- Summary
- Videotape testimony of Hanna K., who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1939. She recounts her father going to France before her birth; German invasion in September 1939; memories of the Warsaw ghetto; being smuggled into a convent; a non-Jew helping her mother escape a month later; refusing to eat and sadness because she missed her mother; finding comfort in Catholicism; her mother's arrival six months before war's end (she had been hiding in the woods); recovering from a serious illness; feeling privileged because she had a mother; their move to Warsaw; meeting her future stepfather; moving to Łódź; fleeing in 1946 due to antisemitism; living in Neufreimann displaced persons camp; learning she was Jewish; moving to Munich in 1948; and emigration to the United States in 1950. She discusses learning of her birthfather and realizing she had seen him in Neufreimann; reconstructing her experience on a trip to Poland with her daughters; continuing contact with her mother's rescuer; two meetings in France with her birthfather before his death, one with her daughter; gratitude to her stepfather; and increasing self-knowledge from attending the Hidden Children's Conference. She shows photographs and memorabilia.
- Author/Creator
- K., Hanna, 1939-
- Published
- New York, N.Y. : A Living Memorial to the Holocaust-Museum of Jewish Heritage, 1991
- Interview Date
- May 29, 1991.
- Locale
- Poland
Warsaw (Poland)
Łódź (Poland)
Munich (Germany)
- Cite As
- Hanna K. Holocaust Testimony (HVT-1794). Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies, Yale University Library.
- Other Authors/Editors
- Blum-Dobkin, Toby, interviewer.