- Summary
- Videotape testimony of Julia S., who was born in Amsterdam, in 1937. Mrs. S. describes her German Christian mother's marriage to a Dutch Jew (her "legal father"); their move to Amsterdam in 1933; their estrangement and her mother's relationship with another Dutch Jew (Julia's "biological father"); and her mother's liaison with a third Dutch Jew (her "stepfather") after the occupation of Holland. She recalls her stepfather's acquiring false papers from the Resistance; the family's relocation to Blaricum to avoid the Germans; and discovering, at age four, a hiding place for Jews in their house, which included her stepfather's girlfriend, her daughter, his parents, Julia's legal father and others. She tells of Resistance support for her mother's activities; attending school as a Christian using her mother's maiden name; several raids (the hidden Jews were never found); an uncle in the SS who helped her mother escape arrest; nearly being arrested herself; and her mother sheltering a Wehrmacht deserter while posing as a Nazi supporter. She discusses her stepfather's conversion to Christianity; her marriage to a Christian; her conversion to Judaism; and treatment in the 1960s with LSD for psychological problems related to the Holocaust.
- Author/Creator
- S., Julia, 1937-
- Published
- New Haven, Conn. : Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies at Yale, 1987
- Interview Date
- June 3, 1987.
- Locale
- Netherlands
Amsterdam (Netherlands)
Blaricum (Netherlands)
- Cite As
- Julia S. Holocaust Testimony (HVT-934). Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies, Yale University Library.
- Other Authors/Editors
- Ritvo, Lucille B.,
Brownstein, Mindy, interviewer.