- Collection Summary
- The collection consists of five German bank notes and a photograph album relating to the experiences of Gerhard Pleiss, an officer in the Leibstandart SS Adolf Hitler, 1st Company, in Nazi Germany, as well as the experiences of Milton Verne Elliott, a soldier in the United States Army who discovered the album during World War II.
- Provenance
- The collection was donated to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in 2013 by Wendie Theus, the daughter of Milton V. Elliott.
Browse 6 Items In This Collection
Gerd Pleiss photograph album
Document | Accession Number: 2013.455.1
inclusive: 1910-1942
Imperial Germany, Darlehnskassenschein [State Loan Office] 1 mark note from the album of a Waffen-SS officer acquired by an American soldier
Object | Accession Number: 2013.455.2
Nazi Germany, 5 mark note from the album of a Waffen-SS officer acquired by an American soldier
Object | Accession Number: 2013.455.3
Imperial Germany, 50 mark note, series 1, from the album of a Waffen-SS officer acquired by an American soldier
Object | Accession Number: 2013.455.4
Weimar Germany, 50000 mark note, from the album of a Waffen-SS officer acquired by an American soldier
Object | Accession Number: 2013.455.5
Imperial Germany Reichsbanknote, 100 mark note, from the album of a Waffen-SS officer acquired by an American soldier
Object | Accession Number: 2013.455.6
- Record last modified:
- 2022-07-28 17:54:01
- This page:
- https://collections.ushmm.org/search/catalog/irn79015