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Sonia W. Holocaust testimony (HVT-2751) interviewed by Barbara Devinki,

Oral History | Digitized | Fortunoff Collection ID: HVT-2751

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    Videotape testimony of Sonia W., who was born in Międzyrzec Podlaski, Poland in 1925, one of three children. She recalls attending public school; German invasion; forced labor; hiding with her family during deportations; ghettoization; her brother placing her sister in hiding with a non-Jew; her father and brother hiding with another non-Jew; their betrayal and execution; deportation with her mother to Majdanek; public hangings of escapees; separation from her mother (she never saw her again) when she was transferred to Auschwitz/Birkenau; hiding during selections; a beating when their work was not up to standard; a death march; transfer in open trains to Bergen-Belsen; working in the kitchen; sharing extra food with others; being shot during liberation; hospitalization; assistance from the Red Cross; returning home; learning her sister was alive; returning to Germany; marriage; her daughter's birth in Bad Nauheim displaced persons camp; and emigration to the United States. Ms. W. notes testifying against a guard at a war crime trial. She shows a scarf her sister had from their mother; sings a song her brother wrote; and recites poetry that she wrote immediately after the war.
    W., Sonia, 1925-
    Kansas City, Kansas : Midwest Center for Holocaust Education, 1994
    Interview Date
    August 25, 1994.
    Międzyrzec Podlaski
    Międzyrzec Podlaski (Poland)
    Cite As
    Sonia W. Holocaust Testimony (HVT-2751). Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies, Yale University Library.
    Other Authors/Editors
    Devinki, Barbara, interviewer.

    Physical Details

    2 copies: 3/4 in. master; and 1/2 in. VHS with time coding.
    Physical Description
    1 videorecording (1 hr., 52 min.) : col

    Keywords & Subjects

    Subjects (Local Yale)
    Postwar experiences.
    Mutual aid.
    Child survivors.

    Administrative Notes

    Link to Yale University Library Catalog:
    Record last modified:
    2018-06-04 13:28:00
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