- Summary
- Videotape testimony of Klara A., who was born in Bosnia (then Yugoslavia) in 1918. She recounts being the only Jewish family in town; attending a Catholic high school in Travnik and living with her uncle; cordial relations with non-Jews; her family's move to Sarajevo in 1929; leaving college to work so her three brothers could attend; working for a bank until 1941; her brothers fleeing; remaining with her mother; being warned of a Ustaša round-up of Jews; hiding with her mother; leaving possessions with a Muslim neighbor (she returned them after the war); joining her uncle in Travnik; obtaining false papers; traveling to Mostar as Muslims, then to Italian-occupied Split; transporting partisan papers; Italian capitulation in 1943; sending her mother and youngest brother away; remaining to join the partisans; retreating to Livno, then Hvar and Vis; administrative work in Bari; liberating Belgrade; and her career in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which afforded her family many advantages. Ms. A. discusses the experiences of many relatives; her career in foreign cities, then as a tour guide; her sadness at the break-up of Yugoslavia and the ethnic conflicts; and her sense of comfort within the Jewish community.
- Author/Creator
- A., Klara, 1918-
- Published
- Belgrade, Serbia : Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies, 1997
- Interview Date
- October 7, 1997.
- Locale
- Yugoslavia
Travnik (Travnik, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Livno (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Vis Island (Croatia)
Hvar Island (Croatia)
Bari (Italy)
Belgrade (Serbia)
- Cite As
- Klara A. Holocaust Testimony (HVT-3751). Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies, Yale University Library.
- Other Authors/Editors
- Almuli, Jaša, interviewer.
- Notes
This testimony is in Serbian.