- Summary
- Videotape testimony of Alex G., who was born in Kraków, Poland in 1919. He describes his upbringing in a religiously observant, middle-class setting; the tendency to underestimate the significance of anti-Semitic measures in Germany; outbreak of war in 1939; and escaping to Lwów in the Soviet occupation zone, where he worked in a bakery and organized athletic functions. He tells of the German invasion; his reunion with family in the Bochnia ghetto; the killing of his parents in 1942; and traveling to Vienna on false papers. Mr. G. recalls staying in Vienna; acquaintances he made there; sending for his fiancee (also on forged papers); discovery by the authorities; their escape to Budapest; being aided in Budapest by the relative of a Polish friend; his marriage; and his brother's arrival from Bochnia. He recounts the collapse of the Horthy regime; he and his wife's arrest in Nagyvárad while trying to flee to Romania; detention in Budapest and Vienna; the intercession of a Viennese acquaintance which saved them from deportation; his postwar life; his brother's death in an auto accident; and his emigration from Belgium to Canada in 1950.
- Author/Creator
- G., Alex, 1919-2006.
- Published
- New Haven, Conn. : Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies, 1990
- Interview Date
- June 21, 1990.
- Locale
- Poland
Kraków (Poland)
Lʹviv (Ukraine)
Bochnia (Poland)
Vienna (Austria)
Budapest (Hungary)
Oradea (Romania)
- Cite As
- Alex G. Holocaust Testimony (HVT-1327). Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies, Yale University Library.
- Other Authors/Editors
- Kline, Dana L., interviewer.
Hartman, Geoffrey H., interviewer.