- Summary
- Videotape testimony of Krystyna B., who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1921. Mrs. B. describes her parents, who were both educators, and details the charitable works of her mother; education as an assimilated Jew; her older brother being drafted into the Polish Army and never seeing him again; ghettoization of Warsaw and conditions there; going often to the Polish side posing as a non-Jew; and being caught in a ghetto round-up. She relates transport to Majdanek with her mother; their arrival and separation during the selection process; six weeks in Majdanek during May and June 1943; transfer to Skarżysko-Kamienna; work in an ammunition factory there for about a year; transfer to an ammunition factory in Częstochowa; liberation by the Russians; traveling to Radom where she met her husband; and emigration to the United States from Germany in 1950. Mrs. B. relates vivid memories of specific atrocities in the camps as well as kindnesses shown to her by prisoners, guards, and factory workers.
- Author/Creator
- B., Krystyna, 1921-
- Published
- New York, N.Y. : Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies at Yale, 1984
- Interview Date
- March 4, 1984.
- Locale
- Poland
Warsaw (Poland)
Radom (Województwo Mazowieckie, Poland)
- Cite As
- Krystyna B. Holocaust Testimony (HVT-244). Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies, Yale University Library.
- Other Authors/Editors
- Tobin, Phyllis O. Ziman, interviewer.
Dattner, Shelly, interviewer.