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Nazi poster on the need to destroy the US-Jewish conspiracy to rule the world

Object | Accession Number: 1995.96.81

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    Nazi poster on the need to destroy the US-Jewish conspiracy to rule the world

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    Brief Narrative
    The Nazis used propaganda to buttress public support for the war effort, shape public opinion, and reinforce antisemitic ideas. As part of their propaganda campaign, the Nazis created the Word of the Week Series of posters (also referred to as Wandzeitung, or wall newspapers), the first of which was distributed on March 16, 1936. Each week, approximately 125,000 posters were strategically placed in public places and businesses such as: market squares, metro stations, bus stops, payroll offices, hospital waiting rooms, factory cafeterias, schools, hotels, restaurants, post offices, train stations, and street kiosks so that they would be viewed by as many people as possible. Posters were the primary medium for the series, but smaller pamphlets were also produced, which could be plastered on the back of correspondence. The posters used colorful, often derogatory caricatures, and photorealistic images with vibrant language to target the Nazis’ early political adversaries, Jews, Communists, and Germany’s enemies during the war. The series was discontinued in 1943.
    Artwork Title
    Ein weitblickender Englander
    Alternate Title
    A Far-sighted Englishman
    Series Title
    Parole der Woche, Folge 33
    publication/distribution:  1942 August 12
    publication: Munich (Germany)
    distribution: Germany
    Credit Line
    United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Collection
    front, top, black ink : Ein weitblickender Engländer / sah im Jahre 1909, also vor 33 Jahren, die Entwicklung der Ver- / einigten Staaten voraus, als er diese Zeichnung veröffentlichte. [A far-sighted Englishman in 1909, some 33 years ago, was looking ahead at the development of the United States, when he published this drawing.]
    front, right top, black ink : Viel früher schon, nämlich im Jahre 1885, ent- / schlüpfte dem bekannten jüdischen Historiker / Heinrich Graetz in einem Vortrag in London / folgendes bemerkenswerte Geständnis : / ...Das jüdische Volk wird einst in / Amerika, in dem Lande der Frei- / heit und Gleichheit, aufblühen. / Ein großes, mächtiges Judentum / wird entstehen im 20. Jahrhundert." [The following remarkable confession escaped much earlier, namely in 1885, from the famous Jewish historian Heinrich Graetz: Once in America, the land of Freedom and Equality, the Jewish people will flourish. A large, powerful Jewry will be built in the 20th Century.]
    front, right center and bottom, black ink : Genau so ist es gekommen! / In den Vereinigten Staaten haben die Juden / ihr Ziel erreicht. Juden und Judengenossen / sind die wahren Herren in USA. Sie haben / das amerikanische Volk in den Krieg / getrieben, um ihre Macht jetzt auch über / Europa und die übrige Welt auszudehnen. / Dagegen setzen wir uns zur Wehr! / Wir werden die Waffen nicht eher niederlegen, bis das Judentum und seine / Helfershelfer zu Boden geschlagen und sein Einfluß endgültig vernichtet ist. / Mit der Herrschaft des Judentums wird Schluß gemacht! [So it has happened exactly! In the United States, the Jews have achieved their objective. Both the Jews and the recently converted are the real Masters in the USA. They have driven the American people to War, in order to now extend their power over Europe and the rest of the World as well. However, we will defend ourselves! / We shall not lay down our arms, until the Jews and their accomplices are struck down and their influence is permanently destroyed. The end of the Jew’s reign has come!]
    front, top right, Parole der Woche seal, black ink : Verantwortlich für den Inhalt: / W. Wachter. Berlin. / Verlag Franz Eher Nachf. München / Pd / W / No. 33 / 1942 / 12.8. / 18.8.
    front, bottom right corner, black ink : 0155
    front, left center, illustration caption, black ink : HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES / Copyright Life Pub. Co. 1909 – transferred to Pastime Novelty Co. 1913
    Issuer: Reichspropagandaleitung der N.S.D.A.P.
    Issuer: Zentralverlag der NSDAP
    Editor: W. Wächter

    Physical Details

    German English
    Nazi propaganda
    Physical Description
    Poster with a reproduction of an illustration on the left surrounded by German text on a yellow background. The title in bold font is across the top, followed by 3 paragraphs describing the Jewish conspiracy to take over the world. The top right paragraph is designed as if on an affixed piece of white paper. The illustration also mimics a separate paper. It has a top frame of the extended upper wing and head of a left facing eagle enclosing a series of 5 panels captioned: HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES / Copyright Life Pub. Co. 1909 - transferred to Pastime Novelty Co. 1913. The panels depicts: a Native American standing on a cliff edge, with Uncle Sam hiding behind a rock; Uncle Sam pushes the Native American Indian off the cliff; Uncle Sam stands on the cliff edge, with a caricatured Jew hiding behind a rock; Uncle Sam is pushed off the cliff by the Jew; the Jew stands on the cliff edge. There is a Parole der Woche seal in the upper right corner.
    overall: Height: 33.125 inches (84.138 cm) | Width: 47.500 inches (120.65 cm)
    overall : paper, ink

    Rights & Restrictions

    Conditions on Access
    No restrictions on access
    Conditions on Use
    No restrictions on use

    Keywords & Subjects

    Geographic Name

    Administrative Notes

    The poster was acquired by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in 1995.
    Funding Note
    The cataloging of this artifact has been supported by a grant from the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany.
    Record last modified:
    2025-01-02 11:25:33
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