- Brief Narrative
- Siddur brought with Arthur Cohn when he escaped from Breslau, Germany, with his wife Johanna and 18 year old daughter Irma in May 1940. The appointment of Hitler as Chancellor in 1933 led to increasingly harsh persecution of the Jewish population. Arthur was out of town during the Kristallnacht pogrom of November 9-10, 1938, when the Gestapo searched his home and arrested the other Jewish males in the building. They told Johanna that Arthur could not leave the home when he returned. But when they searched the building again the next day, they did not search the Cohn's. Johanna's uncle, Dr. Leo Nast, had emigrated to the US in 1934. He sponsored the Cohn family's visa applications and they left for New York in May 1940.
- Title
- Gebetbuch für die neue Synagoge in Berlin, Theil 2. Neujahrsfest und Versöhnungstag
- Subtitle
- Neujahrsfest und Versöhnungstag = Seder tefilot kol ha-shanah.
- Date
- Geography
Berlin (Germany)
- Credit Line
- United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Collection, Gift of Irma Cohn Clemens
- Contributor
Neue Synagoge (Berlin, Germany)
Publisher: Druck und verlag von g. Bernstein
Physical Details
- Classification
Books and Published Materials
- Category
Books and pamphlets
- Object Type
Judaism--Books (lcsh)
- Physical Description
- Prayer book with inactive mold stains. vi, 464 p. (366, 125) ; 22 cm.
There are inscriptions with the addresses of varios owners in black and blue ink on the inside front and back covers. - Materials
- overall : paper, ink
- Inscription
- back inside cover : Julius Wertheim c/o Hotel Park Crescent / 150 Riverside / New York - City / SChuyler 4 - 5800
front cover, blue ink : Gertrude Bruehl (?) / ... 808 West End Ave. Apt. 24 New York
Rights & Restrictions
- Conditions on Access
- No restrictions on access
- Conditions on Use
- No restrictions on use
Keywords & Subjects
Administrative Notes
- Legal Status
- Permanent Collection
- Provenance
- The prayer book was donated to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in 2012 by Irma Cohn Clemens, the daughter of Artur Cohn.
- Funding Note
- The cataloging of this artifact has been supported by a grant from the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany.
- Record last modified:
- 2025-01-02 11:30:59
- This page:
- http://collections.ushmm.org/search/catalog/irn73563
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Also in Arthur Cohn and Leo Nast collection
The collection consists of religious articles, document cases, documents, and photographs relating to the experiences of Leo Nast before and after his immigration to the United States from Hamburg, Germany, in 1934 and of publications relating to the experiences of Arthur Cohn, who emigrated with his family from Breslau, Germany, to the United States.
Date: 1934-1960
Certificate of Citizenship document case belonging to German Jewish prewar emigre
Folding citizenship certificate case that belonged to Dr. Leo Nast, a chemical engineer, who left Hamburg, Germany, for the United States in July 1934. Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany in 1933. Leo had long opposed the politics of Hitler and the Nazi Party and Leo and his wife Bertha decided to leave Germany. Their immigration was sponsored by the Catalin Corporation, a plastics company that employed Leo after his arrival in the US. The Nazi dictatorship enacted anti-Jewish laws and the persecution of Jews grew increasingly harsh. In 1939, Leo arranged for his mother, Frederica, to come to the US. In May 1940, he sponsored the immigration of his niece, Johanna Cohn, her husband Arthur, and their 18 year old daughter Irma, from Breslau, Germany.
Black Certificate of Citizenship document case belonging to German Jewish prewar emigre
Folding citizenship certificate case that belonged to Dr. Leo Nast, a chemical engineer, who left Hamburg, Germany, for the United States in July 1934. Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany in 1933. Leo had long opposed the politics of Hitler and the Nazi Party and Leo and his wife Bertha decided to leave Germany. Their immigration was sponsored by the Catalin Corporation, a plastics company that employed Leo after his arrival in the US. The Nazi dictatorship enacted anti-Jewish laws and the persecution of Jews grew increasingly harsh. In 1939, Leo arranged for his mother, Frederica, to come to the US. In May 1940, he sponsored the immigration of his niece, Johanna Cohn, her husband Arthur, and their 18 year old daughter Irma, from Breslau, Germany.
