- Summary
- Videotape testimony of Khanoekh G., who was born in Vilnius, Russia (presently Lithuania) in 1915, the oldest of eight children. He recounts living in Švenčionys; his father serving as a cantor; attending a Jewish school; graduation from Polish gymnasium in 1934; attending medical school in Vilnius on the "Jewish quota"; studying his last year in Lʹviv due to border changes resulting from the war; working in Švenčionys; German invasion in June 1941 while attending a medical conference in Kaunas; returning home; anti-Jewish laws; a mass killing which included one brother; ghettoization; another brother's murder by a Lithuanian policeman; hiding during a mass killing (his remaining family was killed); a friend registering him as a relative, making him "legal" in the ghetto; working as a doctor; the Judenrat sending him to Vidzy in May 1942; escaping in November with assistance from a non-Jewish schoolmate; joining the partisans; treating the wounded; traveling to many forest locations; working in the Stalin brigade's hospital; obtaining medical supplies from German prisoners who were on a plane shot down by the partisans; liberation by the Soviet army in November 1943; helping stem a typhus epidemic; marriage to a doctor who worked with him; and his subsequent career in Hlybokaye, Trakai and Hrodna. Dr. G. discusses many details of pre-war, ghetto, and partisan life; the importance of luck to his survival; continuing contact with partisans he treated; and re-establishing Jewish life after the fall of the Soviet Union. He shows photographs and documents.
- Author/Creator
- G., Khanoekh, 1915-
- Published
- Minsk, Belarus : Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies, 1995
- Interview Date
- August 8, 1995.
- Locale
- Lithuania
Vilnius (Lithuania)
Švenčionys (Lithuania)
Lʹviv (Ukraine)
Kaunas (Lithuania)
Vidzy (Belarus)
Hlybokae (Belarus)
Trakai (Lithuania)
Hrodna (Belarus)
- Cite As
- Khanoekh G. Holocaust Testimony (HVT-3615). Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies, Yale University Library.
- Other Authors/Editors
- Trampolski, Irina, interviewer.
- Notes
Related publication: Geto un vald / Moshe Shutan. -- Tel Aviv : [s.n.], c1971.
Related publication: Sefer zikaron le-ʻeśrim ṿe-shalosh ḳehilot she-neḥrevu be-ezor Shṿentsiʼon. -- Tel Aviv : Irgun yotsʼe ezor Shṿentsiʼon, 725 [1965].
This testimony is in Russian.