- Brief Narrative
- Handbill published by the Berlin Jewish Community to express their condolences upon the death of President Paul von Hindenburg on August 2, 1934. It announces a memorial service to be held on August 12. As Field Marshal and Commander of German forces during World War I, Hindenburg became immensely popular throughout the country. He was elected president in 1925 and reelected in 1932. He appointed Hitler as Chancellor in January 1933.
- Artwork Title
- Zum Ableben des Reichspräsidenten von Hindenburg
- Alternate Title
- The Death of President von Hindenburg
- Date
1934 August
commemoration: 1934 August 02
- Geography
Berlin (Germany)
- Credit Line
- United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Collection
- Markings
- front, title, top, center, large, bold, black ink : Reichspräsident von Hindenburg
front, top, center, black ink : In den Morgenstunden des 2. August ist der erste Soldat des Weltkrieges, der Reichs- / präsident Generalfeldmarschall von Hindenburg, aus dem Leben abberufen worden, Eine Persön- / lichkeit von historischen Ausmaßen und von größter geschichtlicher Bedeutung ist dem deutschen / Volke durch den Tod entrissen worden. Mit allen Teilen des deutschen Volkes beklagen wir deutschen / Juden den großen und unersetzlichen Verlust. Reichspräsident von Hindenburg hat in schicksals- / reicher Zeit, in Krieg und Frieden dem deutschen Vaterlande gedient, Sein Leben war aufopferungs- / volle Hingabe an Volk und Land; sein geschichtliches Wirken wird für alle Zeiten unvergeßlich / bleiben. In ehrfürchtiger Trauer, in tiefer Demut steht das deutsche Volk und mit ihm die Welt an der Bahre des Reichspräsidenten und Generalfeldmarschalls. In den Kreis der von tiefer Trauer / Erschütterten treten auch wir deutschen Jüden. / Wir veröffentlichen nachfolgend die Beileidskundgebung der Reichsvertretung der deutschen / Juden und die Beileidschreiben, die der Vorstand der Jüdischen Gemeinde zu Berlin abgesandt hat. / Die Berliner Jüdische Gemeinde wird kommenden Sonntag, den 12. August, vormittags / 10 ½ Uhr, drei Trauerfeiern veranstalten. [In the early morning hours of 2 August the first soldier of the World War, President Field Marshal von Hindenburg, has been called from this life; a personality of historic proportions and of great historical importance to the German people has been snatched by death. With all the German people, we German Jews are mourning this great and irreplaceable loss. President von Hindenburg has served the German fatherland in poor and rich times, in war and peace; his life was one of self-sacrificing devotion to the people and the country, and his accomplishments will be unforgettable for all times. In reverent grief, in deep humility, the German people and the world stand together at the grave of the Reich President and General Field Marshal. In the circle of deep sorrow, we German Jews stand shattered. We publish below the condolences of the Reich Association of German Jews and the letter of condolence that has been posted by the board of the Berlin Jewish community. The Berlin Jewish community will arrange three funerals for this coming Sunday, 12 August at 10:30 in the morning.]
front, top, right, bold, black ink : Vorstand der Jüdischen Gemeinde. [Board of the Jewish Community.]
front, upper middle, center, bold, black ink : Die Reichsvertretung der deutschen Juden / zum Ableben des Reichspräsidenten von Hindenburg: [The Reich Association of German Jews on the death of President von Hindenburg:]
front, middle, center, black ink : Um dem tiefen Empfinden der deutschen Juden Ausdruck zu geben, hat die Reichsvertretung / folgende Depesche an das Büro des Herrn Reichspräsidenten gerichtet: / ,,Tiefe, innige Trauer um den Heimgang des Reichspräsidenten erfüllt die deutschen Juden / Als ein Mann, dessen Persönlichkeit dem Gedanken der tapferen Pflicht seine Wirklichkeit gab, als / ein Mann, der dem Alter, das die Bewährung eines Lebens erwarb, seine Größe verlieh, als ein Mann, / der das gemeinsame Ganze immer sah, immer auf das Vaterland, das alle umschließt, den Blick / richtete, als ein Mann der Geschichte, stand Hindenburg vor der Welt. In der Treue der deutschen / Juden wird sein Bild allezeit bleiben.’’ [To give expression to the deep feeling of the German Jews, the Reich Association has directed the following telegram to the office of Reich President: “Deep, heartfelt sorrow for the President’s return to his maker is felt by German Jews. He was a man whose character exemplified the ideals of bravery and duty; he was a giant who in his wisdom always saw the common whole, was always thinking of his country, his gaze all encompassing all. As a man of history, Hindenburg stood before the world. German Jews will remain forever faithful to his image.”]
front, middle, right, bold, black ink : Die Reichsvertretung der deutschen Juden. / Baeck. / Hirsch. [The Reich Association of German Jews. Baeck. Hirsch.]
