- Description
- (Czech Newsreel Material) Railway station sign: Petrovice. MS of locomotive passing camera. CU of Marshall Tito of Yugoslavia seated in train, talking with his under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Clementis. Other men talking in group. LS of crowd in Czech station. LS of Tito in window of train acknowledging throng's greeting. Train moving off. Crowd waving. Tito at window. Train into station in Prague. Tito off train's steps, greeted by Prime Minister Fierlinger and others. Shots of crowd at station waving to Tito. Car driving off from station. Huge poster on building with Tito's picture. Several shots of Titos' car through streets of Prague. Crowds waving. Car entering Prague castle. Guard of Honor. Tito reviewing guards. Several shots of Tito greeted by President Benes. Benes decorating Tito. Men shaking hands. Several shots of cheering spectators on sidelines, as car containing Russian Marshalls Koniev and Rybalko drives by. Shots of the Russians in the car waving to the spectators. Shots of the Marshalls reviewing Guard of Honor accompanied by General Svoboda, commander-in-chief of Czech Army. LS of building decorated with Russian signs, flags. MS of DC-3 taxiing in Czech airdrome. MS of Field Marshall Montgomery alighting from plane. Shots of Montgomery being greeted by Jan Masaryck and the commander-in-chief of the Czech Army. Shots of spectators on the sidelines cheering Montgomery. Shots of Montgomery reviewing members of the Czech first armoured brigade which served under him. Shots of Montgomery in open car riding through streets of Prague. Cheering throngs on sidelines and on rooftops of buildings. C-54 taxiing on Prague airdrome, Gen. Eisenhower alights, is greeted. Crowd cheering Ike. Ike in triumphal procession through Prague's streets. Various shots same. LS President Benes with American Gen. Harmon at Pilsen celebrating the 4th of July. Parade of American GIs in Pilsen, band marching. Benes and others on reviewing stand. GIs marching. American mechanized vehichles passing. Two shots of crowd listening to Russian Ambassador Zorin speaking at Bratislava. LS of Zorin on platform speaking to crowd. LS of crowd. MS of Russian Ambassador Zorin addressing the meeting of the Society for Cultural Relations with the USSR. Audience shots. Other shots of Zorin speaking. LS of Prague airport buildings. MS of Czech Prime Minister M. Gottwald, followed by military walking on airfield. MS of Gottwald shaking hands with Soviet Ambassador Zorin. MS of Gottwald boarding plane for Moscow. LS of plane taking off.
- Duration
- 00:09:34
- Date
1946 November
- Locale
- Credit
- Accessed at United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, courtesy of National Archives & Records Administration
- Contributor
March of Time, Inc.
Camera Operator:
Czech Newsreel