- Description
- At the Kiamichi Mountain Christian Mission in Nashoba, Oklahoma, where Harold Dunson and his family were sent as missionaries in 1947. EXT, couple posing in countryside. Young blonde girl (the donor, Joy Marshall) posing. EXT, shots of trees, etc. Footage changes from color to black and white. Group of men working in a garage on a car. MS, man on horse and three children on mule (all three on the same mule). Children then start taking turns on horse and mule. MS, MLS, man at river's edge, VS of river, switches back to color footage. VS, men building structure in a clearing. Various generations of family posing beside the structure. EXT, winter scenes. EXT, more scenes outside church, children are getting older.
- Film Title
WWII footage -- Harold L. Dunson -- amateur
- Duration
- 00:11:44
- Date
- Locale
Nashoba, OK,
United States
- Credit
- United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, gift of Joy Dunson Marshall
- Contributor
Camera Operator:
Harold L. Dunson
Physical Details
- Language
- Silent
- Genre/Form
- Amateur.
- B&W / Color
- Color
Black & White - Image Quality
- Fair
- Time Code
- 01:04:52:14 to 01:16:36:29
- Film Format
- Master
Master 2411 Film: positive - 8 mm - b&w and color - print
Master 2411 Film: positive - 8 mm - b&w and color - print
Master 2411 Film: positive - 8 mm - b&w and color - print
Master 2411 Video: Super-VHS - 1/2 inch - color - NTSC
Master 2411 Film: positive - 8 mm - b&w and color - print
Master 2411 Film: positive - 8 mm - b&w and color - print
Master 2411 Film: positive - 8 mm - b&w and color - print
Master 2411 Video: Super-VHS - 1/2 inch - color - NTSC
Master 2411 Film: positive - 8 mm - b&w and color - print
Master 2411 Film: positive - 8 mm - b&w and color - print
Master 2411 Film: positive - 8 mm - b&w and color - print
Master 2411 Video: Super-VHS - 1/2 inch - color - NTSC
Master 2411 Film: positive - 8 mm - b&w and color - print
Master 2411 Film: positive - 8 mm - b&w and color - print
Master 2411 Film: positive - 8 mm - b&w and color - print
Master 2411 Video: Super-VHS - 1/2 inch - color - NTSC- Preservation
Preservation 2411 Video: VHS - 1/2 inch - color - NTSC
Preservation 2411 Video: VHS - 1/2 inch - color - NTSC
Preservation 2411 Video: VHS - 1/2 inch - color - NTSC
Preservation 2411 Video: VHS - 1/2 inch - color - NTSC
Rights & Restrictions
- Conditions on Access
- You do not require further permission from the Museum to access this archival media.
- Copyright
- Marshall-Dunson Family
- Conditions on Use
- The Museum does not own the copyright for this material and does not have authority to authorize third party use. For permission, please contact the rights holder, the Marshall-Dunson family.
- Copyright Holder
- Marshall-Dunson Family
Keywords & Subjects
Administrative Notes
- Legal Status
- Permanent Collection
- Film Provenance
- This 8mm footage was received from Joy Marshall, the cameraman's daughter, in November 1992. The cameraman, Harold L. Dunson, was a Chaplain and unit censor for a Medical Replacement Company in an Army division that liberated Dachau. In 1997, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum transferred the reels related to WWII and American soldiers in the European theater of war to video. Joy Marshall officially donated the 8mm film reels to the Museum in May 2005.
- Film Source
- Joy A. Marshall
- File Number
- Legacy Database File: 3295
- Special Collection
Steven Spielberg Film and Video Archive
- Record last modified:
- 2024-02-21 08:01:48
- This page:
- http://collections.ushmm.org/search/catalog/irn1002536
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Also in Harold L. Dunson Collection
The cameraman, Harold L. Dunson, was a Chaplain and unit censor for a Medical Replacement Company in an Army division that liberated Dachau. He captured several 8mm films of American soldiers in the European theater of war.
U.S. soldiers in small European town and at camp
US soldiers in combat gear and combat helmets boarding train, sitting in rail cars, eating and talking. VS, soldiers in combat helmets exiting building, walking towards camera. MLS, along roadside, civilians, local peasants with carts and all their belongings. Unclear if they are refugees leaving or returning home. VS, US soldiers hamming it up at base camp, two soldiers in SS uniforms engage in an Errol Flynn-style sword fight, mocking SS soldiers.
