- Description
- Contains Holocaust related statements made by Avi Millo, the Israeli ambassador to Romania and correspondence and attachments sent to Ambassador Millo by an Orthodox priest, Mr.Valeriu Voineag from Brasov, who wanted to convince the Embassy of Israel to rehabilitate General Iosif Iacobici, condemned for war crimes in Odessa.
- Date
Physical Details
- Extent
1 folder
Rights & Restrictions
- Conditions on Access
- There are no known restrictions on access to this material.
- Conditions on Use
- The Museum is in the process of determining the possible use restrictions that may apply to material(s) in this collection.
Administrative Notes
- Holder of Originals
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
- Legal Status
- Permanent Collection
- Provenance
- The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum International Programs Division received the collection from Avraham Millo and transferred it to the Archives on July 28, 1999.
- Record last modified:
- 2024-11-07 07:23:50
- This page:
- http://collections.ushmm.org/search/catalog/irn500059
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- Copyright Not Evaluated
- Terms of Use
- This record is not digitized and cannot be downloaded online.
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Bowie, MD