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Nazi propaganda poster exposing the Jewish conspiracy links to the Allied Nations

Object | Accession Number: 1993.35.1 a-b

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    Nazi propaganda poster exposing the Jewish conspiracy links to the Allied Nations

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    Brief Narrative
    German propaganda poster, now in two pieces, issued during the week of December 10 to December 16, 1941, from the Parole der Woche (Word of the Week) series. The poster contains a diagram that maps out the alleged power structure and key Jewish figures that controlled the Nazi’s enemies. The accompanying text elaborates on the diagram. It gives brief backgrounds of the key figures, and shows their interconnectedness as well as their familial relationships with world leaders. The antisemitic myth that Jews use their power and influence to manipulate and control world governments is one of the most prevalent and long-lasting antisemitic conspiracy theories. Popularized with the widespread publication of the fabricated, antisemitic text, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the canard was a key component in Nazi ideology. Propaganda propagating the hoax was widely distributed throughout German territories. The Nazis used propaganda to buttress public support for the war effort, shape public opinion, and reinforce antisemitic ideas. As part of their propaganda campaign, the Nazis created the Word of the Week Series of posters (also referred to as Wandzeitung, or wall newspapers), which began distribution on March 16, 1936. Each week, new posters were placed in public places and businesses to be viewed by as many people as possible. Posters were the primary medium for the series, but smaller pamphlets were also produced, which could be plastered on the back of correspondences. The posters targeted the Nazis’ early political adversaries, Jews, Communists, and Germany’s enemies during the war. The series was discontinued in 1943.
    Das jüdische Komplott
    Alternate Title
    The Jewish Conspiracy
    Word of the Week
    Series Title
    Parole der Woche
    publication/distribution:  1941 December 10-1941 December 16
    publication: Munich (Germany)
    distribution: Germany
    Credit Line
    United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Collection, Gift of Paula Flacks
    a: front, top, ptinted black ink : Der Präsident des Zionistischen Aktionskomitees, / der Jude Schertik, prahlte kürzlich: / „In der britisch-sowjetischen Allianz ist erstmalig ein / großer Erfolg des Weltjudentums errungen worden; / den seit Monaten haben maßgebliche jüdische / Kreise in Großbritannien, USA. und der Sowjet- / union am Zustandekommen dieser Allianz ge- / arbeitet.” / Dies „maßgeblichen Kreise” sind auf dem neben- / stehenden Schaubild aufgezeigt. [The President of the Zionist Action Committee, the Jew Schertik, recently boasted: In the British-Soviet Alliance is the first great Success of World Jewry; the authoritative Jewish Circles in Great Britain, USA, and the Soviet Union have worked on the creation of this alliance for months. These significant Circles are shown on the adjacent Diagram.]
    a: front, left center, printed, black ink : I. Die jüdischen Drahtzieher: / a) Jud Bernard Manasse Baruch, einer der größten / Hetzer und Kriegsgewinnler des Weltkrieges, / Erfinder der Versailler Tributklauseln, engster / Freund und Berater des freimaurerischen Juden- / söldlings Roosevelt, persönlich befreundet mit / Churchill, heute von den Amerikanern als der / „inoffizielle Präsident der USA. bezeichnet; [I. The Jewish Masterminds: a) Jud Bernard Manasse Baruch, one of the greatest rabble-rousers and War profiteers of the World War, originator of the Versailles Tribute clauses, best friend and advisor to the Masonic Jewish Roosevelt, a personal friend of Churchill, now known to the Americans as the Unofficial President of the USA]
    a: front, left center, printed, black ink : b) die übrigen Vertrauten und Mitarbeiter Roose- / velts: die Laguardia, Morgenthau, Bloom, Frank- / furter, Lehmann, Cohen, Kauffman usw.; [b) the remaining confidants and employees of Roosevelt: Laguardia, Morgenthauh, Bloom, Frankfurter, Lehmann, Cohen, Kauffman etc.;]
    a: front, left center, printed, black ink : c) Lazarus Mosessohn Kaganowitsch, einziger Ver- / trauter, intimster Berater, Stellvertreter und / Schwiegervater Stalins. Dazu: 406 Juden als Mit- / glieder der sogenannten Sowjetregierung und die / sowjetischen Verbindungsjuden Maisky in Lon- / don, Finckelstein - Wallach in Washington. Ferner: / die Frau Molotows, genannt Schemtschuchina geb. / Karp; sie halt die Verbindung mit den amerika- / nischen Börsenjuden Karp, Kahn, Schiff und War- / burg aufrecht, die bereits 1916 die Sowjetrevolte / finanzierten und heute zu den Vertrauten Baruchs / zählen; [c) Lazarus Mosessohn Kaganowitsch, Stalin’s sole confidant, intimate adviser, deputy and father in law. For this: there are 406 Jews as members of the so-called Soviet government and Jewish Soviet compound Maisky in London, Finckelstein - Wallach in Washington. Karp; he holds upright the contact with the African American Jewish market Karp, Kahn, Schiff and Warburg, financed the 1916 Soviet Revolutions and are now among Baruch’s confidants;]
    a: front, left bottom, printed, black ink : d) die Voll- und Halbjuden im britischen Unterhaus, / Kriegsminister a. D. Hore Belisha, die „Lords” Mel- / chett (alias Mond), Cassel, Rothschild usw. [d) the full and half Jews in the British House of Commons, Minister of War A.D. Hore Belisha, the Lords Melchett (aka Mond), Cassel, Rothschild, etc.]
    a & b: front, center bottom, printed, black ink : II. Die Handlanger: / a) Der Judenstämmling und Hochgrad- / freimaurer Roosevelt; [II. The Henchmen: a) The and high ranking Freemason Roosevelt;]
    a & b: front, center bottom, printed, black ink : b) der Judenfreund und Judensch wieger- / vater Churchill. (Seine Tochter Sarah: / verheiratet mit dem Filmjuden Vic / Oliver; sein Bruder: Compagnon eines / Londoner Börsenjuden.) [b) The friend of Jews and Churchill. (His daughter Sarah: married to the Jewish movie star Vic Oliver; his Brother: London Stock Exchange]
    a & b: front, center botton, printed, black ink : c) Der Judenschwiegersohn Stalin, ver- / heiratet mit Mossessohns Tochter Roisa.
    b: front, right bottom, printed, black ink : Den Bolschewismus ver- / nichten heißt: die jüdische / Verschwörung gegen das / Leben des deutschen Vol- / kes endgültig zuschanden / machen. Deutschland / kennt nur / eine Parole: / SIEG!! [To destroy Bolshevism means: the Jewish Conspiracy will ultimately wreck the Lives of the German People. Germany knows only one slogan: VICTORY!!]
    b: front, bottom left, center of logo, printed, black ink : K / No. 50 / PdW / 1941 / 10. 12 /16.12 [Number 50 / Word of the Week / 1941 / December 10 to December 16]
    b: front, bottom left, printed, perimeter of logo, black ink : Verantwortlich für den Inhalt: fritz kaiser, München / Verlag franz Eher Nachf., München [Responsible for the content: / Fritz Kaiser, Munich / Publisher Franz. Eher Nachf., Munich]
    Publisher: Zentralverlag der NSDAP
    Issuer: Reichspropagandaleitung der N.S.D.A.P.
    Editor: Hannes Kremer

