- Description
- Records from the Österreichisches Staatsarchiv (Austrian State Archives) located in Vienna, Austria, pertaining to the Stillhaltekommissar, department IV of the Reichskommissar für die Wiedervereingung Österreichs mit dem Deutschen Reich. The responsibilities of Reichskommissar Albert Hoffman, who was appointed after the annexation of Austria to Nazi Germany by Gauleiter Bürckel, were defined by the law dated May 17, 1938 regarding the “Überleitung und Eingliederung von Vereinen, Organisationen und Verbänden” (GBl. für Österreich Nr.136/1938), i.e. the transfer and incorporation of clubs, organizations, and associations. These records pertain to the disbanding and liquidation of Jewish as well as non-Jewish organizations and associations by the Stillhaltekommissar. The activities of the Stillhaltekommissar ceased on December 1, 1939 due to the cancellation of the law dated May 17, 1938. However, the still open cases were liquidated until the end of the war by the so-called “liquidators” (“Abwickler”) and the “Aufbau”-Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft. The collection was reproduced in its entirety.
- Date
Physical Details
- Language
- German
- Extent
30,543 digital images : JPEG ; 14.7 GB.
27 microfilm reels (digitized) ; 35 mm.
- System of Arrangement
- Thematic
Rights & Restrictions
- Conditions on Access
- This material can only be accessed in a Museum reading room or other on-campus viewing stations. Users are required to complete a User Declaration in order to gain access to the collection. User declarations must be forwarded by USHMM once a year to Austrian State Archives.
- Conditions on Use
- Use of archival material from the Austrian State Archives is limited to personal or scholarly research or for research about the applicant’s family members. Transfer of the reproduced archival material to third persons is not permitted. Publication of archival material requires the written permission of the Austrian State Archives. The researcher agrees to cite the original archival reference and name of the source archive in any work and publications, personal data are to be published in anonymized form only, a copy of any publication in which archival material from the Austrian State Archives was used shall be sent to the Austrian State Archives free of charge.
Keywords & Subjects
- Geographic Name
- Austria.
Administrative Notes
- Holder of Originals
Österreichisches Staatsarchiv
- Legal Status
- Permanent Collection
- Provenance
- From the Österreichisches Staatsarchiv (Austrian State Archives), Stillhaltekommissar, Signature: AT-OeStA/AdR ZNsZ Stiko Wien. The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Archives received the filmed collection via the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum International Archives Project in April 2008.
- Record last modified:
- 2022-07-28 17:50:17
- This page:
- http://collections.ushmm.org/search/catalog/irn34977
Additional Resources
Download & Licensing
- See Rights and Restrictions
- Terms of Use
- This record is digitized but cannot be downloaded online.
In-Person Research
- Requires Research Visit
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