Dunson family at Christian mission; church choir; U.S. soldier
At the Kiamichi Mountain Christian Mission in Nashoba, Oklahoma, where Harold Dunson and his family were sent as missionaries in 1947. Screen image is mostly decomposition, but behind the emulsion loss and water damage there is an intermittent image of a group of adults in black robes- seems to be a church choir. Various people, friends, family, filing out of building, standing on street corner, talking, etc. VS, soldier and woman (also in military-type uniform) loading items and getting into a car with others. VS, little girls playing outside of a house.
Dunson family at Christian mission; church; children playing in the park
At the Kiamichi Mountain Christian Mission in Nashoba, Oklahoma, where Harold Dunson and his family were sent as missionaries in 1947. MCU, two gentlemen in suits pose in front of a parked car. VS, men in suits, women and children on streets, walking, talking, playing, etc. MS, panning shot- high angle of church pews, some people are seated in the church. MCU, church choir in robes, posing for group portrait on steps of building. VS, children playing together and playing with a puppy. VS, children with a teacher on a school playground. Older children, in park, also elderly people seated on benches in park.
U.S. soldiers in Europe
The images are difficult to see due to severe decomposition and emulsion loss. Intermittent images. US Army soldier in helmet visible briefly along with images of European style homes (rustic, Chalet type style). Various glimpses of European architecture: pyres, steeples, towers, ornate columns, etc. Image of peasant wheeling (driving) horse-drawn cart. Civilians, locals walking along streets, mountains are visible in the BG. US Army men at camp, posing in front of their tents. Military plane flying overhead. VS, buildings, destruction and rubble. Shot of a small child with a woman. Local women posing with American soldiers for group shot. Sign in French for a barbershop. Barber pole is hanging outside shop next to sign. VS, soldiers at camp, soldiers walking through a town that has been destroyed by bombings, soldiers inspecting rubble at a demolished train station (no signs to identify location or name of train station).
U.S. soldiers inspect debris in small town
Panoramic shots of countryside, steeple, trees are bare, most likely shot in winter. Peasant walking in fields, cow sitting in the grass. High angle views, agricultural town. MS, US soldiers inspecting building debris, many brick buildings, sign for "Huile" (Oil) in French. VS, unidentified town, civilians moving about, soldier or police officer (dark colored uniform, wearing high boots, unable to identify uniform). CU, memorial/monument to soldiers of WWI, inscription in French. VS, American soldiers exiting building, smiling for camera, descending steps. US flag is flying on a flagpole on the grounds of the complex of buildings. Panning shot of these buildings.
Christian mission and bell tower
At the Kiamichi Mountain Christian Mission in Nashoba, Oklahoma, where Harold Dunson and his family were sent as missionaries in 1947. CU, bell with engraved writing on it (not legible). VS, EXT, young man and older man hoisting bell on crane into position in bell tower. MCU, panning group of young women. MS, bell tolling. MCU, townspeople pulling on chord in bell tower, exiting church. VS, MS, MCU, LS, family on horseback in countryside, man taking photos with still camera. VS, locals piling in and out of pick-up truck, mostly children playing in truck, more children exiting church.
Dunson family at Christian mission; baptism; baseball; church
At the Kiamichi Mountain Christian Mission in Nashoba, Oklahoma, where Harold Dunson and his family were sent as missionaries in 1947. MS, man baptizing woman in lake. MS, MCU two pigs on a dirt road, eating grass. MCU, young boy bathing in bucket, goats drinking bath water. MS, panning group portrait, young men and women outside church. MLS, men playing baseball. VS, men, women, children posing for camera. VS, men, women, children exiting church.
Dunson family at Christian mission; church picnic
At the Kiamichi Mountain Christian Mission in Nashoba, Oklahoma, where Harold Dunson and his family were sent as missionaries in 1947. MS, man in cowboy hat, swinging rope in front of a large US mailbox on a wooden post. Name on box reads: "Harold L. Dunson." MLS, panning shot, cinderblock church and courtyard. VS, children, women at church picnic. Children filing out of Church hall. Also teenagers, posing for group portrait. VS, youth racing on a lawn, sack races, three-legged races, etc.
U.S. soldiers; airplanes entering Germany
Three US Army soldiers in dress uniforms with combat helmets, posing in front of tent, walking toward camera, smiling. MCUs, on an airfield, prop plane, pilot winds propeller manually to start it, plane takes off, several bare-chested men are standing on airfield surrounding plane. VS, traveling shots from inside a moving vehicle, panning landscape of unidentified town, some destroyed buildings are evident. MS, US soldiers dressing/undressing at camp. CU, sign reads: "YOU ARE NOW ENTERING GERMANY; THERE WILL BE NO FRATERNIZATION WITH ANY GERMAN." A second sign reads: "FRANKREICH BRIDGE."
