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Abraham Getman photographs

Document | Not Digitized | Accession Number: 2003.447.1

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    A collection of 83 photographs relating to the experiences of Abraham (Avram) Getman and his family during the period immediately following the Holocaust. The collection includes images of refugee camps in St. Marein and Admont in Austria and images of the donor's emigration from Austria to Israel in 1948.
    inclusive:  circa 1946-circa 1948
    Collection Creator
    Abraham Getman
    Abraham Getman (1926-2011) was born in Luboml, Poland on 21 July, 1926, to parents Shmuel (1889-1941) and Miriam (née Zuckerman, 1895-1942?) Hetman (the family surname later changed to Getman under Russian occupation). He had four brothers, Yakov (b. 1916-1973), Moshe (b. 1922-1941), Chaim (b. 1924-41?), and Leibel (b. 1930-1944?), and a sister, Fayga (b. 1920-1942?). In the course of the German occupation of Luboml many members of the Hetman family were killed. Abraham, having escaped from the Luboml ghetto in 1942, survived in hiding before finding himself interned in the Murafa ghetto in Transnistria. He was liberated there by the Soviet Army in March 1944. By summer 1946 Abraham had arrived in Austria where he lived as a displaced person, first in the DP camp of St. Marien, and later in Admont. By 1948 Abraham had moved to Israel where he served in the IDF (Israel Defense Forces). In Palestine Abraham reunited with his eldest brother, Yakov, who had left Poland in the mid 1930s. Abraham and Yakov were the only members of their immediate family to survive the Holocaust.

    Physical Details

    Hebrew Polish
    1 folder
    System of Arrangement
    This collection is arranged as a single series.

    Rights & Restrictions

    Conditions on Access
    There are no known restrictions on access to this material.
    Conditions on Use
    Material(s) in this collection may be protected by copyright and/or related rights. You do not require further permission from the Museum to use this material. The user is solely responsible for making a determination as to if and how the material may be used.

    Keywords & Subjects

    Personal Name
    Getman, Abraham.

    Administrative Notes

    The photographs were donated to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in 2003 by Abraham Getman.
    Record last modified:
    2023-02-24 14:09:04
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