- Description
- General coverage of the German prisoner of war concentration camp at Dachau, showing condition of prisoners that are alive, and the heaps of dead bodies; showing also prisoner liberation ceremonies. Slate reads: MACK TT-25 DACHAU. General shots of the prisoners at Dachau concentration camp. MLS, survivors staring at camera, standing around. LS from roof, in between barracks, standing around, survivors looking up into sun and into camera, waving to camera (soft), sitting on ground, steaming cauldrons, sleeping, chipping wood. Corpses lying on ground near railroad cars/platform. A group of American soldiers sitting or standing near and on an FW-190. PS from a jeep down a street at the ceremony of the liberation of the prisoners, showing the prisoner holding flags of their countries. Marching band parade, including trombones, drum major (overexposed). Flags, banner "Deutsche Antifaschisten Russen Unsere Befreiert." Banner "War Oesterreicher Be or Ussen die...wiens...Marschall Stalin." Survivors standing, ready to march. Picture of Tito dragging, "Ziveld enotnost vsen Narodov Jugoslavice." Burns out. Rail cars. Pile of shoes. Civilian and military in charge of Dachau. INT of the prison showing the physical condition of the prisoners. CUs electric wire attached to fence. Deserted, edge of camp, watchtower, barbed wire. MS showing the dead being hauled along street in carts. Some of the prisoners smiling for the photographer: Brook Jones, Czech, 1 year imprisoned, 13 years old, tan, nice smile, nice eyes (squints into sun); Mozes?, four years imprisoned, 13 years old, Lithuania, serious boy with cap, but just starts to smile (blonder, small); Nowinski, 15 years Polish, 8 month imprisonment, red, LS, sits perched on window ledge, jacket. Crowd of prisoners carrying banners and flags of their countries. Women carry flags (standing) and flowers. LS, inmates on roof, flowers. Crowd attending the ceremony, the various VIPs, the oil burner lit in honor of the dead. Wreath. Military and civilians standing at attention. Flags of America, Great Britain, France, and Russia prominent in all scenes. INT prison shots showing the German civilians loading the piles of dead bodies onto wagons to haul them away. LS, red barn wall, big pile of bodies in front. CUs heaps of clothing taken from the prisoners' bodies. Coffins stacked. MS group of wagons on country road with pine trees, as they pass by camera loaded with bodies of the dead.
- Duration
- 00:31:53
- Date
- Locale
- Credit
- Accessed at United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, courtesy of National Archives & Records Administration
- Contributor
US Air Force
Camera Operator:
Rita Mack