- Summary
- This is the artist's response to her discovery in 2009 of a bundle of more than 100 letters written in German by her grandparents between 1939 and 1941. The letters were sent from Riga, Latvia, to their children, the artist's mother and uncle, who had been sent from Leipzig, Germany, to safety in Memphis, Tennessee. They reveal the story of her grandparents' journey from Leipzig to Riga before their deaths in 1941. The letters were then "hidden in plain sight" in her family's attic for almost 70 years. After the letters were translated into English, the author discovered part of her family's history and was inspired to record her grandparents' lives and to map their journey.
- Format
- Book
- Author/Creator
- Burson, Bunny, author, artist.
- Published
- St. Louis : Bunny Burson, 2015
- Locale
- Missouri
Saint Louis
- Other Authors/Editors
- Albright, Madeleine Korbel, author of introduction, etc.
Butler, Karen K., 1972- author.
Kelm, Daniel E., binder.
Botnick, Ken, book designer, printer.
Emdash (Firm), printer.
Wide Awake Garage, binder.
- Notes
"Designed and printed in 2015 at emdash studio in St Louis, Missouri, by Ken Botnick with the assistance of Catherine Johnson, and bound by Daniel Kelm at Wide Awake Garage in Easthampton, Massachusetts. The covers were made from a woodblock created on a CNC router at Anderson Ranch in Snowmass, Colorado, and embossed into Rives BFK paper at Pele Prints in St Louis, Missouri. The foldouts are lithographs printed on Thai mulberry and Chinese paper bought in Shanghai in 2015. The maps were made using hand-cut stencils which were then pressure printed on a Vandercook press at emdash, and the text, set in Berthold Walbaum type, was printed from polymer plates. The text papers are Zerkall and Legion's UV/Ultra II. The metal envelopes were fabricated at Engraphix in St Louis ...There are 27 books in this edition"--Colophon.
Issued in a black cloth-covered clamshell case with etchings of the front and back of an envelope attached to the front and back of the case.
USHMM copy is no. 23; signed by the artist.
In English and German.
The acquisition of this publication was made possible by David and Sharon Leiman.