front, lower left column, black ink : Berlin, den 3. August 1934. / Herrn Oberst von Hindenburg (italics) / Reichspräsidentenpalais Berlin. (italics) / Durch das Ableben des Herrn Reichs- / präsidenten Generalfeldmarschall von Hinden- / burg ist auch die Berliner Jüdische Gemeinde / in tiefe Trauer versetzt worden. Unerschütterlich / stand der nun in Gott ruhende Herr Reichs- / präsident an der Spitze des Reiches, nachdem er es in dem größten Kriege aller Zeiten gegen eine / Übermacht von Feinden verteidigt hatte. In ihm / verbanden sich heiße Vaterlandsliebe mit Lauter- / keit und Reinheit des Wollens und mit dem / Wunsche, das Wohl aller Bürger des Reiches zu / sichern. In ihm verkörperte sich für das ganze / deutsche Volk die Einheit und die Macht des / Reiches. Die tiefe Treue, die Generalfeld- / marschall von Hindenburg dem deutschen Volk / entgegenbrachte, wurde von der Gesamtheit des / Volkes mit Liebe und Hingebung erwidert. Der / Heimgang des Herrn Reichspräsidenten von Hin- / denburg ist ein schwerer Verlust, der das ganze / deutsche Volk und jeden Einzelnen in ihm trifft. / Namens der Berliner Jüdischen Gemeinde spre- / chen wir Ihnen, hochgeehrter Herr Oberst, und / der Familie unser herzlichstes Beileid aus. / Vorstand der Jüdischen Gemeinde. (italics) / Heinrich Stahl. (italics) [Berlin, 3. August 1934. Herr Oberst von Hindenburg, the Presidential palace in Berlin. Due to the death of Reich President Field Marshal von Hindenburg, the Berlin Jewish community is placed in deep mourning. The unshakable Reich President, the head of the empire he had defended in the biggest wars of all time against a superior force of enemies is now resting with God. In him, love of country was joined with sincerity and purity of intention and with the desire to secure the welfare of all citizens of the empire. In him was embodied the entire German nation for the unity and power of the kingdom. The deep loyalty that Field Marshal von Hindenburg had for the German people, was returned by all the people with love and devotion. The Passing of Reich President von Hindenburg is a great loss that hits the entire German nation and everyone in it. On behalf of the Jewish community in Berlin we give our sincere condolences to our most honored sir, and the family. Board of the Jewish Community. Heinrich Stahl.]
front, lower right column, black ink : Berlin, den 3. August 1934. / An die / Reichsregierung, Reichskanzlei (italics) / Berlin, Wilhelmstraße. (italics) / Mit allen Teilen des deutschen Volkes / steht auch die Berliner Judenheit tief erschüttert / an der Bahre des heimgegangenen Herrn Reichs- / präsidenten von Hindenburg. Ein Vorbild be- / geisterter Vaterlandsliebe hat er in Krieg und / Frieden die Einheit des Reiches erhalten und / gefördert. In ihm konnte das ganze deutsche / Volk den Bürgen für siene Größe und eine glück- / liche Entwicklung des Vaterlandes sehen. Mit / der gleichen Treue, in der er sich allen Kreisen / und Schichten des Volkes verbunden fühlte, / brachte ihm das Volk in seiner Gesamtheit und / jeder Einzelne in ihm Vertrauen und Liebe / entgegen. / In schmerzlicher Trauer beklagt auch / die Berliner Jüdische Gemeinde den für Volk / und Vaterland schweren Verlust. Das Gedächtnis / an das segensreiche Wirken des großen Ver- / klärten wird in der Berliner Jüdischen Gemeinde / niemals verlöschen. / Vorstand der Jüdischen Gemeinde. (italics) / Heinrich Stahl. (italics) [Berlin, 3 August 1934. The Imperial Government, the Reich Chancellery in Berlin, Wilhelmstrasse. With all the German people, the Berlin Jewish community is deeply shocked at the passing of Reich President von Hindenburg. A model of enthusiastic love of for the country he preserved and promoted in war and peace, ensuring the unity of the empire. In him the whole German people could see the guarantor for the magnitude and continued development of the country. With the fidelity which he felt for all levels and classes of people, he connected the people as a whole and each individual in trust and love towards the country. In painful mourning, the Berlin Jewish community feels the heavy loss for all people and the country. The memory of this blessed exemplar of the great and glorified will never be gone from the Berlin Jewish community. Board of the Jewish Community. Heinrich Stahl.] - Contributor
Judische Gemeinde zu Berlin
- Biography
The Jewish Community of Berlin-According to a census of June 16, 1933, the Jewish population of Berlin, Germany's capital city, was about 160,000. Berlin's Jewish community was the largest in Germany, comprising more than 32 percent of all Jews in the country. In the face of Nazi persecution, many Jews emigrated from Berlin. Berlin's Jewish population fell to about 80,000 people as a result of emigration from Nazi Germany between 1933 and 1939, despite the movement of other German Jews to Berlin. Like the Jews of Germany as a whole, the Jews of Berlin faced persecution and discrimination after 1933. On April 1, 1933, Jewish stores and businesses were boycotted, an official action which spurred many subsequent unofficial boycotts of Jewish goods and services. In 1933 most Jewish civil servants and professionals were summarily fired or pensioned. In