Leo Nast papers
Collection of documents and photographs relating to Dr. Leo Nast (donor's maternal great uncle), his wife Berta, and Leo Nast. Leo Nast was a chemical engineer who immigrated to the US in 1934 and helped in the production of plastics. Includes correspondence, academic records, military documents from World War I, immigration and naturalization documents. Includes a series of letters from his colleague Wernher von Braun, dated 1959-1960. Also includes three German passports (Deutsches Reich Reisepass) issued January 10, 1940 in Breslau, stamped with red letter "J" to mark the bearers as Jewish; issued to Arthur Aron Cohn (b. July 7, 1885), his wife Johanna Cohn nee Nast (b. June 28, 1895), and their daughter Irmgard Sophie Cohn (b. April 27, 1921) in Breslau. All three had an American immigration visa issued on January 31, 1940 in Berlin. They left Germany in April 1940 for Italy, from where they travelled to the US. German Passport: issued on March 4, 1940 in Breslau, stamped with red letter "J" to mark bearer as Jewish; issued to Frederike Nast nee Lichtenstein (b. March 30, 1857) [Irmgard Cohn Clemens's maternal grandmother], who was blind. Her US visa was issued on March 18, 1940; she left Germany on May 2, 1940.
Mezuzah with an embossed rising sun used by a prewar German Jewish emigre to the US
Gold colored embossed mezuzah used by Dr. Leo Nast, a chemical engineer who left Hamburg, Germany, for the United States in July 1934. According to the Torah, every doorpost in a Jewish home should display a mezuzah klaf, a small parchment scroll inscribed with two prayers. The scroll is enclosed in a case so that it can be affixed to the right doorpost. It serves as a reminder of the covenant of faith and a notice that this is an observant Jewish home. Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany in 1933. Leo had long opposed the politics of Hitler and the Nazi Party and Leo and his wife Bertha decided to leave Germany. Their immigration was sponsored by the Catalin Corporation, a plastics company that employed Leo after his arrival in the US. The Nazi dictatorship enacted anti-Jewish laws and the persecution of Jews grew increasingly harsh. In 1939, Leo arranged for his mother, Frederica, to come to the US. In May 1940, he sponsored the immigration of his niece, Johanna Cohn, her husband Arthur, and their 18 year old daughter Irma, from Breslau, Germany.
Painted mezuzah used by a prewar German Jewish emigre to the US
Brown painted mezuzah used by Dr. Leo Nast, a chemical engineer who left Hamburg, Germany, for the United States in July 1934. According to the Torah, every doorpost in a Jewish home should display a mezuzah klaf, a small parchment scroll inscribed with two prayers. The scroll is enclosed in a case so that it can be affixed to the right doorpost. It serves as a reminder of the covenant of faith and a notice that this is an observant Jewish home. Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany in 1933. Leo had long opposed the politics of Hitler and the Nazi Party and Leo and his wife Bertha decided to leave Germany. Their immigration was sponsored by the Catalin Corporation, a plastics company that employed Leo after his arrival in the US. The Nazi dictatorship enacted anti-Jewish laws and the persecution of Jews grew increasingly harsh. In 1939, Leo arranged for his mother, Frederica, to come to the US. In May 1940, he sponsored the immigration of his niece, Johanna Cohn, her husband Arthur, and their 18 year old daughter Irma, from Breslau, Germany.
Tefillin set with a dark red velvet pouch used by a prewar German Jewish emigre
Pair of tefillin with a burgundy velvet storage pouch used by Dr. Leo Nast, a chemical engineer who left Hamburg, Germany, for the United States in July 1934. Tefillin are small boxes with leather straps used by Orthodox Jewish males during morning prayers. Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany in 1933. Leo had long opposed the politics of Hitler and the Nazi Party and Leo and his wife Bertha decided to leave Germany. Their immigration was sponsored by the Catalin Corporation, a plastics company that employed Leo after his arrival in the US. The Nazi dictatorship enacted anti-Jewish laws and the persecution of Jews grew increasingly harsh. In 1939, Leo arranged for his mother, Frederica, to come to the US. In May 1940, he sponsored the immigration of his niece, Johanna Cohn, her husband Arthur, and their 18 year old daughter Irma, from Breslau, Germany.
Atarah with a gold metallic thread floral pattern owned by a prewar German Jewish emigre to the US
Metallic embroidered atarah, or neckband, owned by Dr. Leo Nast, a chemical engineer who left Hamburg, Germany, for the United States in July 1934. The atarah would be attached to the interior top center of the tallit, a prayer shawl worn by Jewish males during morning prayers, to be nearest the head when the shawl is draped over it. Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany in 1933. Leo had long opposed the politics of Hitler and the Nazi Party and Leo and his wife Bertha decided to leave Germany. Their immigration was sponsored by the Catalin Corporation, a plastics company that employed Leo after his arrival in the US. The Nazi dictatorship enacted anti-Jewish laws and the persecution of Jews grew increasingly harsh. In 1939, Leo arranged for his mother, Frederica, to come to the US. In May 1940, he sponsored the immigration of his niece, Johanna Cohn, her husband Arthur, and their 18 year old daughter Irma, from Breslau, Germany.
