preetorius, and the German-American Identity Project of the Westliche Post in Saint Louis / Jason Todd Baker -- "We dont want Kiser to rool in Ontario." Franco-Prussian War, German Unification and World War I as Reflected in the Canadian Berliner Journal (1859-1918) / Anne Löchte -- The Politics of Diaspora Russian German Émigré Activists in Interwar Germany / James Casteel -- Creating Transcultural Space Ethnicity, Gender and the Arts in Chicago, 1890s to 1950s / Christiane Harzig -- The GDR and the 'Citizens of German Origin' in Canada The Role of the Gesellschaft Neue Heimat (1980-1990) / Manuel Meune -- PART II : MIGRATION -- Moving beyond Hyphenated German Culture Establishing a Research Agenda for Expatriate and Heritage German Literary Studies / James M. Skidmore -- Some Facts and Figures on German-Speaking Exiles in Ireland 1933-45 / Gisela Holfter -- Conversion as a "Two-Edged Sword" Evangelicalism among Pittsburgh's German Immigrants / Nora Faires -- The Diasporic Moment Elise von Koerber, Dr. Otto Hahn, and the Attempt to Create a German Diaspora in Canada / Angelika Sauer -- German Migrants in Post-War Britain Immigration Policy, Recruitment and Reception / Johannes-Dieter Steinert and Inge Weber-New -- Immigration of German-Speaking People to the Territory of Modern-Day Turkey (1850- 1918) / Christin Pschichholz -- Associating or Quarrelling? Migration, Acculturation and Transmission among Social-Democratic Sudeten-Germans in Canada / Patrick Farges -- Sudeten-German Refugees in Canada and the Forced Migration of Germans in Post-War Central and Eastern Europe / Pascal Maeder -- Language Attrition among Germans Living in the Netherlands / Anne Ribbert -- Der Onkel aus Amerika - The German Emigrant as Figure of Speech and Fictional Character / Carsten Würmann -- Ich will nach Amerika, mir eine neue Heimat suchen The Emigration of Expellees in post-1945 West German Film / Hanno Sowade -- German Diaspora Experiences in British Columbia after 1945 / Christian Lieb -- The German Language in the South Seas Language Contact and the Influence of Language Politics and Language Attitudes / Stefan Engelberg -- Migration, Gender and Storytelling How Gender Shapes the Experiences and the Narrative Patterns in Biographical Interviews / Brigitte Bönisch-Brednich -- The Domestication of Radical Ideas and Colonial Spaces The Case of Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche / Karin Bauer -- PART III : LOSS -- Reasons and Conditions of Population Transfer Expulsion of Germans from East and Central Europe and their Integration in Germany and Foreign Countries after World War II. / Hans Lemberg -- Emigration and Wiedergutmachung The Social History of Jewish Entrepreneurs from Frankfurt 1933-63 / Benno Nietzel -- Dissolving the German Diaspora in Poland-A Different Approach / Dieter Buse -- Suffering in a Province of Asia The Russian-German Diaspora in Kazakhstan / J. Otto Pohl -- The Nationalization Campaign and the Rewriting of History-The Case of Blumenau, South Brazil / Méri Frotscher Kramer -- Pennsylvania German in Kansas Language Change or Loss? / Jörg Meindl -- Wernher von Braun and Arthur Rudolph Negotiating the Past in Huntsville, Alabama / Monique Laney -- Brave or Naïve? Memory Work and Vergangenheitsbewältigung in Gertrud Mackprang Baer's In the Shadow of Silence / Doris Wolf -- A German Post-1945 Diaspora? German Migrants' Encounters with the Nazi Past / Alexander Freund -- Di Brandt's Writing Breaks Canadian Mennonite Silence and Reshapes Cultural Identity / Natasha G. Wiebe -- Use It or Lose It? Language Use, Language Attitudes, and Language Proficiency among German Speakers in Vancouver / Monika S. Schmid.