- Brief Narrative
- Nazi propaganda poster: image of line drawing of man standing on right holding large stake, on left woman holding child in her arms with girl standing behind her and one child beside her, background Nazi eagle perched on top of swastika, artist's signature "Robert Fuchs" in lower right of image, text printed below image, "Im Glauben an Deutschland/werden wir das Schicksal/meistern./Adolf Hitler", weekly message of the NSDAP for July 2-8, 1939.
- Date
- Credit Line
- United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Collection, Gift of James B. Stein
- Contributor
Zentralverlag der NSDAP
Physical Details
- Language
- German
- Classification
- Category
Nazi propaganda
- Object Type
Posters, German (lcsh)
- Materials
- overall : paper, ink
Rights & Restrictions
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- No restrictions on access
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- No restrictions on use
Administrative Notes
- Legal Status
- Permanent Collection
- Provenance
- The poster was donated to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in 2000 by James B. Stein.
- Record last modified:
- 2024-10-03 11:25:07
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- http://collections.ushmm.org/search/catalog/irn515380
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Also in James Stein collection
Collection consisting of one certificate issued to a member of the Nazi party and group of small Nazi propaganda posters (28). See numbered list in accession file
Date: 1938-1940
Nazi propaganda poster: image of large block of text printed in black ink, "Man/stirbtnicht/fur Geschafte,/sondern/nur fur/Ideale,'" and "Adolf Hitler" printed below in red ink, weekly message of the NSDAP for October 31-November 6, 1938.
Certificate issued to a member of the Nazi party; dated May 1, 1938; Stuttgart, Germany; in German.
Nazi propaganda poster: image of red square in center with double line black border, text in center, "deutsch-/land/ist da, wo/starke/herzen/sind" (Germany is were strong hearts are), "Ulrich von Hutten" printed in red ink below box; weekly message of the NSDAP for August 20-26, 1939.
Nazi propaganda poster: image of woodcut drawing of soldier standing next to body laying on the ground, "heldengedenktag 1939" above image, "uber Graber vomvarts!" printed below; weekly message of the NSDAP for March 12-18 1939.
Nazi propaganda poster: image of red text printed in gray box, "Wermutig sein/Recht vertritt/wird am Ende/auch recht/bekommen/Adolf Hitler", weekly message of the NSDAP for October 29-November 4, 1939.
Nazi propaganda poster: image of text, word on top of author's name printed in red ink, other text in black ink, "Wer/nichts wagt/darf nichts/hoffen/Schiller", weekly message of the NSDAP for December 12-18, 1938.
Nazi propaganda poster: image of text printed in black ink with gray shadow reading, "Fedes Volk/hat das Recht,/sich sein Leben/auf dieser Erde/Sicheriustellen", gray banner below with "Adolf Hitler/30.1.1939" printed in black ink, weekly message of the NSDAP for February 4-10, 1940.
Nazi propaganda poster: image of block of text printed in black ink, first letter in red ink, "Der von den/kapitalistischen/Machthabern/Frankreichs und Englands/dem Grossdeutschen Reich/aufgezwungene krieg muss/zum glorreichsten/Sieg der deutschen/Geschichte werden.", "Adolf Hitler" and image of single leaf printed in red ink below text, weekly message of the NSDAP for April 28-May 4, 1940.
Nazi propaganda poster: image of text printed in brown ink with khaki colored leaves printed around text and "1939" at bottom, text reads "Einig/im Glauben-einig/im Kampf-aus/in der Pflicht!", weekly message of the NSDAP for December 3-9, 1939.
Nazi propaganda poster: image of block of text printed in black ink, "Hinter der front/steht eine Heimat,/bereit + alles zu geben,/was sie nur/zu geben vermag,/um draussen dem/Kampfer/die furchtbare Arbeit/vor dem Feinde,/vor dem Tode/zu erleichtern./Hermann Goring", weekly message of the NSDAP for October 22-28, 1939.
Nazi propaganda poster: image of white text printed inside black background with red border, image of Nazi eagle with swastika at top with "9.Nov." printed below in red ink, text reads, "Sie starben Fur/Deutschlands/Erwachen/im glauben/an Hitlers/mission" weekly message of the NSDAP for November 7-13, 1938.
Nazi propaganda poster: image of line drawing of soldier holding Nazi flag, text below, "Wer in den Zeiten grosser vater-/landischer Kampfe ganz unbefangen/und leidenschaftslos zu bleibenver-/mag. der verdientnicht. sie zu erleben./Heinrich von Treitschke" weekly message of the NSDAP for May 28-June 3, 1939.
Nazi propaganda poster: image of text printed in black ink, first letter printed in red ink, "Was/mich nicht/umbringt, macht/mich starker./Friedrich Nietzsche" weekly message of the NSDAP for April 9-15 1939.