May of that year, "un-German" books—those written by Jews, liberals, and leftists, among others—were publicly burned in front of the opera house. During Kristallnacht, the "Night of Broken Glass" pogrom on November 9–10, 1938, most of Berlin's synagogues were burned down and Jewish-owned stores and homes were looted and vandalized. The shattering of shop windows, especially along Leipziger Street, gave the pogrom its name. Dozens of Jews were killed in Berlin. Thousands were arrested and taken to concentration camps, particularly to Sachsenhausen. Deportations of Jews from Berlin to ghettos and killing centers in eastern Europe took place between October 1941 and April 1943. Assembly points for the deportations were established at synagogues on Levetzow Street and Heidereuter Alley, at the Jewish cemetery on Grosse Hamburger Street, and on Rosen Street. Later, even the Jewish home for the aged, the community office building, and the Jewish hospital were used as assembly centers. After enough Jews for an entire transport (usually 1,000 people) had been assembled in these makeshift centers, they were taken to the rail station—usually the freight yards at Grunewald, sometimes the Anhalter or Putlitz Street train stations. They were then loaded onto passenger rail cars, or sometimes onto freight cars.The first deportation of Jews from Berlin occurred in October 1941, when 1,000 Jews were transported to the Łódź ghetto in Poland. By January 1942, about 10,000 Jews had been deported from Berlin to ghettos in eastern Europe, mainly Łódź, Riga, Minsk, and Kovno. Elderly Jews from Berlin were deported to Theresienstadt in 1942 and 1943. Beginning in 1942, Jews were deported from Berlin directly to the killing centers, primarily to Auschwitz-Birkenau. In 1943, most of the staff of the Reich Association of Jews in Germany, the central Jewish representative organization, was deported to Theresienstadt. All Jewish organizations and offices were disbanded. The majority of the remaining Jews in Berlin were deported by the end of April 1943. More than 60,000 Jews were deported from Berlin: more than 10,000 to the ghettos in eastern Europe, about 15,000 to Theresienstadt, and more than 35,000 to the killing centers in occupied Poland. Hundreds of Jews committed suicide rather than submit to the deportations. Thousands of Jews remained in Berlin, mostly those who had gone into hiding and also part-Jews and Jews with a non-Jewish spouse, who were initially excluded from deportation. Almost all of those deported were killed. [Source: USHMM web page, https://www.ushmm.org/wlc/en/article.php?ModuleId=10005450]
Physical Details
- Language
- German
- Classification
- Category
Political posters
- Object Type
Posters, German (lcsh)
- Physical Description
- Small, text only, offwhite newsprint broadside with graphics printed in black ink. It has a block of German text enclosed within a wide black border. The title is at the top in large, bold font; the typeface varies in size, with a few phrases in bold and italics.
- Dimensions
- overall: Height: 14.500 inches (36.83 cm) | Width: 10.250 inches (26.035 cm)
- Materials
- overall : paper, ink, graphite
Rights & Restrictions
- Conditions on Access
- No restrictions on access
- Conditions on Use
- No restrictions on use
Keywords & Subjects
- Topical Term
- Jews--Germany--History--1933-1945. Jews--Germany--Berlin--History--20th century. Jewish communities (ushmm)
- Geographic Name
- Germany--Politics and government--1933-1945. Berlin (Germany)
- Personal Name
- Hindenburg, Paul von, 1847-1934--Posters.
- Corporate Name
- Reichsvertretung der Deutschen Juden
Administrative Notes
- Legal Status
- Permanent Collection
- Provenance
- The Berlin Jewish Community broadside was acquired by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in 2008.
- Funding Note
- The cataloging of this artifact has been supported by a grant from the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany.
- Record last modified:
- 2024-10-03 11:12:53
- This page:
- http://collections.ushmm.org/search/catalog/irn42579
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Also in Jewish community broadside collection
The collection consists of two broadsides and a publication relating to the Berlin Jewish Community and the death of President von Hindenburg, British Army enlistment in Palestine, and the Hay internment camp in Australia before and during World War II.
Date: 1934-1941
Large text only poster created to encourage Jews in Palestine to serve in the British Army
Broadside produced by the Jewish Agency and Va'ad Leumi appealing to Jews in the British Mandate of Palestine to enlist in the British Army in September 1939. It encourages Jews to defend Great Britain in the war against Germany despite the injustice of the British government issued White Paper policy of May 1939, which severely limited Jewish immigration to Palestine. Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939, and that same month, Great Britain declared war against Germany. The Jewish Agency and Va'ad Leumi were responsible for Jewish communal affairs in Palestine.
Prayer book
Haggadah consisting of 6 loose pages mimeographed in the Hay Internment camp, Australia.