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Rahela A. Holocaust testimony (HVT-3511) interviewed by Jaša Almuli,

Oral History | Digitized | Fortunoff Collection ID: HVT-3511

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    Videotape testimony of Rahela A., who was born in Bijeljina, Yugoslavia in 1927. She describes cordial relations within the multi-ethnic town; statehood for Croatia under the pro-Nazi Ustaša; anti-Jewish restrictions; her father's deportation to Jasenovac in August 1942 (he was killed); confiscation of their property; assistance from Serb peasants; a non-Jewish friend warning them of a round-up (he was recently honored by Yad Vashem); hiding with her siblings, mother, and aunt in a Hungarian neighbor's house; their move to Zagoni in partisan-controlled territory; membership in SKOJ; returning to Bijeljina after its partisan liberation; retreating with the partisans during winter 1943-1944 German offensive; encountering her mother in Tuzla immediately after its liberation; retreating to the Romanija mountains during winter 1944-1945; fighting retreating Germans and Chetniks; liberating Sarajevo in April 1945; assignment to the Sixth Yugoslav Army; marriage to a partisan; her son's birth; and her divorce. She discusses the deaths of many relatives, including her sister and brother; living in Belgrade and Sarajevo; and working in the Yugoslav diplomatic corps until her retirement in 1982.
    A., Rahela, 1927-
    Belgrade, Serbia : Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies, 1995
    Interview Date
    September 19, 1995.
    Bijeljina (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
    Zagoni (Bosnia and Hercegovina)
    Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
    Romanija (Bosnia and Hercegovina)
    Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
    Belgrade (Serbia)
    Cite As
    Rahela A. Holocaust Testimony (HVT-3511). Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies, Yale University Library.
    Other Authors/Editors
    Almuli, Jaša, interviewer.
    This testimony is in Serbian.

    Physical Details

    2 copies: 3/4 in. master; and 1/2 in. VHS with time coding.
    Physical Description
    1 videorecording (1 hr., 2 min.) : col

    Keywords & Subjects

    Subjects (Local Yale)
    Child survivors.
    Aid by non-Jews.
    Postwar experiences.

    Administrative Notes

    Link to Yale University Library Catalog:
    Record last modified:
    2018-06-04 13:25:00
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