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Hoess and others arriving in Warsaw for trial; snapshots from Germany

Film | Digitized | Accession Number: 2008.40.1 | RG Number: RG-60.4668 | Film ID: 2851

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    Hoess and others arriving in Warsaw for trial; snapshots from Germany


    Welt im Film. Issue no. 60

    Title: Vor dem Warschauer Prozess: Ankunft der Hauptangeklagten [Before the Warsaw trial: arrival of the main defendants]. Nazi defendants disembark from a plane under guard by Polish soldiers. The narrator says that they are guilty of countless crimes against justice and humanity. Some of the men are made to stand posed for the camera as they are identified: Josef Buehler, Hans Frank's deputy in Poland; Ludwig Leist, mayor of Warsaw; Jaeger, the police president of Posen, Beckmann, former head of the Krakow Gestapo; Polnikow, head of the Posen Gestapo, Daume, representative of the German government in Poland, and Rudolf Hoess, commandant of Auschwitz and "responsible for 3 million deaths." The accused climb onto an open truck. Shot of the truck arriving at the courthouse in Warsaw.

    02:08:46 Title: Streiflichter aus Deutschland [Spotlight on Germany?]. American soldiers teach German children how to play baseball at an athletic field in Tempelhof. Children are shown how to throw and catch. A baseball game in action.

    02:09:42 Title: Bildbericht aus Westerland [Film report from Westerland]. Men in uniform repair the sea wall protecting the north sea island Sylf in Westerland. They blow up the crumbled remains of the damaged wall and dump new sand onto the beach. A shot of the newly repaired wall is followed by scenes of children frolicking on the beach and in the waves. The children are patients at the children's home of Dr. Ross and they receive six weeks at the beach in order to aid their health. The children are shown eating a hot meal, courtesy of a Swedish charity. More shots of children and adults, some of whom are patients of the spa, enjoying the sun and the beach.
    Film Title
    Welt im Film no. 60
    Event:  1946
    Production:  1946 July 17
    Warsaw, Poland
    Berlin, Germany
    Accessed at United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, courtesy of National Archives & Records Administration
    Producer: Welt im Film Newsreel
    The Welt im Film [World in Film] newsreel series was produced by the American and British military governments to support the denazification campaign in Germany and Austria. Screening was compulsory in cinemas in the American and British zones of Germany until the late 1940s.

    Physical Details

    B&W / Color
    Black & White
    Image Quality
    Time Code
    02:07:29:00 to 02:11:44:00
    Film Format
    • Master
    • Master 2851 Video: Digital Betacam - NTSC - large
      Master 2851 Video: Digital Betacam - NTSC - large
      Master 2851 Video: Digital Betacam - NTSC - large
      Master 2851 Video: Digital Betacam - NTSC - large
    • Preservation
    • Preservation 2851 Video: Betacam SP - NTSC - large
      Preservation 2851 Video: Betacam SP - NTSC - large
      Preservation 2851 Video: Betacam SP - NTSC - large
      Preservation 2851 Video: Betacam SP - NTSC - large

    Rights & Restrictions

    Conditions on Access
    You do not require further permission from the Museum to access this archival media.
    Public Domain
    Conditions on Use
    To the best of the Museum's knowledge, this material is in the public domain. You do not require further permission from the Museum to reproduce or use this material.

    Keywords & Subjects

    Administrative Notes

    Film Provenance
    The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum purchased the film excerpts from the National Archives and Records Administration in February 2008.
    Copyright: Technically the Welt Im Film [World in Film] German newsreels are not in the public domain. Rights are generally held by the Imperial War Museum. However, the Welt Im Film issues sold by the National Archives mainly contain Signal Corps footage which is in the public domain or footage of undetermined Allied forces origin to which no one can claim copyright. Researchers interested in duplication should clear rights through the Imperial War Museum if film excerpts or soundtrack have clear British origin.
    Copied From
    35mm DNC
    Film Source
    United States. National Archives and Records Administration. Motion Picture Reference
    File Number
    Legacy Database File: 5026
    Source Archive Number: 306 WIF 60
    Record last modified:
    2024-02-21 07:45:01
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