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Culling the masses : the democratic origins of racist immigration policy in the Americas / David Scott FitzGerald, David Cook-Martín.

Publication | Not Digitized | Library Call Number: JV6350 .F58 2014

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    Book cover


    Culling the Masses questions the widely held view that in the long run democracy and racism cannot coexist. David Scott FitzGerald and David Cook-Martin show that democracies were the first countries in the Americas to select immigrants by race, and undemocratic states the first to outlaw discrimination. Through analysis of legal records from twenty-two countries between 1790 and 2010, the authors present a history of the rise and fall of racial selection in the Western Hemisphere. The United States led the way in using legal means to exclude "inferior" ethnic groups. Starting in 1790, Congress began passing nationality and immigration laws that prevented Africans and Asians from becoming citizens, on the grounds that they were inherently incapable of self-government. Similar policies were soon adopted by the self-governing colonies and dominions of the British Empire, eventually spreading across Latin America as well. Undemocratic regimes in Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, and Cuba reversed their discriminatory laws in the 1930s and 1940s, decades ahead of the United States and Canada. The conventional claim that racism and democracy are antithetical - because democracy depends on ideals of equality and fairness, which are incompatible with the notion of racial inferiority - cannot explain why liberal democracies were leaders in promoting racist policies and laggards in eliminating them. Ultimately, the authors argue, the changed racial geopolitics of World War II and the Cold War was necessary to convince North American countries to reform their immigration and citizenship laws. -- Publisher's website.
    FitzGerald, David, 1972-
    Cambridge, Massachusetts : Harvard University Press, 2014
    The organizational landscape : from eugenics to anti-racism
    The United States : paragon of liberal democracy and racism
    Canada : between neighbor and empire
    Cuba : whitening an island
    Mexico : selecting those who never came
    Brazil : selling the myth of racial democracy
    Argentina : crucible of European nations?
    Appendix: Ethnic selection in sixteen countries.
    Other Authors/Editors
    Cook-Martín, David (David A.)
    Includes bibliographical references (pages 339-481) and index.
    The organizational landscape : from eugenics to anti-racism -- The United States : paragon of liberal democracy and racism -- Canada : between neighbor and empire -- Cuba : whitening an island -- Mexico : selecting those who never came -- Brazil : selling the myth of racial democracy -- Argentina : crucible of European nations? -- Appendix: Ethnic selection in sixteen countries.

    Physical Details

    Physical Description
    xiii, 501 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm

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