- Summary
- Videotape testimony of Clara L., who was born in Kisvárda, Hungary in 1925. She recalls Sabbath observance at home; her older sister's emigration to England; her older brother's conscription into a labor battalion (she never saw him again); accompanying her father to Budapest for several months while he was hospitalized; German occupation in 1944; return to Kisvárda with her parents; ghettoization; deportation; a family's suicide on the train; her mother's advice to do anything to survive; and separation from her parents upon arrival at Auschwitz (she never saw them again). She describes the importance of remaining with her younger sister; a child's birth in the next barrack; selection of women for medical experiments; exchanging food for a psalm book; reciting the psalms at appels; digging trenches in Silesia; sharing food; Germans giving them hot water while on a death march; stealing pigs' food; carrying her sister; arrival at Bergen-Belsen; and liberation by British troops. Mrs. L. recounts her sister's death ; joining her older sister in England; emigration to Canada in 1948; recent nightmares; and suddenly recurring memories. She expresses the hope that she can now discuss these events with her daughter.
- Author/Creator
- L., Clara, 1925-2014.
- Published
- New Haven, Conn. : Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies, 1993
- Interview Date
- May 28, 1993.
- Locale
- Hungary
Kisvárda (Hungary)
Budapest (Hungary)
- Cite As
- Clara L. Holocaust Testimony (HVT-1850). Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies, Yale University Library.
- Other Authors/Editors
- Kline, Dana L., interviewer.
Ritvo, Lucille B.,