- Description
- Mr. Dixon chronicles the progress of the 99th Chemical Mortar Battalion, primarily in Germany, includes captured German POWs, victims of concentration camp, and liberated former camp inmates most still in uniforms walking in line along the road.
Trip to Paris Arc de Triomphe, Tomb of Unknown soldier. Group shot of battalion commanders, army vehicles in snow of courtyard going back to front. Trucks full of captured German POWs coming across Bailey bridge. MLS American tanks and other artillery firing in the Colmar pocket. Camouflaged guns, destruction. German Tiger tank, soldier points to artillery shell. American tanks (painted white for snow camouflage) roll through street toward camera, snow has melted. 3rd Infantry Division firing mortars across Rhine River. MLS 3rd Infantry Division armored vehicles entering and liberating Colmar, France. Civilians in street, US tanks in city square. MS Price for Colmar, destroyed American tank, MS Gordon Dixon firing mortar across river. Group shot of officers, VS officers. German civilian patching hole in roof. MLS of children playing in front of building in Alsace-Lorraine. Officer, destruction. MS 2 young girls carrying bucket of water wearing wooden shoes. MLS Downed US bomber, carts of bread wheeled down street. MS pontoon bridge. American officers, threshing hay, mortar position, talking to Frenchman. Oxen and young boys pull hay wagon. German woman shoveling pile of manure. LS Woman drives cattle as man pushes plow. LS Remnant of Maginot Line. MS of crew firing gun under camouflage. LS of shell landing in town. Huge pile of shell casings. Captured POWs along the road; civilian refugees head home. Congested street, US army and German POWs.
[Changes to B&W] Masses of German POWs moving along road, trucks. MS Big gun moving up front, dead Germans along side of the road. Destroyed German vehicles. LS down town street. German civilians as suspected Nazis. Awarding medals of valor to soldiers in courtyard. (This is B company). Street in German town, German POWs, city of Wuerzburg. MLS refugees with carts. Destruction in railroad yard, POWs march. Mobile power plant. Germans evicted for army. Destroyed German plane in woods. Street scene in German town, surveyed by MPs, some men are questioned. Fire in barn.
[Returns to color] Medal award ceremony. MS German women saw down roadblocks. German POWs march thru street. Townspeople reading posters. Town and valley. Big guns move to front over bridge. HA street in "typical" German village. LS Germans surrender in field. Destroyed German gun in Schweinfurt. Medals awarded. MLS GIs look at dead bodies in camp. Truckloads of German prisoners moving down road. Many German POWs in field stockade.12:19:07 MS of liberated camp inmates in striped camp uniforms walking along road. Mostly men. CU a liberated prisoner, group shot with US soldiers. CU of young boy in camp uniform wearing German army cap, CU of older man. Moving truck passing endless column of released camp prisoners.
- Duration
- 00:19:37
- Date
March-May 1945
1945 May
- Locale
- Credit
- United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, gift of Gordon Dixon
- Contributor
Camera Operator:
Gordon Dixon
- Biography
Lt. Col. Gordon A. Dixon was the commanding officer of the 99th Chemical Mortar Battalion.