- Description
- Title: "Ansprache des Herrn Praesidenten Dr. ing. eh. Clemens Marx." Christmas events presented by the Deutsche Reichsbahn at the Berlin Sportpalast. Scene opens on Marx at podium, out of focus. He gives Hitler salute. Camera alternates between his speech, the crowd, and the VIPs, who Marx introduces. As the VIPs are named, the camera shows each one. Title: "Stellvertretender Generaldirektor Wilhelm Kleinmann." Kleinmann, who wears a Nazi party uniform, greets the crowd and speaks of German Christmas, a pure week celebrated by young and old; rich and poor. German Christmas is celebrated in the Fatherland and everywhere that people of German blood live and German tongues speak. He speaks of the trust and love that Hitler maintained for the German people throughout his many trials and tribulations. Next speaker: "Der Leiter der Veranstaltung: Werkdirektor Pg. Philipp Ludwig unter Mitwirkung von Pgn. Hein und Pgn. Christoph." Mentions Robert Ley in his speech. Next speech: Staatsrat Arthur Goerlitzer. Title: "Weihnachtsspiell 'Im Zeichen des Kreuzes' verfasst und inszeniert von Oberspielleiter Hans Batteux" Batteux appears on the screen and speaks about the scene that we are about to see, which has as its fundamental idea the struggle and triumph of Christianity. Short scene featuring Joseph and Mary on the way to Bethlehem. The next scene shows knights at Crusades, "freeing the unbelievers." Next comes the "break-up" of Germany and then Hitler to the rescue. A swastika in Christmas lights appears, as does a portrait of Hitler. A contingent of SA members bearing flags appears on the stage and the Horst Wessel Lied begins to play. Mary, Joseph, and angels gaze adoringly at baby Jesus near an illuminated Swastika and the legend "und Friede auf Erden" (Peace on Earth). The camera pans slowly down a lighted Christmas tree beneath a large illumninated Swastika. "Silent Night" plays in the background. The entire cast of the play is gathered around the tree. Tolling church bells as the scene fades.
- Duration
- 00:18:07
- Date
- Locale
- Credit
- Accessed at United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, courtesy of Bundesarchiv Filmarchiv
- Contributor
Wilhelm Marzah
Producer: Die Reichsbahn Filmstelle
Camera Operator: Walter Fuchs
Camera Operator: Franz Meinecke
Physical Details
- Language
- German
- Genre/Form
- Newsreels.
- B&W / Color
- Black & White
- Image Quality
- Good
- Time Code
- 01:37:06:00 to 01:55:13:00
- Film Format
- Master
Master 2706 Video: Betacam SP - PAL - large
Master 2706 Video: Betacam SP - PAL - large
Master 2706 Video: Betacam SP - PAL - large
Master 2706 Video: Betacam SP - PAL - large- Preservation
Preservation 2706 Video: Betacam SP - NTSC - large
Preservation 2706 Video: Betacam SP - NTSC - large
Preservation 2706 Video: Betacam SP - NTSC - large
Preservation 2706 Video: Betacam SP - NTSC - large
Rights & Restrictions
- Conditions on Access
- You do not require further permission from the Museum to access this archival media.
- Copyright
- Federal Republic of Germany. Bundesarchiv.
- Conditions on Use
- Researchers who wish to use this footage should contact the Bundesarchiv Filmarchiv at filmbenutzung@bundesarchiv.de to sign a release, or submit the online request form at: https://www.bundesarchiv.de/EN/Content/Downloads/request-for-use-av-material.pdf?__blob=publicationFile
- Copyright Holder
- Federal Republic of Germany. Bundesarchiv.
Keywords & Subjects
Administrative Notes
- Legal Status
- Permanent Collection
- Film Provenance
- The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum purchased this from the Bundesarchiv in Berlin, Germany in 2004.
- Note
- Other credits: Sound: Werner Rucks.
- Copied From
- 35mm
- Film Source
- Bundesarchiv (Germany). Filmarchiv
- File Number
- Legacy Database File: 4244
Source Archive Number: 427 R1 and R2 (K.49470) - Special Collection
Steven Spielberg Film and Video Archive
- Record last modified:
- 2024-02-21 07:55:55
- This page:
- https://collections.ushmm.org/search/catalog/irn1003453
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- This record is digitized but cannot be downloaded online.
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