Striped tallit katan worn by a prewar German Jewish emigre to the US
Striped tallit katan used by Dr. Leo Nast, a chemical engineer who left Hamburg, Germany, for the United States in July 1934. A tallit katan is a religious garment worn by Jewish men with their daily dress. Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany in 1933. Leo had long opposed the politics of Hitler and the Nazi Party and Leo and his wife Bertha decided to leave Germany. Their immigration was sponsored by the Catalin Corporation, a plastics company that employed Leo after his arrival in the US. The Nazi dictatorship enacted anti-Jewish laws and the persecution of Jews grew increasingly harsh. In 1939, Leo arranged for his mother, Frederica, to come to the US. In May 1940, he sponsored the immigration of his niece, Johanna Cohn, her husband Arthur, and their 18 year old daughter Irma, from Breslau, Germany.
Striped tallit and red velvet pouch used by a prewar German Jewish emigre
Blue striped tallit with a maroon velvet storage bag used by Dr. Leo Nast, a chemical engineer who left Hamburg, Germany, for the United States in July 1934. A tallit is a prayer shawl worn by observant Jewish men during morning services. Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany in 1933. Leo had long opposed the politics of Hitler and the Nazi Party and Leo and his wife Bertha decided to leave Germany. Their immigration was sponsored by the Catalin Corporation, a plastics company that employed Leo after his arrival in the US. The Nazi dictatorship enacted anti-Jewish laws and the persecution of Jews grew increasingly harsh. In 1939, Leo arranged for his mother, Frederica, to come to the US. In May 1940, he sponsored the immigration of his niece, Johanna Cohn, her husband Arthur, and their 18 year old daughter Irma, from Breslau, Germany.
Hagadah with inscribed names and dates brought with Arthur Cohn when he escaped from Breslau, Germany, with his wife Johanna and 18 year old daughter Irma in May 1940. The appointment of Hitler as Chancellor in 1933 led to increasingly harsh persecution of the Jewish population. Arthur was out of town during the Kristallnacht pogrom of November 9-10, 1938, when the Gestapo searched his home and arrested the other Jewish males in the building. They told Johanna that Arthur could not leave the home when he returned. But when they searched the building again the next day, they did not search the Cohn's. Johanna's uncle, Dr. Leo Nast, had emigrated to the US in 1934. He sponsored the Cohn family's visa applications and they left for New York in May 1940.
Machzor for Yom Kippur brought with Arthur Cohn when he escaped from Breslau, Germany, with his wife Johanna and 18 year old daughter Irma in May 1940. The appointment of Hitler as Chancellor in 1933 led to increasingly harsh persecution of the Jewish population. Arthur was out of town during the Kristallnacht pogrom of November 9-10, 1938, when the Gestapo searched his home and arrested the other Jewish males in the building. They told Johanna that Arthur could not leave the home when he returned. But when they searched the building again the next day, they did not search the Cohn's. Johanna's uncle, Dr. Leo Nast, had emigrated to the US in 1934. He sponsored the Cohn family's visa applications and they left for New York in May 1940.
Jewish prayer book with inscriptions brought with Arthur Cohn when he escaped from Breslau, Germany, with his wife Johanna and 18 year old daughter Irma in May 1940. The appointment of Hitler as Chancellor in 1933 led to increasingly harsh persecution of the Jewish population. Arthur was out of town during the Kristallnacht pogrom of November 9-10, 1938, when the Gestapo searched his home and arrested the other Jewish males in the building. They told Johanna that Arthur could not leave the home when he returned. But when they searched the building again the next day, they did not search the Cohn's. Johanna's uncle, Dr. Leo Nast, had emigrated to the US in 1934. He sponsored the Cohn family's visa applications and they left for New York in May 1940.
