- Summary
- Videotape testimony of Isador J., who was born in Vienna, Austria, the older of two children. He recounts his parents were Polish immigrants; his family's orthodoxy; completing high school; German occupation in 1938; anti-Jewish laws; a fight with a non-Jewish friend; leaving the next day without telling his family; traveling by train to Innsbruck; interdiction while trying to enter Switzerland; being kept at the railroad station and placed on a train to Vienna the next day; jumping from the train; walking toward the Alps; a shepherd sheltering him overnight, then escorting and directing him toward Switzerland; police interdiction in Switzerland; placement in a refugee camp near Saint Gall; contacting his parents; their emigration to join relatives in the United States; joining them in May 1940; serving in the United States military from 1943 to 1945; and being wounded. Mr. J. discusses fond memories of a wonderful youth in Vienna and not sharing his story until his grandson recently interviewed him for a school project. He shows documents and photographs.
- Author/Creator
- J., Isador, 1921-
- Published
- New Haven, Conn. : Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies, 2015
- Interview Date
- November 8, 2015.
- Locale
- Austria
Vienna (Austria)
Innsbruck (Austria)
Saint Gall (Switzerland)
- Cite As
- Isador J. Holocaust Testimony (HVT-4483). Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies, Yale University Library.
- Other Authors/Editors
- Rudof, Joanne Weiner, interviewer.
Millen, Susan, interviewer.