    Physical Details

    Political posters.
    Physical Description
    Offset lithographic poster, now in two pieces (a and b), printed on off-white paper. The majority of a yellow diagram overlaid on a square, black background is in the upper right corner of b. In the center of the diagram is a black-and- white, brutish caricature of a Jewish man’s face with a stereotypically large nose, heavy brows, and thick lips. The face is surrounded by the diagram, which consists of two Stars of David emitting arrows that point to yellow boxes containing Jewish names, and white boxes with the names of the Allied heads of state. Below the diagram are two short columns of black German text, and the right column’s text is in larger, bold typeface. Under the diagram is a small logo consisting of a line of text arranged in a circle around three larger letters. To the left of the diagram, on part a, is a long column of black German text. The poster is now broken into two, uneven parts and is heavily, worn, soiled, and torn throughout. There are many losses to the paper itself, as well as the surface. There is adhesive residue where the paper has been torn away from the backer, as well as segments of pressure-sensitive tape in several places. Both pieces are adhered to a cardboard backing board, the edges stitched with thread, and the surface covered with plastic.
    a: Height: 32.500 inches (82.55 cm) | Width: 26.000 inches (66.04 cm)
    b: Height: 32.500 inches (82.55 cm) | Width: 21.500 inches (54.61 cm)
    a : paper, ink, cardboard, adhesive, thread, pressure-sensitive tape
    b : paper, ink, adhesive, thread, cardboard, pressure-sensitive tape

    Rights & Restrictions

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    Administrative Notes

    The poster was donated to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in 1993 by Paul Flacks.
    Funding Note
    The cataloging of this artifact has been supported by a grant from the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany.
    Record last modified:
    2025-01-02 11:25:31
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