Nazi propaganda poster: image of text printed in brown ink, "Das Opfer,/das von uns verlaugt/wird, ist nicht grosser/als das Opfer, das/zahlreiche Generationen/gebracht haben./Adolf Hitler" weekly message of the NSDAP for October 1-7, 1939.
Nazi propaganda poster: image of text, first two lines and author's name printed in red ink, text in middle printed in black ink, top of page missing, text reads,."...allein/unterscheide/den einen vom/anderen/Robert Ley" weekly message of the NSDAP for February 12-18, 1939.
Nazi propaganda poster
Nazi propaganda poster: image of text printed in black ink, "Heik und +/arbeit allein/schaffen nicht/das Leben, wenn sie/sich nicht vermahlen/mit der Kraft und dem/Willen/eines-/Voltes", gold shield with image of bee and anvil in upper left, gold shield with swastika with sword and leaves in lower right, "Adolf Hitler" printed at bottom in gold ink with black shadow, weekly message of the NSDAP for June 11-17, 1939.
Nazi propaganda poster: image of black line drawing of an eagle, text printed below in red ink, "uber aller Freiheit des/Einzelnen steht die Frei-/heit unseres Volkes" and "Adolf Hitler" printed in black ink below weekly message of the NSDAP for August 13-19 1939.
Nazi propaganda poster: image of block of text printed in black ink, first letter in red ink, "Ich wewarte/auch von der/Deutschen Frau/dass sie sich in ausserstter/Disziplin/vorbilding in dise/grosse Kampf-/Gemeinschaft/einfught"; "Adolf Hitler/vor dem Deutschen Reichstag am 1. September 1939" printed below in red ink, weekly message of the NSDAP for October 15-21, 1939.
Nazi propaganda poster: image of block of text printed in black ink, first letter in red ink, "Wenn der Soldat/an der front kampft,/soll niemand am Kriege/verdienen./Wen der Soldat/an der front fallt,/so sich niemand/zuhause seiner Pflicht/entziehen", and "Adolf Hitler" printed below in red ink, weekly message of the NSDAP for October 8-14, 1939.
Nazi propaganda poster: image of text printed in brown ink, "Ich kampfe mit-mei-/nem Volke um die/ Wiedergutmachung/eines Unrechtes,/und die anderen um/die Beibehaltung/desselben./Adolf Hitler/27.August 1939" weekly message of the NSDAP for September 3-9, 1939.
Nazi propaganda poster: image of block of text printed in black ink, first letter and author's name in blue ink, yellow leaves and blue acrons along sides, text reads, "Das ist die/hochste Religion,/seinen Enfeln/einen/ehrlichen Namen,/ein/freies Land,/einen/stolzen Sinn/zu hinterlassen./Ernst Moritz Arndt" weekly message of the NSDAP for September 1-7, 1940.
Nazi propaganda poster: image of text printed in light blue ink with dark blue lines in center, first letter and banner with author's name below in dark blue ink text reads, "Gott gibt/die Nusse,/aber er/beisst sie/nicht auf./Goethe" weekly message of the NSDAP for September 17-23, 1939.
Nazi propaganda poster: image of block of test printed in black ink, first letter and author's name printed in red ink text reads, "Solang/ein Feind noch/in Germanien/trokt,/ist hass emin Amt.und meine Jugend/Rache!/Heinrich von Kleist." weekly message of the NSDAP for March 5-11, 1939.
Nazi propaganda poster: image of block of test printed in black ink, first letter and author's name printed in gold ink text reads, "Man Muk/das Unmogliche/verlangen, damit/das Mogliche/geleistet wird./Helmut von Moltke." weekly message of the NSDAP for April 2-8, 1939.
Nazi propaganda poster: image of block of text printed in black ink, first letter printed in red ink text reads, "Halt Wacht, kamerad,/erfull deine Pflicht,/Bleib treu, kamerad/und zweifle nicht./Sei tapfer, kamerad/und kampfe mit/fur den Sieg,kamerad,/der unser ist./Paul Eigendorf, Kriegsjahr 1940" weekly message of the NSDAP for June 23-29, 1940.
Nazi propaganda poster: image of drawing of brown page with text printed in black ink, first letter and author's name in dark brown ink text reads, "Eine Nation,/die es nicht wagt,/kuhn zu sprechen,/wird es noch viel/weniger wagen,/kuhn zu handeln./Clausewitz" weekly message of the NSDAP for November 14-20, 1938.
Nazi propaganda poster: image of text printed in blue ink with light blue background, "Der grosse Mann geht/seiner Zeit voraus,/Der Kluge geht mit ihr/aufallen Wegen,/Der Schlaukopf beuter/sie gehorig aus,/Der Dummkopf stellt/sich ihr entgegen./Ernst Moritz Urndt" weekly message of the NSDAP for May 7-13, 1939.