Jewish prayer book brought with Arthur Cohn when he escaped from Breslau, Germany, with his wife Johanna and 18 year old daughter Irma in May 1940. The appointment of Hitler as Chancellor in 1933 led to increasingly harsh persecution of the Jewish population. Arthur was out of town during the Kristallnacht pogrom of November 9-10, 1938, when the Gestapo searched his home and arrested the other Jewish males in the building. They told Johanna that Arthur could not leave the home when he returned. But when they searched the building again the next day, they did not search the Cohn's. Johanna's uncle, Dr. Leo Nast, had emigrated to the US in 1934. He sponsored the Cohn family's visa applications and they left for New York in May 1940.
Hagadah pamphlet acquired by Arthur Cohn in the US. It has the Enlish dates for Jewish holdiays for five years, from 1941-1942 through 1945-1946. Arthur escaped from Breslau, Germany, with his wife Johanna and 18 year old daughter Irma in May 1940. The appointment of Hitler as Chancellor in 1933 led to increasingly harsh persecution of the Jewish population. Arthur was out of town during the Kristallnacht pogrom of November 9-10, 1938, when the Gestapo searched his home and arrested the other Jewish males in the building. They told Johanna that Arthur could not leave the home when he returned. But when they searched the building again the next day, they did not search the Cohn's. Johanna's uncle, Dr. Leo Nast, had emigrated to the US in 1934. He sponsored the Cohn family's visa applications and they left for New York in May 1940.
Hagadah brought by Artur Cohn when he escaped from Breslau, Germany, with his wife Johanna and 18 year old daughter Irma in May 1940. The appointment of Hitler as Chancellor in 1933 led to increasingly harsh persecution of the Jewish population. Arthur was out of town during the Kristallnacht pogrom of November 9-10, 1938, when the Gestapo searched his home and arrested the other Jewish males in the building. They told Johanna that Arthur could not leave the home when he returned. But when they searched the building again the next day, they did not search the Cohn's. Johanna's uncle, Dr. Leo Nast, had emigrated to the US in 1934. He sponsored the Cohn family's visa applications and they left for New York in May 1940.
Hagadah brought by Artur Cohn when he escaped from Breslau, Germany, with his wife Johanna and 18 year old daughter Irma in May 1940. The appointment of Hitler as Chancellor in 1933 led to increasingly harsh persecution of the Jewish population. Arthur was out of town during the Kristallnacht pogrom of November 9-10, 1938, when the Gestapo searched his home and arrested the other Jewish males in the building. They told Johanna that Arthur could not leave the home when he returned. But when they searched the building again the next day, they did not search the Cohn's. Johanna's uncle, Dr. Leo Nast, had emigrated to the US in 1934. He sponsored the Cohn family's visa applications and they left for New York in May 1940.
Hagadah brought by Artur Cohn when he escaped from Breslau, Germany, with his wife Johanna and 18 year old daughter Irma in May 1940. The appointment of Hitler as Chancellor in 1933 led to increasingly harsh persecution of the Jewish population. Arthur was out of town during the Kristallnacht pogrom of November 9-10, 1938, when the Gestapo searched his home and arrested the other Jewish males in the building. They told Johanna that Arthur could not leave the home when he returned. But when they searched the building again the next day, they did not search the Cohn's. Johanna's uncle, Dr. Leo Nast, had emigrated to the US in 1934. He sponsored the Cohn family's visa applications and they left for New York in May 1940.
Machzor for Yom Kippur brought with Arthur Cohn when he escaped from Breslau, Germany, with his wife Johanna and 18 year old daughter Irma in May 1940. The appointment of Hitler as Chancellor in 1933 led to increasingly harsh persecution of the Jewish population. Arthur was out of town during the Kristallnacht pogrom of November 9-10, 1938, when the Gestapo searched his home and arrested the other Jewish males in the building. They told Johanna that Arthur could not leave the home when he returned. But when they searched the building again the next day, they did not search the Cohn's. Johanna's uncle, Dr. Leo Nast, had emigrated to the US in 1934. He sponsored the Cohn family's visa applications and they left for New York in May 1940.
Prayer book for Sukkoth brought with Arthur Cohn when he escaped from Breslau, Germany, with his wife Johanna and 18 year old daughter Irma in May 1940. The appointment of Hitler as Chancellor in 1933 led to increasingly harsh persecution of the Jewish population. Arthur was out of town during the Kristallnacht pogrom of November 9-10, 1938, when the Gestapo searched his home and arrested the other Jewish males in the building. They told Johanna that Arthur could not leave the home when he returned. But when they searched the building again the next day, they did not search the Cohn's. Johanna's uncle, Dr. Leo Nast, had emigrated to the US in 1934. He sponsored the Cohn family's visa applications and they left for New York in May 1940.
