- Summary
- Videotape testimony of Hanni L., who was born in Tempelhof, Germany in 1924. She recounts her father's strong sense of German identity (he served in World War I); her expulsion from public school in 1934; attending Jewish school; Kristallnacht; outbreak of war in 1939; her father's death in January 1940 resulting from forced labor; her forced labor at a munitions factory beginning in July 1940; reluctance to leave her mother, who was ill; her mother's death in April 1942; her grandmother's deportation in September; escaping from a round-up in 1943; non-Jewish friends placing her with another woman; returning to these friends in July 1943; visiting non-Jewish relatives in Beuthen (Bytom); moving in with another friend in October 1943; Allied bombings; and liberation by Soviet troops in April 1945. Mrs. L. recounts difficulties immediately after liberation; emigration in 1946 to join an uncle in Paris; and marriage in 1948. She discusses visiting Berlin in 1952 to introduce her husband to her rescuers; not feeling French or German; and obtaining recognition for her rescuers from Yad Vashem.
- Author/Creator
- L., Hanni, 1924-
- Published
- Paris, France : Témoignages pour mémoire, 1993
- Interview Date
- November 25, 1993.
- Locale
- Germany
Tempelhof (Berlin, Germany)
Berlin (Germany)
Bytom (Poland)
Paris (France)
- Cite As
- Hanni L. Holocaust Testimony (HVT-2825). Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies, Yale University Library.
- Other Authors/Editors
- Burko-Falcman, Berthe, interviewer.
Wieviorka, Annette, interviewer.
- Notes
This testimony is in French.