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Nachlass Anne-Marie Im Hof-Piguet (1916-2010)

Document | Digitized | Accession Number: 2017.47.1 | RG Number: RG-58.038

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    Private papers of Anne-Marie Im Hof-Piguet (1916-2010), a Swiss helper and human rights activist. The collection consists of biographical materials, school photos, documents concerning honors, film and radio broadcast about Anne-Marie Im Hof-Piguet, reports from the Swiss Red Cross, applications concerning the child support of the Swiss Red Cross, handwritten and typed manuscripts "La Filière" und "Fluchtweg durch die Hintertür"', newspaper articles, photographs, audiovisual documentation from everyday life at the Château de La Hille, correspondence at the time of the Second World War, correspondence in connection with the book publications.
    Alternate Title
    Anne-Marie Im Hof-Piguet papers
    inclusive:  1916-2007
    Collection Creator
    Anne-Marie Im Hof-Piguet
    Anne-Marie Im Hof-Piguet (1916-2010) was a Swiss helper and human rights activist. Anne-Marie Im Hof-Piguet grew up in the Vallée de Joux , in 1940 she graduated with a degree in history from the University of Lausanne . In the years 1942-1944 she worked for the child support of the Swiss Red Cross at the Château de Bellevue in Montluel and the Château de la Hille near Toulouse.
    When the National Socialists occupied southern France, Im Hof-Piguet saved twelve Jewish children and adults by helping them illegally cross the border into Switzerland. The escape route ran from La Hille to Chappelle-des-Bois via Toulouse, Lyon, children's colony Montluel, Champagnole. From Chapelle-des-Bois they crossed the rocky path Gy de l'Echelle at the Mont Risoux to the meeting point on the Swiss side in the hut " Hôtel d'Italie" . The Jewish refugees were picked up by Im Hof-Piguet's father, the forest inspector Henri-Joseph Piguet. Her mother accompanied the refugees to Zurich as a refugee pastor.
    After the Second World War, Anne-Marie Im Hof- Piguet worked as a teacher in the cantons of Vaud and Basel-Stadt. In 1947 she married the historian Ulrich Im Hof, established a family and worked as a teacher in Berne.
    In 1959, she was co-founder of Swiss contact Foundation for Development Cooperation in Zurich (Stiftung für Entwicklungszusammenarbeit in Zürich). In 1985 she published her memoirs, where she described her experiences as a Red Cross helper. With the prize money of the Doron Prize of 1998, she launched the Academy of Human Rights as an educational and meeting center.
    Honors: In 1990 she was honored as a righteous among the peoples; in 1992 she received the Doron Foundation Prize; in 1998, she received the Human Rights Prize of the Swiss Section of the International Society for Human Rights.
    Publications: Im Hof-Piguet, Anne-Marie: La Filière. En France occupée 1942-1944, Yverdon-les-Bains, s.d. [1986]
    Im Hof-Piguet, Anne-Marie: Fluchtweg durch die Hintertür. Eine Rotkreuzhelferin im besetzten Frankreich 1942-1944, Frauenfeld 1987
    Im Hof-Piguet, Anne-Marie: Fluchtweg, in: Fischer, Monica: "Retten Sie wenigstens mein Kind", Zeitzeugen des Zweiten Weltkrieges berichten, Zürich 2000, S. 37-43.
    Im Hof-Piguet, Anne-Marie: La Filière. En France occupée 1942-1944, Yverdon-les-Bains, s.d. [1986]

    Im Hof-Piguet, Anne-Marie: Fluchtweg durch die Hintertür. Eine Rotkreuzhelferin im besetzten Frankreich 1942-1944, Frauenfeld 1987

    Im Hof-Piguet, Anne-Marie: Fluchtweg, in: Fischer, Monica: "Retten Sie wenigstens mein Kind", Zeitzeugen des Zweiten Weltkrieges berichten, Zürich 2000, S. 37-43.

    Physical Details

    German French
    6,822 digital images : PDF ; 5.31 GB .
    System of Arrangement
    Arranged in four series: 1. Biographical materials; 2. Activities at the Swiss Red Cross; 3. Political and social activities; 4. Correspondence and publications.

    Rights & Restrictions

    Conditions on Access
    This material can only be accessed in a Museum reading room or other on-campus viewing stations. Users are required to complete a User Declaration in order to gain access to the collection.
    Conditions on Use
    No publication and copies of the records and finding aids to the 3rd party users without the written permission from the Archiv für Zeitgeschichte (AfZ). The Museum may not transfer the materials or duplicate records thereof or any of the finding aids to any third party, except as permitted in the Cooperation Contract, Article II paragraph 5 herein or as otherwise permitted in writing by the AfZ. The Museum may not publish the reproduction material or finding aid on the Internet, World Wide Web, or any publicly accessible on-line network without the written permission of the AfZ. Contact

    Keywords & Subjects

    Administrative Notes

    Source of acquisition is the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich. Archiv für Zeitgeschichte (AfZ), Switzerland; the signature: NL Anne-Marie Im Hof. The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Archives received the collection via the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum’s International Archives Project in March 2017.
    Record last modified:
    2023-06-02 08:52:40
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