Prayer book for Passover brought with Arthur Cohn when he escaped from Breslau, Germany, with his wife Johanna and 18 year old daughter Irma in May 1940. The appointment of Hitler as Chancellor in 1933 led to increasingly harsh persecution of the Jewish population. Arthur was out of town during the Kristallnacht pogrom of November 9-10, 1938, when the Gestapo searched his home and arrested the other Jewish males in the building. They told Johanna that Arthur could not leave the home when he returned. But when they searched the building again the next day, they did not search the Cohn's. Johanna's uncle, Dr. Leo Nast, had emigrated to the US in 1934. He sponsored the Cohn family's visa applications and they left for New York in May 1940.
Machzor for Shavuot brought with Arthur Cohn when he escaped from Breslau, Germany, with his wife Johanna and 18 year old daughter Irma in May 1940. The appointment of Hitler as Chancellor in 1933 led to increasingly harsh persecution of the Jewish population. Arthur was out of town during the Kristallnacht pogrom of November 9-10, 1938, when the Gestapo searched his home and arrested the other Jewish males in the building. They told Johanna that Arthur could not leave the home when he returned. But when they searched the building again the next day, they did not search the Cohn's. Johanna's uncle, Dr. Leo Nast, had emigrated to the US in 1934. He sponsored the Cohn family's visa applications and they left for New York in May 1940.
Hagadah brought with Arthur Cohn when he escaped from Breslau, Germany, with his wife Johanna and 18 year old daughter Irma in May 1940. The appointment of Hitler as Chancellor in 1933 led to increasingly harsh persecution of the Jewish population. Arthur was out of town during the Kristallnacht pogrom of November 9-10, 1938, when the Gestapo searched his home and arrested the other Jewish males in the building. They told Johanna that Arthur could not leave the home when he returned. But when they searched the building again the next day, they did not search the Cohn's. Johanna's uncle, Dr. Leo Nast, had emigrated to the US in 1934. He sponsored the Cohn family's visa applications and they left for New York in May 1940.
Jewish prayer book brought with Arthur Cohn when he escaped from Breslau, Germany, with his wife Johanna and 18 year old daughter Irma in May 1940. The appointment of Hitler as Chancellor in 1933 led to increasingly harsh persecution of the Jewish population. Arthur was out of town during the Kristallnacht pogrom of November 9-10, 1938, when the Gestapo searched his home and arrested the other Jewish males in the building. They told Johanna that Arthur could not leave the home when he returned. But when they searched the building again the next day, they did not search the Cohn's. Johanna's uncle, Dr. Leo Nast, had emigrated to the US in 1934. He sponsored the Cohn family's visa applications and they left for New York in May 1940.
Die Heilige Schrift, The Holy Scriptures, a book brought with Arthur Cohn when he escaped from Breslau, Germany, with his wife Johanna and 18 year old daughter Irma in May 1940. The appointment of Hitler as Chancellor in 1933 led to increasingly harsh persecution of the Jewish population. Arthur was out of town during the Kristallnacht pogrom of November 9-10, 1938, when the Gestapo searched his home and arrested the other Jewish males in the building. They told Johanna that Arthur could not leave the home when he returned. But when they searched the building again the next day, they did not search the Cohn's. Johanna's uncle, Dr. Leo Nast, had emigrated to the US in 1934. He sponsored the Cohn family's visa applications and they left for New York in May 1940.
Von den Mysterien. 3, Fortuna - Scientia, a book brought brought with Arthur Cohn when he escaped from Breslau, Germany, with his wife Johanna and 18 year old daughter Irma in May 1940. The appointment of Hitler as Chancellor in 1933 led to increasingly harsh persecution of the Jewish population. Arthur was out of town during the Kristallnacht pogrom of November 9-10, 1938, when the Gestapo searched his home and arrested the other Jewish males in the building. They told Johanna that Arthur could not leave the home when he returned. But when they searched the building again the next day, they did not search the Cohn's. Johanna's uncle, Dr. Leo Nast, had emigrated to the US in 1934. He sponsored the Cohn family's visa applications and they left for New York in May 1940.