U.S. soldiers in Europe
LS, EXT, large unidentified city/town. Trolleys passing by on busy street, civilians, buildings, fountains, cathedral. Cut to VS, American soldiers at barracks, walking about, open fields and mountains in the BG. VS, countryside surrounding the base camp. MCU, local woman with young girl sitting in a car speaking to cameraman and smiling. VS, aerial views of unidentified town, ships docked at port. MLS, amphibious tank type vehicle emerging from water, moving onto land. More aerial views, beach head, soldiers on hillside, etc.
Dunson family in Washington and Oregon
This is wartime footage shot stateside. Harold Dunson was stationed near Lake Steilacoom in Washington state before being shipped to the Aleutian Islands where his unit wintered. VS, two women with a toddler girl (the donor, Joy Marshall) playing in front yard of wood frame house. Playing with puppy, feeding ducks in the lake, etc. MCU, soldiers and their families getting out of car in the state capital of Oregon in Salem, all soldiers are in dress uniforms. Joy is wearing army hat with her dress. VS, large municipal building, woman and child pose on steps of building, insignia and words visible: "State of Oregon". VS, landscape, countryside, mountains, trees, forest, etc. Sign reads: "Help a Farmer Feed a Fighter". More municipal type buildings, Oregon state capital, etc.
Dunson family in Ft. Sumter and at Christian mission
VS, family footage, shot stateside, the first scenes are at Fort Sumter and Fort Sumter State Park, Fort Sumter, NJ, USA. Young blonde girl (the donor, Joy Marshall) in front of cannon, climbing atop a stack of cannon balls, with mother, on boardwalk, overlooking ocean. CU, monument at Fort Sumter, NJ. 01:00:37 Possibly at the Christian Mission in Oklahoma, VS, woman picking up milk bottles from front porch, children in tow. Large group of children exiting church or school house, lining up and saluting camera. Playing on playground. VS, EXT, hillside, river visible below, trees, etc. New house, large plot of land, man on horseback, trotting inside corral fence.
U.S. soldiers on barges
LS, US soldier, in combat helmet, in FG of picture looking out to sea from boat. VS, boats, US army men on barges, soldiers posing for camera. LS, land, two flags planted in soil on hill- US flag and another flag that is white with a red cross. VS, EXT, army ships, unloading at beach head seen in a LS from a high angle, the Aleutian Islands (Kiska). American soldiers with packs climb hill, relax on hillside. VS, scenic panoramas of snow-covered mountains.
U.S. soldier erecting phone lines in camp
On the Aleutian Islands/Kiska. CU, wooden sign in snow with illegible writing on it (camera is out of focus for this shot). MS, small cemetery, wooden crosses in snow. MS, soldier climbing down a tall wooden pole, seems to be a telephone pole. MCU, soldier climbing up pole, putting up phone lines at military base camp. VS, soldiers setting up camp in snow, shoveling snow, hamming it up for the camera, engage in a snowball fight, tackle each other in the snow, etc. MCU, American soldier holding up captured Japanese flag. The flag is very badly torn, and there is writing all over it. Two soldiers then pose with the same flag. VS, more LS, ships, ocean, snow-capped mountains.
U.S. soldiers in America
US soldiers, in Army dress uniforms coming down steps (of barracks?) building. Posing for camera, marching past camera. VS, soldiers about town, in a cafe, eating ice cream on the street in front of a drug store. Pan, Dewey Palace Hotel. Sign reads: "Vic Stolle Drug Co," another sign on shop adjacent to drug store reads: "FW Woolworth & CO". EXT, shots of buildings, unidentified town and buildings.
Dunson family at Christian mission
At the Kiamichi Mountain Christian Mission in Nashoba, Oklahoma, where Harold Dunson and his family were sent as missionaries in 1947. VS, older woman with baby posing for camera, older man poses with a Doberman Pinscher and a young girl (the donor, Joy). VS, family life, postwar. Women posing with potted plants. Various families coming out of a church, most are well-dressed, some men exit church in suits, others in work clothes- dungarees and overalls. Children playing on the farm. VS, more footage of ranch hands with cattle and sheep. They are shearing the sheep. Women and children are also on hand. CU, sign reads: "Worship with Christ's Church, Un-denominational, Nashoba 4 ML, Help Restore the Church..." VS, church, steeple, children leaving the church, eating dixie cups (ice-cream). Children piling into back of pick-up truck/hay truck for a hay ride.
Local women civilians posing for U.S. soldier
MCU, EXT, woman holding up a red cleaning/scrub brush. VS, four local women, in peasant dress, hamming it up for the camera, posing with scrub brushes, etc.
