- Summary
- Videotape testimony of George C., who was born ca. 1922 and served in the United States Infantry during World War II. He recalls encountering German soldiers eager to surrender; entering Wöbbelin concentration camp a few hours after its liberation; seeing hundreds of corpses in sand dunes and railway cars; encounters with survivors, one of whom turned down an opportunity to kill a guard; and a German religious group that buried the dead in the camp. He discussed the destruction of prisoners' dignity; his abhorrence of war; and his fear of a recurrence.
- Author/Creator
- C., George, 1922?-
- Published
- Peabody, Mass. : North Shore Jewish Federation Holocaust Center, 1987
- Interview Date
- August 12, 1987.
- Cite As
- George C. Holocaust Testimony (HVT-1018). Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies, Yale University Library.
- Other Authors/Editors
- Schulz, Steven, interviewer.
Levin, Helene, interviewer.