Die Gebete der Israeliten vollständig für alle Tage des Jahres [Prayer book]
Jewish prayer book brought with Arthur Cohn when he escaped from Breslau, Germany, with his wife Johanna and 18 year old daughter Irma in May 1940. The appointment of Hitler as Chancellor in 1933 led to increasingly harsh persecution of the Jewish population. Arthur was out of town during the Kristallnacht pogrom of November 9-10, 1938, when the Gestapo searched his home and arrested the other Jewish males in the building. They told Johanna that Arthur could not leave the home when he returned. But when they searched the building again the next day, they did not search the Cohn's. Johanna's uncle, Dr. Leo Nast, had emigrated to the US in 1934. He sponsored the Cohn family's visa applications and they left for New York in May 1940.
Jewish prayer book brought with Arthur Cohn when he escaped from Breslau, Germany, with his wife Johanna and 18 year old daughter Irma in May 1940. The appointment of Hitler as Chancellor in 1933 led to increasingly harsh persecution of the Jewish population. Arthur was out of town during the Kristallnacht pogrom of November 9-10, 1938, when the Gestapo searched his home and arrested the other Jewish males in the building. They told Johanna that Arthur could not leave the home when he returned. But when they searched the building again the next day, they did not search the Cohn's. Johanna's uncle, Dr. Leo Nast, had emigrated to the US in 1934. He sponsored the Cohn family's visa applications and they left for New York in May 1940.
Book of prayers in Hebrew and German brought with a German Jiewsh refugee
Jewish prayer book brought with Arthur Cohn when he escaped from Breslau, Germany, with his wife Johanna and 18 year old daughter Irma in May 1940. The appointment of Hitler as Chancellor in 1933 led to increasingly harsh persecution of the Jewish population. Arthur was out of town during the Kristallnacht pogrom of November 9-10, 1938, when the Gestapo searched his home and arrested the other Jewish males in the building. They told Johanna that Arthur could not leave the home when he returned. But when they searched the building again the next day, they did not search the Cohn's. Johanna's uncle, Dr. Leo Nast, had emigrated to the US in 1934. He sponsored the Cohn family's visa applications and they left for New York in May 1940.
Jewish prayer book brought with Arthur Cohn when he escaped from Breslau, Germany, with his wife Johanna and 18 year old daughter Irma in May 1940. The appointment of Hitler as Chancellor in 1933 led to increasingly harsh persecution of the Jewish population. Arthur was out of town during the Kristallnacht pogrom of November 9-10, 1938, when the Gestapo searched his home and arrested the other Jewish males in the building. They told Johanna that Arthur could not leave the home when he returned. But when they searched the building again the next day, they did not search the Cohn's. Johanna's uncle, Dr. Leo Nast, had emigrated to the US in 1934. He sponsored the Cohn family's visa applications and they left for New York in May 1940.
Siddur brought with Arthur Cohn when he escaped from Breslau, Germany, with his wife Johanna and 18 year old daughter Irma in May 1940. The appointment of Hitler as Chancellor in 1933 led to increasingly harsh persecution of the Jewish population. Arthur was out of town during the Kristallnacht pogrom of November 9-10, 1938, when the Gestapo searched his home and arrested the other Jewish males in the building. They told Johanna that Arthur could not leave the home when he returned. But when they searched the building again the next day, they did not search the Cohn's. Johanna's uncle, Dr. Leo Nast, had emigrated to the US in 1934. He sponsored the Cohn family's visa applications and they left for New York in May 1940.
Jewish prayer book brought with Arthur Cohn when he escaped from Breslau, Germany, with his wife Johanna and 18 year old daughter Irma in May 1940. The appointment of Hitler as Chancellor in 1933 led to increasingly harsh persecution of the Jewish population. Arthur was out of town during the Kristallnacht pogrom of November 9-10, 1938, when the Gestapo searched his home and arrested the other Jewish males in the building. They told Johanna that Arthur could not leave the home when he returned. But when they searched the building again the next day, they did not search the Cohn's. Johanna's uncle, Dr. Leo Nast, had emigrated to the US in 1934. He sponsored the Cohn family's visa applications and they left for New York in May 1940.
Jewish prayer book containing pressed flowers brought with Arthur Cohn when he escaped from Breslau, Germany, with his wife Johanna and 18 year old daughter Irma in May 1940. The appointment of Hitler as Chancellor in 1933 led to increasingly harsh persecution of the Jewish population. Arthur was out of town during the Kristallnacht pogrom of November 9-10, 1938, when the Gestapo searched his home and arrested the other Jewish males in the building. They told Johanna that Arthur could not leave the home when he returned. But when they searched the building again the next day, they did not search the Cohn's. Johanna's uncle, Dr. Leo Nast, had emigrated to the US in 1934. He sponsored the Cohn family's visa applications and they left for New York in May 1940.