- Summary
- Videotape testimony of Rachel R., who was born in Działoszyce, Poland in 1910. Mrs. R. tells of her home town; the German occupation; her marriage in 1940; and the birth of her child in 1941. She describes her escape from the first Aktion in Działoszyce; her capture a few weeks later; and her transfer to Kraków, where she and her husband worked in Płaszów while her mother and son were interned in the Kraków ghetto. The liquidation of the Kraków ghetto, during which Mrs. R.'s mother and infant son were killed, is recalled. Mrs. R. also relates her husband's transfer to Flossenbürg; her own slave labor in Wieliczka, then again in Płaszów, where she was treated brutally; cleaning up Płaszów after its liquidation; and her transfer to Auschwitz and, a few weeks later, to Bergen-Belsen. She speaks of her liberation by the British, after which she was hospitalized; her reunion with her husband in Bergen-Belsen; and the constant presence of her memories.
- Author/Creator
- R., Rachel, 1910-
- Published
- New Haven, Conn. : Holocaust Survivors Film Project, 1980
- Interview Date
- April 28, 1980.
- Locale
- Poland
Działoszyce (Poland)
Kraków (Poland)
Wieliczka (Poland)
- Cite As
- Rachel R. Holocaust Testimony (HVT-169). Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies, Yale University Library.
- Other Authors/Editors
- Vlock, Laurel, interviewer.
- Notes
Associated material: Michael R. Holocaust testimony [husband] (HVT-159), Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies,Yale University Library.