Postwar destruction; Dachau?; U.S. soldiers
EXT, traveling shot on a lake or a river. MCU, destroyed plane in clearing, destroyed army camp. VS, destroyed buildings, rubble, etc. 00:19:04 Barracks at Dachau? (unclear if these buildings were part of a camp or a farm). VS, unidentified town, buildings, bell tower, some civilians walking around. CU, bundles (probably victims' belongings) laying on ground in front of building, American soldiers milling about, more bundles/belongings, they seem to be smoldering.
Dachau?; military vehicles; tent camp
EXT, panning shot, LS barracks and barbed wire at Dachau?, red and white flag hanging from barracks. Traveling shots from moving vehicle of countryside, snow-capped mountains, locals look at passing vehicle, churches, steeples, etc. MLS, GIs camped in clearing, military vehicles, supply trucks, etc. CUs, GIs approach camera. VS, locals, farm, cows, women, children caring for farm animals, clearing fields, etc. VS, soldiers taking still photos, posing, hamming for camera. US army camp, army tents, local boys in Lederhosen walking around in US army camp.
Daily activity in French town
VS, EXT, panning a large garden. MS, civilians, mainly women in an unidentified town. Four women meet in the street, talk in front of a doorway or entrance to a neighbor's home. VS, townspeople, walking, talking, shopping. Large baguettes carried by women who walk past camera, FG, screen right. Women on bicycles, young girls socializing. LS, down street through the center of unidentified town that leads to the sea, a boat is visible, docked in the BG.
European seashore
LS, EXT, sailboat in the water. Panning shot of dock, several boats, unidentified town, buildings, visible in BG. VS, EXT, the sea, sunbathers on the beach, large house by the sea, palm trees, women passing by in the courtyard in some sort of military uniform.
U.S. & German soldiers
MS, American soldiers sitting on wooden benches in an open courtyard. VS, CUs, MCUs, American soldiers. MCU, man walking down a street in an unidentified town wearing a tuxedo an a top hat with a flower in it, he is smiling and waving at the camera. MCU, German soldier with a white armband, walking toward camera. German and American soldier pose together for camera, shake hands, smile. Soldiers leaving in army jeep. VS, from jeep, of countryside, red-roofed homes, farmland, cows, locals with wagons, etc.
Red Cross; U.S. soldiers
CU, Red Cross worker in BG, nurse, uniformed soldier looking through rubble. VS, nurses, more Red Cross personnel (German uniforms). American soldiers, civilians, peasants in town square. Carts, wagons, some animals, chickens, damaged buildings. Local women with kerchiefs pumping water at well, cows, farm animals are present. Children (very briefly in shot). More American GIs with rifles, standing by Red Cross truck. Scenes of countryside, local girls.
laundry; French town
Women doing laundry in a large wash basin in an apartment building courtyard. VS, EXT. Buildings, castle, rooftops, houses, apartments- a survey of the architecture of the unidentified town. Civilians, man in US Army uniform. Local women pumping water. Sign in French reads: "Hotel du Roxy" Shot of large, ornate public fountain.
U.S. military police; soldiers; wreath-laying
MS, Military Police in uniform, in formation, most likely American MPs. MS, African (possibly French West African Colonial) troops in formation. Uniform is light colored shirt, dark shorts and hat. All soldiers are carrying weapons. Banners, flags (unidentifiable in footage), military parade, procession, wreaths are laid at the foot of a large stone monument/memorial. Marching bands pass by many civilian bystanders.
French market; American soldiers at bar
VS, EXT, buildings, amphitheater, civilians, local market. VS, rubble, buildings in ruin. Sign in French at Cafe reads: "Bar Americain" American soldiers are at the bar with local civilians, mainly women. Civilians, male and female, walking through the streets of the unidentified town. People ride by on bicycles. More shots of destroyed, bombed out buildings.
Barges; European seashore
VS, EXT. Along a canal. Barges, carrying metal drums are docked. Strings of international flags on barges. VS, EXT of rocky shoreline and the sea. CU, young girl on beach. LS, shot from above, most likely a hilltop, looking down to unidentified town and rooftops of homes below. More panning shots of trees, hills, the sea and the shoreline.
buildings/churches in Europe
VS, EXT, establishing shots of buildings, churches, etc. Location is Europe, but a more exact location is not known, possibly France.
Dunson family at Christian mission
At the Kiamichi Mountain Christian Mission in Nashoba, Oklahoma, where Harold Dunson and his family were sent as missionaries in 1947. VS, young man and young woman riding a horse, riding bicycles, setting is the countryside. VS, ranch hands, sitting on a corral fence, corralling cows, branding cattle- many shots of this process, in CU, the branding iron makes the mark "JB". CU of branding, tying down the steer, etc.