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German Socialist Party election poster depicting Lenin as a monster

Object | Accession Number: 1990.41.15

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    German Socialist Party election poster depicting Lenin as a monster

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    Brief Narrative
    Deutschsozialistische Partei (DSP, German Socialist Party) election poster. The DSP is seen as a precursor of the Nazi Party.
    Artwork Title
    Die Internationale und der Marxismus bringen nur Not, Hunger, Elend, Zerfall
    Alternate Title
    The International and Marxism Bring Only Poverty, Hunger, Misery, and Decay
    publication/distribution:  1924
    publication: Dresden (Germany)
    Credit Line
    United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Collection, Gift of the Museum für Deutsche Geschichte
    front, title, top and bttom, black ink : DIE INTERNATIONALE / UND DER MARXISMUS [The International and Marxism]
    front, center, black ink : bringen nur Not, Hunger, Elend, Zerfall. / Fort mit diesem Wahnsinn! / Fort mit Juden – und Fremdherrschaft! / Fort mit Klassenkampf und Parteienzank! / Eint Euch, Deutsche! Wählt die judenreine / Deutsch – Soziale Partei / Spenden nimmt entgegen Postscheckkonto Dresden 13444 / Die Landesleitung, Serrestraße 12 [bring only Poverty, Hunger, Misery, and Decay. Away with this Madness! Away with Jews and Foreign Domination! Away with class struggle and Party bickering! Immerse yourself, Germany! Elect the Jew free German Social Party. Donations accepted at giro account 13444 Dresden.]
    front, bottom, black ink : Buchdruckerei F. Emil Boden, G.b.m.H., / Dresden – A., Pirnalsche Straße 41, Erdg.
    Publisher: F. Emil Boden GmbH
    Issuer: Deutschsozialistische Partei (DSP, German Socialist Party)

    Physical Details

    Physical Description
    Offset lithographic poster with a colorful drawing depicting a monster with the head of Vladimir Lenin on a red background at the top and German text at the bottom. The monster is created from predators surrounding Lenin’s smirking face, with an eagle behind him resting its beak on the top of his head, an alligator head with a claw extending on either side, and a talon flanked by 2 alligator claws at the bottom. The title is above and below the drawing, followed by a paragraph of text.
    overall: Height: 37.750 inches (95.885 cm) | Width: 22.250 inches (56.515 cm)
    overall : paper, ink, linen, adhesive
    front, below image, cursive, pencil : Waltor Gash. 1924
    front, bottom left corner, pencil : f 62 / 972

    Rights & Restrictions

    Conditions on Access
    No restrictions on access
    Conditions on Use
    No restrictions on use

    Keywords & Subjects

    Administrative Notes

    The poster was donated to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in 1990 by the Museum für Deutsche Geschichte.
    Funding Note
    The cataloging of this artifact has been supported by a grant from the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany.
    Record last modified:
    2024-10-03 10:52:40
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