- Summary
- Videotape testimony of Aaron E., who was born in Sokołów Podlaski, Poland in 1933. He describes his father's non-kosher butcher shop; German occupation; ghettoization; smuggling out of the ghetto to deliver meat; selections from which no one returned; fear of death from overhearing adult conversations; forced labor on a farm with his family in 1942; being discovered while hiding with his family during the ghetto's liquidation; escaping; his younger sister's deportation to Treblinka; his mother sending him to his other sister to hide with a Polish woman; hiding in her attic until liberation; living with his sister and uncle in Łódź, then in an orphanage; illegally traveling to Germany with his sister; living with her in Fürth and Neufreimann displaced persons camps; their emigration to the United States in June 1947; living in an orphanage, then in a loving home; difficulties in school; service in Korea; marriage; and the births of two sons, named for relatives who perished. Mr. E. discusses the loss of his childhood and parents; emotional problems resulting from his experiences, including being an overprotective parent; nightmares; a close relationship with his sister; and his sense of being a perpetual "outsider."
- Author/Creator
- E., Aaron, 1933-
- Published
- Wilmette, Ill. : Holocaust Education Foundation, 1992
- Interview Date
- May 31, 1992.
- Locale
- Poland
Sokołów Podlaski
Sokołów Podlaski (Poland)
Łódź (Poland)
- Cite As
- Aaron E. Holocaust Testimony (HVT-2317). Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies, Yale University Library.
- Other Authors/Editors
- Schapiro, Raya Czerner
Kraft, Sondra, interviewer.
- Notes
Associated material: Irene B. Holocaust testimony [sister] (HVT-2318), Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies, Yale University Library.