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Sterilization; marriage health law

Film | Digitized | Accession Number: 2001.359.1 | RG Number: RG-60.3269 | Film ID: 2501

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    Sterilization; marriage health law


    Propaganda for sterilization (15m10s); "Kampf ums Dasein" [struggle for life] (2m12s); enactment of the marriage health law (4m30s); positive Nazi goals (1m50s).

    Nazi racial propaganda film about mentally and physically disabled people and the danger and drain they are on the Aryan nation. This film (like "Erbkrank") shows footage of men, women and children who have been placed in hospitals, asylums, etc. There are CUs of sad, destroyed people. Footage of their behavior (i.e., a man standing in a field of daisies "whipping" the air with an imaginary whip, another man angrily beats his hand on a door). A doctor inspects the tiny, misshapen bodies of adults lying in cots. Another doctor talks to a couple of patients outside on a park bench. A pretty woman toys with her hair while talking to a doctor who is off-camera. The narrator identifies her as "eine junge Judin." She chats happily, laughs. Narrator: "...die selbst in der Krankheit ihrer Rasse erkennen laesst." Huge "parade" of old and mentally handicapped people file past the camera through an archway. End of film shows "proper" Aryan children, Nuremberg rallies, soldiers, etc.
    Production:  1937
    Accessed at United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, courtesy of Bundesarchiv Filmarchiv
    Camera Operator: H.O. Schulz
    Camera Operator: Alfons Pennarz

    Physical Details

    B&W / Color
    Black & White
    Image Quality
    Time Code
    00:34:32:00 to 00:59:37:00
    Film Format
    • Master
    • Master 2501 Video: Betacam SP - PAL - large
      Master 2501 Video: Betacam SP - PAL - large
      Master 2501 Video: Betacam SP - PAL - large
      Master 2501 Video: Betacam SP - PAL - large
    • Preservation
    • Preservation 2501 Video: Betacam SP - NTSC - large
      Preservation 2501 Video: Betacam SP - NTSC - large
      Preservation 2501 Video: Betacam SP - NTSC - large
      Preservation 2501 Video: Betacam SP - NTSC - large

    Rights & Restrictions

    Conditions on Access
    You do not require further permission from the Museum to access this archival media.
    Federal Republic of Germany. Bundesarchiv.
    Conditions on Use
    Researchers who wish to use this footage should contact the Bundesarchiv Filmarchiv at to sign a release, or submit the online request form at:

    Keywords & Subjects

    Administrative Notes

    Film Provenance
    The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum purchased this from the Bundesarchiv in Berlin, Germany in January 2001 for possible use in the Museum's special exhibition "Deadly Medicine.".
    Used in USHMM special exhibition "Deadly Medicine: Creating the Master Race." (Video 7)

    Other credits: Manuscript: Dr. R. Frercks; Music: Kurt Krueger; Spielleitung: Gernot Bock-Stieber. Actors: Kurt Muhlhardt, Trude Haefelin, Max Lohmann.
    Censor Date: March 15, 1937. NSDAP Reichspropagandaleitung, Amstleitung Film, Berlin.
    Reichsfilmarchiv reference available in departmental files.
    Copied From
    35mm; b/w
    Film Source
    Bundesarchiv (Germany). Filmarchiv
    File Number
    Legacy Database File: 3213
    Source Archive Number: 46 (E.Nr.030605)
    Record last modified:
    2024-02-21 07:55:25
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