- Summary
- Videotape testimony of Rahela A., who was born in Bijeljina, Yugoslavia in 1927. She describes cordial relations within the multi-ethnic town; statehood for Croatia under the pro-Nazi Ustaša; anti-Jewish restrictions; her father's deportation to Jasenovac in August 1942 (he was killed); confiscation of their property; assistance from Serb peasants; a non-Jewish friend warning them of a round-up (he was recently honored by Yad Vashem); hiding with her siblings, mother, and aunt in a Hungarian neighbor's house; their move to Zagoni in partisan-controlled territory; membership in SKOJ; returning to Bijeljina after its partisan liberation; retreating with the partisans during winter 1943-1944 German offensive; encountering her mother in Tuzla immediately after its liberation; retreating to the Romanija mountains during winter 1944-1945; fighting retreating Germans and Chetniks; liberating Sarajevo in April 1945; assignment to the Sixth Yugoslav Army; marriage to a partisan; her son's birth; and her divorce. She discusses the deaths of many relatives, including her sister and brother; living in Belgrade and Sarajevo; and working in the Yugoslav diplomatic corps until her retirement in 1982.
- Author/Creator
- A., Rahela, 1927-
- Published
- Belgrade, Serbia : Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies, 1995
- Interview Date
- September 19, 1995.
- Locale
- Yugoslavia
Bijeljina (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Zagoni (Bosnia and Hercegovina)
Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Romanija (Bosnia and Hercegovina)
Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Belgrade (Serbia)
- Cite As
- Rahela A. Holocaust Testimony (HVT-3511). Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies, Yale University Library.
- Other Authors/Editors
- Almuli, Jaša, interviewer.
- Notes
This testimony is in Serbian.