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Collection of archival records of the German occupation authorities and German military formations on the occupied territory of Slovenia during WWII ( SI AS 1751)

Document | Digitized | Accession Number: 2021.57.1 | RG Number: RG-93.004

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    The collection contains records of various German civilian authorithies and military formations located on the territory of Slovenia during WWII. It includes collection of records of SS Unterfuererschule in Ljubljana (Laibach), SA Gruppe Donau Organization TODT, OT (Oberbauleitung), LjubljanaLabor Office (Arbeitsamt):
    civil administration for the regions and municipalities of Lower Styria (Spodnja Štajerska), Gorenjsko (Upper Carniola), Koroška (Slovenian Carinthia), Kranjska Gora, Laško, Trbovlje, Celje, Maribor and other municipalities and regions of Austria and German-occupied Slovenia. Includes letters, materials of the Office for Propaganda, Press and Culture, workers' lists, circulars, invoices, transport lists (1942-1943), political characteristics of individuals (1942-1943), characteristics for the Prince Hugo Windischgraetz, personnel lists of employees of railway stations in Gorenjska (1941), correspondence with the security police, monthly reports of the mayor, list of NSDAP members, issues of German official gazettes and announcements of several bodies (1941-1945), list of arrivals and departures from the workplace / financial and accounting books (1941-1945), and other matterials.
    Alternate Title
    Zbirka arhivskega gradiva nemških okupacijskih oblasti in oboroženih enot na zasedenem slovenskem ozemlju
    inclusive:  1941-1945

    Physical Details

    Slovenian German
    26,715 digital images : PDF ; 30.03 GB .
    System of Arrangement
    Arranged in the following groups: 1. Records of SS Unterfuererschule in Ljubljana (Laibach); 2. SA Gruppe Donau Organization TODT (Oberbauleitung); 3. Ljubljana Labor Office (Arbeitsamt): 4. Records of civil administration for the regions and municipalities of Lower Styria (Spodnja Štajerska); 5. Records of the Civil Administration for regions of Gorenjska (Upper Carniola), Koroška (Slovenian Carinthia), Kranjska Gora, Laško, Trbovlje, Celje, Maribor and other municipalities.

    Rights & Restrictions

    Conditions on Access
    This material can only be accessed in a Museum reading room or other on-campus viewing stations. No other access restrictions apply to this material.
    Conditions on Use
    Researchers must sign an access form stating that they will use those archival materials for a private study and research only. Any commercial use of it may require the payment of a license fee in accordance with established prices for services provided by the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia (Archives). Any publishing of the archival materials will require the written permission of the Archives and the citation of sources as required by the Archives. A copy of any published work that includes archival materials from the Archives will be provided to the Museum and the Archives.

    Keywords & Subjects

    Administrative Notes

    Holder of Originals
    Arhiv Republike Slovenije
    Source of acquisition is the Arhiv Republike Slovenije (Archives of the Republic of Slovenia); Records: (SI AS 1751). The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Archives received the filmed collection from the Arhiv Republike Slovenije via the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum International Archives Project in Feb. 2021. Duplication project completed.
    Record last modified:
    2023-08-28 08:09:16
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